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"These guys have nothing—not power, not sex...
...the more interesting question is whether their daughters will have to (or want to) "breast for success" when their turn comes. Oddly, that will turn somewhat on how these poor, broken young men view women and sexuality after a generation of being so confounded by it..."
The theme of this show is simple: Psychically castrate and publicly emasculate men...for entertainment.
This is a sick show...par for the course for our society and our times.
The men are being set up to fail...and be humiliated in the process.
First, no one on this show is qualified (on paper or demonstrable experience) to be President of a Trump Company. Trump is not looking to hire anyone! That puts the men at a distinct disadvantage because there is no 'need' to be filled. Concomittantly, the women enjoy a distinct but perverse advantage: They need not actually produce anything to look good. The game is rigged.
The men are confused and lost. Shirts and ties and pathetic 'yes sirs'. They are acting totally subordinate. What can they do? They know nothing about business except the garbage they learned in school. They (as well as the women) are qualified to do nothing...except be proteges. Any mentor worth his salt will always tell his protege, "forget everything you learned in school...this is the real world now".
Real success in any business takes not only competence but a degree of 'street wise', savior-faire, and emotional intelligence. However, these qualities take years to develope and hone, and more importantly, cannot be demonstrated in a vacuum. This show is a vacuum. The 'tests' are an illusion, there's no substance to's all contrived. Who needs lemonade?
Second, since Trump is not actually looking to hire anyone...he has no use for the men. Look at it like this: substitute a successful businesswoman for Trump and she'll have no use for a group of homely useless young women...the guys would then look good. Then have all of them sell cemetary lots to seniors. Now, a different picture emerges.
Because there is no real job that needs to be filled, and because these contestants are all basically unqualified, this show is an exercise in futility.
If I interview 'applicants' for the last position on a basketball team...but I really don't have a team, I can always summarily reject and humiliate a Michael Jordan type thru exercises in futility, and instead praise, promote, give all my positive attention to, and 'hire' a jiggly tits and ass. There's nothing at stake.
The theme of this show is simply to demean, ridicule, and humiliate men...everywhere. It's an exercise in emasculation and the promotion of whorrre power. That the networks continue to entertain the public with images and themes of women subjugating and humiliating men is telling and revealing of our perverse and sick culture. How these poor, broken young men view women and sexuality is obvious: With resentment, anger and ultimately hatred. This show directly promotes, spreads, and solidifies the gender war...and the polarization between men and women.
by Anonymous User on 08:58 PM February 13th, 2004 EST (#2)
There's only one way any man can react to any of this feminazi crap.
It's the only way to handle it.
Just turn our backs and walk away from women.
For good.
We have brains, and we think with them, not our balls. We just turn away.
As more men turn away, give it a few years, more women will be feeling the biological clock ticking and there will be less and less men available.
More and more man-hating, more of us will turn away as the crap gets more vitriolic, more and more women will lose the chance to have children, then... when the birth rate reaches a crisis point... they will have no choice but to either listen to us or to introduce a forced sperm donor rule (and that will start the revolution).
The womens movement is digging it's own grave, slowly... we just need to let them finish and then hammer in the headstone and take over.
by Anonymous User on 02:29 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#3)
The theme of this show is simply to demean, ridicule, and humiliate men...everywhere. It's an exercise in emasculation and the promotion of whorrre power. That the networks continue to entertain the public with images and themes of women subjugating and humiliating men is telling and revealing of our perverse and sick culture.
The sad thing is that they are humiliating themselves at the same time. So feminists are going to jump on this as well claiming they are the victims. It never ends.
The Biscuit Queen
The whole sad spectacle is an example of an entirely preconceived catch-22. If the men play...they lose. If they don't would be said they're not up to the challenge, and again...they lose.
The ingenuity of this staged emasculation and humiliation of men is two-fold, 1) A contest for a non-existant job, 2) bifurcate the applicants into two groups
When either of the above two requisite conditions are removed the complexion of the contest is completely changed.
If a real job -- an important one -- was at stake, Trump would obviously take a completely different route in filling the pressing need of his empire.
If instead of dividing the applicants into the obviously contrived groups of men v women, and instead men and women in each group, again the complexion of the contest would be completely altered. Imagine the uproar that would occur if it was revealed the women were trying to whore their groups to victory. This blatant admission of incompetency and ineptitude on the part of the women who attempted such would be scandalous. The network would be excoriated for producing a show so demeaning to women. The network execs would be run out of town on a rail.
The more you look at the structure and configuration of this show... the more clearly it's revealed to be a catch-22 for the guys. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
I believe that this network production is the most hideously vicious show ever none. It's profoundly disturbing and destructive.
by Anonymous User on 10:03 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#7)
I agree toataly with all the above posts.
The whole thing is like haveing a baseball game where one team MUST play by the rules, but the other team can MAKE UP it's own rules.
Whom (I ask rehtorically) is gonna be the winner of THAT game?
"Hoka hey!"
'The truth hurts... Ask any feminist.'
by Anonymous User on 10:06 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#8)
"Totally", I meant "Totally".
Not "Toataly.
I'm not THAT bad a speller...!
"Hoka hey!"
The world itself has become a catch-22 situation for men. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Thier is no set way of expected behavior expect from men except not to hurt woman in any way shape or form. Even if not hurting women means dieing inside ourselves.
by Anonymous User on 02:37 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#4)
Take a look at her article, "Be a Man, David":
It's the classic male-hating distortion of domestic violence. Silence male victims by telling them to "be a man." It's exactly what Linda Mills discusses here: s120203.htm
It's disgusting that such vile attempts to perpetuate the silencing and shaming of men are so commonplace.
by Anonymous User on 10:09 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#9)
Maybe some one should tell Nit-wit... er I mean Litwick to "shut up and take it like a woman".
"Hoka hey!"
The truth hurts..., ask any feminist.
by Anonymous User on 10:35 PM February 14th, 2004 EST (#10)
>shut up and take it like a woman.
That is what we should be telling all feminists, in general.
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