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Policeman fired based on accusation alone
posted by Hombre on 03:07 PM February 6th, 2004
False Accusations hurkle writes " The Phoenix New Times this week has a cover story about a rookie policeman who brought in a woman who would likely face charges of DUI, and she immediately charged him with anally raping her. She has a history of such behavior, but as we all know, that don't mean nuthin'."

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nice reporting (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 07:51 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#1)
Well the DNA evidence is puzzling (and I hope that someone investigated a conspiracy), but it's way too small to invoke the huge punishments associated with rape.

Women sometimes lie about rape. I think she's lying.

I also think that Kobe's accuser is lying. Funny how that case has faded from the media since the judge's preliminary report described how flimsy the evidence against him is. Just the usual media cover-up of the general criminalization of males.

Re:nice reporting (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:29 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#2)
I'm not sure if kobe's innocent or not. I'm skeptical of the girl though.

Either way, his career is forever damaged.

p. george
Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by A.J. on 10:02 PM February 6th, 2004 EST (#3)
(User #134 Info)
Thanks for posting this Hurkle. I hadn’t seen anything on it for a while.

The article treats the “microscopic bit of DNA” on his penis as if it is unexplainable without sexual contact. Why?

Our DNA is in every cell of our bodies, and may have come from anywhere on her – saliva, perspiration, dandruff, flaky skin, etc. Maybe she just sneezed. If he was in contact with her in any way he could have gotten her DNA on his hands and then transferred it to himself when he went to the john, or even when he just scratched himself.

Were this a case of an accused perp that claimed to have never had any contact of any kind with the accuser I’d say he was in deep doodoo. But according to the article she was uncooperative, he arrested her, cuffed her, etc. He had plenty of opportunity to get her DNA on him while doing his duty. And judging by her history, this woman is ten miles of bad road.

I think this guy’s being served up to the PC gods.

Re:Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by TLE on 02:15 AM February 7th, 2004 EST (#4)
(User #1376 Info)
I agree. Microscopic DNA? Excuse me for going graphic on everyone, but if he had anal sex with her the whole car would smell like ass. He wouldn't have DNA on his dick, he'd be covered in deep doodoo. I mean, how unrealistic is this? He would have to fight her in the back seat, actually get excited, and then get it in her butt? Come on. How can anyone buy this??
Re:Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by Doctor Damage (scottg [fivefoursixseven] at yahoo dot com dot au) on 06:58 PM February 7th, 2004 EST (#5)
(User #1252 Info)
Come on. How can anyone buy this??

except for the tragic exception of the phoenix police department, no one.

Only one scientist has testified in court that the DNA is definitely Levinsons, every other said that drawing conclusions from such small amounts of DNA is problematic.

Re:Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by Roy on 12:32 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#6)
(User #1393 Info)
Do you suppose maybe the local feminazi lobby applied just a little "back-door" pressure on the police administration and judge?

Phoenix has a well-ensconced feminist women's advocacy brigade with a primary mission to prevent justice from accidentally being served where men are concerned.

All they have to do is threaten a public "outrage" and the powers-that-be usually keel over and assume the submissive position...

"It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." - Roy: hunted replicant, Blade Runner
Re:Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 06:04 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#9)
(User #1505 Info)
Anyone notice how the criminologist, Virginia Smart, was SO SURE a minute amount of DNA could not be transferred from the hand during urination. (Almost like she had a penis!) This expert is exactly what colleges are turning out: protofeminists who are competent and objective until faced with a situation that involves sex or DV, then all common sense goes out the window and they reason like the worse idiot from a Ms.board forum.
Re:Another Sacrificial Lamb (Score:1)
by chuck on 02:19 AM February 10th, 2004 EST (#10)
(User #4 Info)
The simple way out of this;
Pick a group of officers who each have arrested a drunk, male or female officer, male or female drunk. Then after a few hours sample the officer's body (and clothes) for the drunk's DNA. By that time the cop has been to the john --and there's hardly anyone who washes his/her hands *before* going....

Dandruff is not rape.
Prosecurte False Accusers (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 12:54 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#7)
The legal system ignores prosecution of women who make false accusations, and word surely does get around that there is no penalty, but I say PROSECUTE FALSE ACCUSERS,

Check out my true sentiments on the above T-shirt (View Larger Image).

So far the legal system has not wanted to discourage women from coming forth with accusations of domestic violence or rape so they have not only allowed, but encouraged the fraud epidemic of false accusations we have today in our society. Couple that with the profiling prejudices, based on feminist training, that all police dept's. and judges labor under, and you see stories like this happen over and over again.

Law Enforcement & Government have changed (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:44 PM February 8th, 2004 EST (#8)
A this story points out law enforcement and government have changed.

Some of you old timers may remember the original "Dragnet" with Jack Webb. It starts out, "This is the city," and "I'm a cop." If so you probably remember too this shot of City Hall: Government.

I was downtown on "business" the other day and also took this shot before "business" about a block from city hall: Courts.

These pictures may not seem directly connected to this story, but I assure they are all a part of the feminist conspiracy against men that lead to stories like the one posted about this cop. Jack Webb must be rolling over in his grave like a Maytag, when stories like this happen everyday in America.

Sincerely, Ray

By the way, my day downtown was certainly not a monumental day, but overall, it was a very good day for men.
Several Problems (Score:2, Insightful)
by LSBeene on 03:05 PM February 10th, 2004 EST (#11)
(User #1387 Info)
I have read the posts and some of you have great points. I am gonna do a summary of MY points, but I am gonna include the ones I read here. So, you see what YOU posted, don't be offended, I am using the highest form of flattery: imitation.

1) Had the man USED a condom there would be spremacide (?sp) and other "oils" used on a condom on his penis. Rape testers don't know this? Lol, next...

2) As someone pointed out there would be condom "oils" and "spermicide" in the anus.

3) There would have been SOME fecal juice/material in the car, on his hands, his uniform ... whathave you. Anal sex is messy.

4) The car would have SMELLED like anal sex. Just being real here, but a few of us have HAD anal sex, and it's not all "flowers and roses".

5) The detective who investigated this said the officer could have written down the Licence place numbers of the cars before hand to get his story right. This is a VERY important point a many levels, so hear me out.
---First: that would mean that the officer, on his first night of duty, would have had PRECOGNITION to KNOW there would be a woman there, passed out, planned to rape the woman, KNOWN no one would drive by, that she wouldn't have woken up, and brought cleaning items to clean up her car and his car. But again, this means he would have had to have PRECOGNITION that she would be there and her inhebriated state
---The fact a veteran detective investigating the woman's claim had to come up with this lame ass theory shows exactly what a witch hunt this was.
---If the woman WAS raped, why was she scratching herself to "enhance" her story? Why did she pull down her own pants to "enhance" her story? Why did she say the officer knocked out her tooth to "enhance" her story? See, if ANYONE had to "enhance" their story so much, at so many turns, and change it even after THAT ... common sense would call them a liar.

This "Finding" by the police department was a sham. A detective knows what to look for. They know who to ask, to write it down. Cops get cross examined all the time by defense attorneys and know how to make a case. So you don't ignore critical questions, witnessess, and they are EXPERTS as taking apart bullshit stories (they do it to criminals all the time).

As far as the DNA ... folks ... you're missing something CRITICAL. A woman having anal sex is gonna have her juice/fecal material all OVER his pubic hair, his skin on his lower stomach, and if he wore a rubber ALL OVER his hands when he removed the rubber. If he didn't have a rubber this is RIDICULOUS. With moderen DNA evidence they can find FLAKES of SKIN after you touch something and get your DNA. And during sex you are doing more than a quick brush with your skin against another person.

It's a sham. He got screwed. If I thought he was guilty I would state that. But this case stinks of political influence.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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