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Superman joins Spiderman, Batman and Robin
posted by Adam on Tuesday February 03, @09:13AM
from the When-superheros-strike dept.
Men's Hour Raymond Cuttill writes "A number of protests throught Britain started early this morning. This evening some are still going. Details on the blog - Superman arrives and the police are all out of Kryptonite (Fathers 4 Justice protest on roads throughout Britain) and Superman arrested - Will he get Marlon Brando to defend him? (Some down, some to go in Fathers 4 Justice Roads protest)"

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Fathers 4 Justice II: The Empire Strikes Back (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on Tuesday February 03, @08:18PM EST (#1)
(User #266 Info)
I've just added this to the Blog

The occupation of several gantries continues. Some have been arrested. Most have later been released. The charges have mostly been public nuisance, conspiracy to commit public nuisance, endangering road users, conspiracy to endanger road users. (Endangering road users usually means doing something that could hurt road users, such as leaving debris on the road). There have been raids on protesters homes...

From Police raid "superhero" fathers in protests
A wave of new militant action by aggrieved fathers denied access to their children has sparked police raids this week and looks set to spread across the country, activists say. The raids followed two days of protests on Monday and Tuesday, when activists dressed as superheroes took their message to the streets, scaling overhead signs and closing down roads to deny motorists access -- "Just as we have been denied access to our kids".

Scuffles with police ensued, and in one case a protester was left hanging by one arm above a major highway, said campaign group Fathers-4-Justice (F4J).

Police said raids had been carried out at addresses in London and in the south and west of the country.

"Things are at boiling point, and the police raids have not helped," said F4J's Matt O'Connor. "I see a heck of a lot of disruption in coming weeks."
The raids have included removing PCs, mobile phones and papers, apparently in an effort to understand what F4J is all about. Perhaps they should look at the website. It seems it must all be a vast conspiracy of some sort; it can’t just be about fathers having some rights.

Apparently the police are getting nasty and perhaps it’s from orders from someone high up. Some say the judges are running scared; that this proves that Fathers 4 Justice are having an effect. It also seems that some people in the system are also victims of it. There is sympathy in some places you wouldn't expect to find it.

Police are trying psychological tactics, for example telling protesters that “Matt O’Connor is home in a nice warm bed while you are here” and anything they can think of to undermine the confidence of the protester.

These fathers remain determined. It seems some people simply want them to go away. It’s not going to happen. If their choice is to climb up on road gantries or simply forget they have any children, take a wild guess at what they are going to do.

Fathers 4 Justice are on the lookout for more men who are willing to taker on the system; who will risk jail but will remain calm and non-violent in the face of increasing police hostility and aggression, but it looks like they will get them.

More from Police raid "superhero" fathers in protests
Matt O'Connor estimated that 50-100 fathers would be in prison or facing prison by the end of this year. "It's very difficult for us to keep these guys in check," he added. "And the police are being very hostile, very aggressive."

London police said on Tuesday that six men had been arrested after protests around the capital, including one dressed as Spiderman on the M4.

O'Connor said his group was committed to non-violent action, but he could do nothing about splinter groups that were emerging from the movement.

"Last year there were as series of bomb hoaxes aimed at solicitors," he said.

"On average we get one suicide call a week. These guys are at the end of their tethers."

Re:Fathers 4 Justice II: The Empire Strikes Back (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 04, @12:25PM EST (#5)
I notice the BBC seem to be ignoring these protests (surprise,surprise).
F4J (Score:2)
by AFG (afg2112@yahoo.ca) on Tuesday February 03, @09:07PM EST (#2)
(User #355 Info)
Fathers 4 Justice kicks so much misandrist ass! I've been following these guys (and gals) for a long time, and I wish we had something like them here in Canada.
I love feminism!
where can i get a piece of that action? (Score:1)
by jimmyd on Wednesday February 04, @09:17AM EST (#3)
(User #1260 Info)
i'am sick and tired of the f4j people having all the fun. i want to sign up. i'am willing to do whatever i can. I make ofor an effective human road block.
Re:where can i get a piece of that action? (Score:2)
by jenk on Wednesday February 04, @10:20AM EST (#4)
(User #1176 Info)
Stay calm, guys, there is a US group underway, I will post details when we are up and running. I will hold you to your word to help!

The Biscuit Queen
Re:where can i get a piece of that action? (Score:1)
by Dave K on Wednesday February 04, @12:40PM EST (#6)
(User #1101 Info)
Here in the US the cops would probably just shoot you and then claim they'd got the highway overpass sniper! ;)

Dave K - A Radical Moderate
Re:where can i get a piece of that action? (Score:2)
by jenk on Wednesday February 04, @03:33PM EST (#7)
(User #1176 Info)
Such support from my other half!
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