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Irish Father on Hunger Strike
posted by Adam on 11:06 AM February 15th, 2004
Fatherhood Anonymous User writes "Father of two, Tony Hamilton, on hunger strike in Dublin prison after inability to pay maintenance payments to his wife."

You want to know what this is really about? This is about making men pay for sex. Yep, from alimony to child support and everything in between, men get thrown into prison for not wanting to be treated like a sub-human. I think I better get to work on updating my anti-alimony article....

Watch out MEN, Catwoman is coming | Glenn Sacks vs. Michael Moore  >

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Hunger Strike (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:04 PM February 15th, 2004 EST (#1)
The Irish Independent newspaper reported yesterday (Saturday 14 feb) that Tony Hamilton is entering the third week of his hunger strike. This was the only reference to the protest I have seen in the mainstream Irish media and it only got a few inches column space in the paper. I understand however that it has got a mention in some local radio stations. Mainstream national TV and Radio are (naturally) refusing to cover the story. If a woman were on hunger strike we would be getting saturation coverage 24 hours per day. Anyone wishing to support Tony could help by sending a brief note of support to Tony Hamilton, Father on Hunger Strike, Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, Ireland.
                On a positive note the Irish Government is introducing is bringing in a law which will lift the veil of secrecy which presently prevents the media reporting on the activities of the family courts.
Re:Hunger Strike (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:17 PM February 15th, 2004 EST (#2)
It is simply ridiculous that ANYONE male or female would even HAVE to endure someting like this, in our so-called "enlightened" era.

"Hoka hey!"

Marriage is a Gov't Shakedown of men. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:07 PM February 15th, 2004 EST (#3)
This is about making men pay for sex. Yep, from alimony to child support and everything in between, men get thrown into prison for not wanting to be treated like a sub-human.


Fatherhood today is nothing more than a gov't shakedown of men to fund the creation of future generations of taxpayers.

Isn't it funny how we force men to live up to their societal role stereotype of men as provider, but women in California (place I am familiar with) can abort babies, abandon newborn babies at fire stations, get exhoritant child support, commit paternity fraud and probably do other women's industries scams that I'm failing to mention, all without any obligation to live up to the societal role stereotype of woman as wife to her husband after child birth.

Men are relegated to nothing more than sperm donors and wallets in our feminized western societies:
(click) Mom's Precious Paycheck
(click) Fathers are more than Wallets

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey here is only as the page comes up initially.)

Sincerely, Ray
criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:23 PM February 15th, 2004 EST (#4)
You want to know what this is really about? This is about making men pay for sex. Yep, from alimony to child support and everything in between, men get thrown into prison for not wanting to be treated like a sub-human.

Right, so they can join the 95% male prison population. Isn't it odd how the media is so concerned about the share of males who are CEOs, and doesn't care at all about the share of males in prison?

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:09 AM February 16th, 2004 EST (#5)
95% male prison population. Isn't it odd how the media is so concerned about the share of males who are CEOs, and doesn't care at all about the share of males in prison?

That gives me a great idea for another T-shirt in our Privileged Patriarch line. There are no Privileged Patriarchs in Jail, just 95% men.

When you see how feminism affects men, and then see among American men how it egregiously affects minority men, there isn't a doubt in my mind that feminism is as racist as the KKK, just more subtle and insidious in the carrying out of its evil.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:31 AM February 16th, 2004 EST (#6)
In America today, on average, African American die 14 years sooner than white women, yet you don't see African American Men's Center all over college campuses like you do Women's Centers. Women Center's are predominately populated by white women.

There is no greater indicator of oppression than death. Acadamia needs to get its obfuscated, intellectual head out of its butt and see what unscholarly reasearch and irresponsible curriculum make up the body of women's studies programs across America's college campuses. We have not had such irresponsible, abhorrent puedo-science being actively promoted in America and California since the eugenics programs of the 30's. See links below for the history of eugenics in Germany, America and California and an apology from recently deposed Governor Gray Davis.

(click)Davis apologizes for California's eugenics law

I demand an immediate apology from California's Governor for the ahorrent psuedo science called women's studies curriculum and all the damage it has done to the lives of innocent men.

Sincerely, Ray

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:07 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#7)
>"feminism is as racist as the KKK."

I can vouch for that!
I have had some rad fems who didn't like what I have to say, mock me for being Indian.
(One even did the "woo woo woo" thing to me.)
Just another little factoid the media won't be truthful about, when it comes to feminists.
The feminists are just as anti-minority as they are anti-male, I can assure anyone.
Don't let the fact that they have a SCANT few minorities in their groups fool you.

"Hoka hey!"
Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:12 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#8)

"I have had some rad fems who didn't like what I have to say, mock me for being Indian.
(One even did the "woo woo woo" thing to me.)"


Isn't it amazing how when radical feminists are losing a conversation they turn infantile and insulting? I guess that's just another way they can claim that they are powerless and oppressed.

When defeated by logic and sound reasoning they claim that logic is abusive and a male trait. I can hear them now, "Wah! Wah! I can't have my way so I have to play my stupid card so society will punish the big bad man for picking on poor little helpless me. I'm just an emotional creature, and we have to make decisions based on emotions, or I'm being oppressed."

The cult of victimology that radical feminist embrace is exactly the opposite of what they allege is the case. They are the control freak abusers who torture and terrorize innocent men. It makes one wonder how these nut cases would survive if they didn't have men around to rip off and vilify.

(click)Blame Half the World


(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey here is only as the page comes up initially.)

Re: Female Pathology (Score:1)
by Roy on 10:25 AM February 18th, 2004 EST (#17)
(User #1393 Info)
Ray wrote re. feminists ...

"They are the control freak abusers who torture and terrorize..."

Well, actually it's worse than that.

Girls learn in elementary school how to use third party abuse and emotional violence to get what they want.

Friendship and its withholding, rumor-mongering, false accusations, shunning, the "silent treatment," ruining a person's reputation...

these are all standard psychological warfare tactics learned and refined in the average female's adolescence.

(See Rachel Simmon's - "Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls.")

Then, as women, these tactics are further advanced in their indirect (read - Nanny State's Feminazi Regime) aggression against men.

Feminism is a personality disorder bordering on true sociopathology. (See DSM-IV diagnostic manual definitions on the 'Net. The "Bible" of psychological disorder classifications.)

We don't need thousands of Womyn's Studies Centers on our nation's college campuses.

What we really need are Women's Restorative Mental Health and Recovery Clinics!

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:10 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#9)
You guys are stupid. Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children. You all should be locked up for just being stupid.
Re:criminalizing males (Score:1)
by Ragtime on 06:28 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #288 Info)
You guys are stupid. Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children. You all should be locked up for just being stupid.

I laughed out loud when I read this! I wonder what planet it's from?

Gee, Anon, you'd better be careful about advocating that stupid people should be locked up... If it came true, you'd be looking at a life behind bars!

(still chuckling)


The Uppity Wallet

The opinions expressed above are my own, but you're welcome to adopt them.

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:55 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#11)
"You all should be locked up for just being stupid."
          Actually, as a mens rights activist, you may be surprised to know that I sometimes feel we men DESERVE to be locked up for our stupidity. However, some men are stupid some of the time and all men are stupid some of the time. BUT NOT ALL MEN ARE STUPID ALL OF THE TIME and they are slowly beginning to wake up.Yes, future generations of men will look back in disbelief at our generation and how we were hoodwinked by women. They will marvel at our stupidity. They will be astonished that a man could be imprisoned if his wife felt he wasn't fulfilling his traditional obligations as a husband even though women had long since abandoned their traditional duties. How could men have been so stupid?, they will ask. There is no easy answer. Why did the peasants in pre-revolutionary France accept their slavery for so long and with such passive acquiescence? There is , again, no easy answer. However, just as the French peasants eventually threw off their shackles , men WILL eventually fight and defeat the feminist tyranny. And it may happen with the same rapidity. The feminists strut about with the same sense of invulnerability as did the pre-revolutionary French nobility. They gloat at mens stupidity as the French nobles gloated at the stupidity of the peasants. They may well suffer the same fate.

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 08:44 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#12)
You guys are stupid. Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children. You all should be locked up for just being stupid.


Wouldn't you be more accurate to say, “Women have the pains of childbirth, when women give birth as a result of relations between a man and a woman.” Many women actually consider this a joyful (although physically painful) time in their life. Get it right. The children are not specifically the sole result of either parent, but both parents. How irresponsible and typically feminist to try to shirk off the women's share of the decision to have children, when that tack can be used to the female advantage. Of course it certainly is the woman's child when she wants to “shake down” the Father for exorbitant child support.

I resent your use of the word "stupid" in reference to men and think that it really shows your own inability to communicate in a cogent and logical way. You have certainly shown your ability to be abusive, and in my opinion you appear to be a batterer. It appears you should attend anger management sessions put on by qualified presenters (not feminists) to get in touch with how your name calling and calls for actual physical restraint have hurt the men who post here. Your outburst of rage is probably just a result of the misinformation you have been fed by ignorant, militant feminist propaganda. Quite possibly that has been in women’s studies courses on some college campus. I am encouraged that you have visited this site and read these posts, and hope that you will make further efforts to enlighten what appears to be a misandrist, obfuscated, radical feminist viewpoint in yourself.

(click)feminist propaganda

Sincerely, Ray

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey iis only as the page comes up initially.)

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:04 PM February 16th, 2004 EST (#13)
Opps! Here's the link.

(click)feminist propaganda

(Please do not scroll up the page of the linked items. All the info I am trying to convey iis only as the page comes up initially.)


Re:criminalizing males (Score:1)
by buck25 on 12:43 AM February 17th, 2004 EST (#14)
(User #1576 Info)
"You guys are stupid. Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children. You all should be locked up for just being stupid."

Women do not have to pay for sex all the time by having children. In fact women do not have to pay for sex at all by having children. Women have far more available methods of contriception than men do. And if she does get pregnant or think she may be she can get pills she can take after the fact. And if all else fails she can get an abortion.

As soon as a woman finds out that she has become pregnant as a result of what her and a man has done she can terminate the pregnancy. A choice men do not have.

So with all the choices women have. It is men who are paying for sex by having children. The woman can choose wether to have children or not after the fact. A man cannot.

So I ask you, who is stupid?
Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:48 PM February 17th, 2004 EST (#15)
"Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children."

I thought women have a thing called 'choice' when it comes to birth. ya know, 'pro-choice'???

So, what you are saying is that even though women have this 'choice', it is still mens fault for women having the pain of having a child. How ironic in your fight against misogyny, you infantilize women. How ironic, that you should disempower women in such a way ; ).

p. george

(I didn't mention mysandry, because well, what would be the point?)

Re:criminalizing males (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:10 PM February 17th, 2004 EST (#16)
"Women have to pay for sex all the time when we have your children."
  Wome "have to " do NOTHING.
  1. They do NOT have to become pregnant. The choice to become pregnant resides exclusively with women.
  2. Women do NOT have to remain pregnant. The choice to remain pregnant resides exclusively with the woman.
  3. Women do NOT have to look after their children after they are born. They can abandon their responsibilities and hand the children over to Social Services. How many women are in prison for failing to pay maintenance?
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