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Daily Breeze Prints Veterans' Day Article
posted by Adam on Wednesday November 12, @11:18AM
from the Shredding-the-lace-cutain dept.
Reproductive Rights Marc writes "The Torrance Daily Breeze (a fairly big paper in Los Angeles County) just printed this Veterans' Day article about decorated veteran Taron James' experience with paternity fraud. He was served improperly, even under a different name, while serving in the Gulf War. When he returned he found himself locked into a child support obligation that he can't get out of even though a DNA test proves the child is NOT his. He never met, fathered, or saw the child. Meanwhile his entire family suffers. Taron and his friend Raegan, who founded Women Against Paternity Fraud, have been extremely supportive of NCFM-LA even on matters other than paternity fraud. They have become dear friends and we want their story to be known. Here's a good quote from Taron in the article: "Sometimes I just feel like a sucker. Veterans Day only reminds me that my government holds me and other vets in such contempt that it cannot lift a finger to stop a blatant fraud which victimizes tens of thousands of servicemen. Worse, the government actively enforces that fraud." Thank you to Glenn Sacks and Jeff Leving for this story. Marc"

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Paternity Fraud is the Equivalent of Rape (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 12, @04:36PM EST (#1)
I think that says in all.
I have the E-mail address of the Editor (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @04:54PM EST (#2)
(User #1387 Info)
Hey all, I will write more when I get home and can take time to think (am eating lunch and typing - poor keyboard).

      Here is the Editor of the Paper's address. I think we should drop a quick note to the editor asking for MORE stories on Paternity Fraud.


    I would, respectfully, disagree with the above poster, that Paternity Fraud is equivalent to rape. However I would say it is Felony Fraud, virtual economic slavery, and that it's disgusting that the politicians kow-tow to the anti-male crowd that supports it.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:I have the E-mail address of the Editor (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 12, @05:53PM EST (#3)
Maybe it depends on the kind of rape. The term seems to be used more broadly now, so it is harder to tell what is rape and what isn't.

I think I did read a feminist use the term "visual rape", indicating when a man looks over a woman (or maybe stares at her chest, something like that).
yeah, heard that one too (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @10:16PM EST (#5)
(User #1387 Info)
Yeah, I have heard of that kind of horse apples too. I have read where one "women's studies" student said to Christina Hoff Summers how she had experienced a "mini-rape" when a man had commented on her mini-skirt. It's sickening how REAL rape victims get lumped in with the whack jobs who think that using that (needfully) shocking and attention getting word. It's really disrespectful of the women who endure that violation. But, I do agree that Feminazis have so broadened the word's usage that anything that a woman experiences during sex that she doesn't like can be considered to have "traumatized" or "violated" her. To those, and not to the real victims, I say this: the opposite of that would be: does THAT mean when ever a man comes away unfulfilled, embaressed, or generally unhappy with a sexual encounter that we should jail the woman who caused him this "pain"? The shitty part of this is that men, for the most part, DO give deference to a woman who has been violated, and women, for the most part DO give empathy to men falsely accused. That said, the Feminazis want only one gender held to account for anything sexually unhappy.
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
Re:yeah, heard that one too (Score:1)
by Mark C on Thursday November 13, @06:49PM EST (#7)
(User #960 Info)
It's sickening how REAL rape victims get lumped in with the whack jobs who think that using that (needfully) shocking and attention getting word. It's really disrespectful of the women who endure that violation.

I agree, Steven. The other thing that occurs to me as I consider the rhetorical inflation that is happening with the term "rape" is "how long until someone decides to embrace the logical converse of these arguements?" That is to say, if we continue to say that commenting on a woman's short skirt falls under the same rubric as forcibly having sex with her, how long will it be before someone decides that maybe having forcible sex with a woman is no worse than commenting on her short skirt?

Simply put, It's not very hard for me to see the rhetorical inflation of the term "rape" doing to it what monetary inflation does to money: emptying it of all value. When feminists call every male behavior related to sex that they find distasteful "rape" I don't think they're doing women any favors in the long run.
I Stand By My Opinion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 13, @07:44PM EST (#8)
I consider paternity fraud rape because of the emotional and psychological devastation it does to a man. Paternity fraud is to men what rape is to women. Imagine learning that your children are not yours! Imagine learning that your whole life is a lie! I can't imagine, and I don't want to.
Re:I Stand By My Opinion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 13, @08:32PM EST (#9)
Without getting into the issue of whether it is equal to "rape" in some way, I'd like to add that it's not just that they find out the child isn't theirs. In those cases where they are in some way part of the child's life, they find out it's not theirs usually in a horrible way, such as during a divorce/custody battle, or some other hurtful context, and it is used against them emotionally and otherwise. Also, a huge portion of these cases are ones where the guy never knew the child and is locked into it for 18 years, ruining his livelihood and his mental health, straining his entire family, and putting him in despair every single day while the government enforces the fraud and nobody listens, and the politicians and DCSS call it the "child's best interest" while he's stigmatized as a deadbeat.

Correct, I cannot imagine going through that for 18 years and I am continuously amazed at the restraint that these victims show. I think I would go berzerk.

I wrote this email to Taron James (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 12, @08:59PM EST (#4)
I'm proud of you buddy. That was a heck of a story in the Daily Breeze, and that letter Marc sent to the editor was a real zinger too. I hope it gets published.
I never cease to be absolutely amazed at how incredibly powerful our little underpowered group of people is. It is humbling to see decent people working together using truth to seek justice. When one person courageously appeals for fairness, it encourages us all. It also helps all men by alerting the public to the plague of militant feminism that is working so hard to malign and cheat all men. Again, my thanks and appreciation.
Sincerely, Ray
Here is the letter I sent to the Editor (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Wednesday November 12, @10:41PM EST (#6)
(User #1387 Info)
Dear Editor,
        This letter is in reference to your article Torrance veteran feels mixed emotions. I am a member of the military and have a wonderful wife. That said, I have seen many women who have looked at a military member as a means to a lifestyle, albeit a steady versus a wealthy one, instead of defenders or our nation and as human beings. The current paternity laws allow women to "father shop" as they please for the man who most likely will be able to provide a steady "income" to the woman and her child, and to do this felony fraud with little or no fear of legal nor societal repercussions. It's a simple fact that a crime that can be committed with no fear of repercussions will be committed. If there were a "no arrest for theft day" then most stores would be empty the day after such a ridiculous event. Even when the paternity fraud is proven there is little in the way of punishment for this thief as people empathize, wrongly, for a woman with a child. The real empathy should be given to the man robbed of his paycheck, his livelihood (as in the case of Taron James), and his clean record. The often ignored issue is whether such a felonious criminal is a fit person to pass on the lessons of life to a forming mind: the often forgotten child. Women who do this should be jailed as the criminals they are and made to pay back the money, with interest. This is a logical extension to the current laws that make men who fall into arrears of child support pay interest on the money owed. The "best interests of the child" are to be raised by a moral and nurturing soul, not to be raised to think theft, character assassination, and the welfare state are a way to go through life.
        L Steven Beene II

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
A friend wrote this to the Daily Breeze (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 13, @11:13PM EST (#10)
Thank you very much for your article "Torrance Veteran Feels Mixed Emotions." Hopefully the article will help draw attention to the horrendous practice of paternity fraud.

According to the American Association of Blood Banks roughly one third of men tested for paternity test negative even though a women has named them the biological father; or, several million men a year.

Insecurity, deceit, greed, uncertainty, and vengeance drive tens of thousands of women to wrongly name men as fathers. Much worse is California's intentional system of indentured servitude hotly defended by a small contingent of ideologically driven politicians, political interest groups, and an entrenched bureaucracy.

Radical state legislators like Hanna-Beth Jackson and Sheila Kuehl rabidly torpedo all efforts to resolve paternity fraud issues in favor of innocent men and their family of choice, preferring to force such men into bankruptcy or suicide after assuring the transfer of their assets to a women who a man may have never met, seen, or had any contact with whatsoever.

California's Child Support Collection Agency is largely dependent upon federal matching funds and resists all attempts to free paternity fraud victims for no reason other than misdirectional fear of losing money and political expediency-- a canard that could have ended last year had Governor Davis not vetoed comprehensive paternity fraud legislation for exactly the same reason. They shamelessly hold jobs and political correctness like a guillotine above the restrained heads of equal protection, fair treatment and thousands of innocent men, second-wives, and children of choice.

Far left leaning feminist and lesbian organizations regularly show up at paternity legislative hearings and hotly defend the status quo with convoluted logic about protecting innocent children, another misdirectional canard that serves no one but themselves.

Exactly what values do we teach children when they learn their sustenance comes directly from theft? Do they sit around the kitchen table with mom joking about the stupid man who was trapped into paying their rent? Do they care that a decorated soldier just back from battle in Iraq finds himself facing a dishonorable discharge for failure to pay child support because he chose to spend what little he earned supporting the woman he married and children he fathered? What does a woman who perpetrates paternity fraud tell her children when the checks stop because her mark committed suicide from the stress of being robbed blind? How does such a mother teach her children about freedom, due process, equal protection, justice and the things that make us great and fair-minded?

This is a sick system with no resemblance to the America I know, or knew. The government sanctioned crime of paternity fraud is as egregious as the wicked ways that led to herding Jews into box cars, gassing Kurds, and hanging Blacks. But unlike those heinous pogroms paternity fraud is not driven by religious, ethnic, or racial hatred. Paternity fraud is targeted against an entire gender, men, and deemed to be in the best interests of the State under the guise of best interests of children. Can you hear the goose-stepping...

Re:A friend wrote this to the Daily Breeze (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 13, @11:16PM EST (#11)
and I wrote this to my friend:


That was one of your best, but in the famous words of Jack Nicholson, "They can't handle the truth," Why? Because lies are the conditioning that feminist use to initiate other females to the dogma of the feminist agenda. Quite simply, your truths do not methodically lead to, or support feminist beliefs. Even though they are factually true, logical and just plain common sense, they are not accepted, because they block feminists from believing what they invent to believe. Back home in Missouri we called that, "just plain ole pig headed ignorance," but in more sophisticated parlance I would refer to it as the feminist cycle of stupidity (you know like the Duluth Wheel).
When "----" spoke at at "a local college," he said that when Jack Nicholson said that famous line in the movie "A Few Good Men," he really meant that men say that to each other to make then tough enough to accept the cruelty and violence that men commit against each other. I can see where he could make such an argument, given the roles that men are forced to play in order to survive in our society, but I think, more fundamentally, he just used his feminist filters to give Jack's saying that little male blaming spin so as to more comfortably fit his beliefs. Ironically, the meaning of that saying is specifically explained in the movie.
It's hard to turn a charging elephant when it's made up its mind that the mouse in its cage is just about to rape it. Feminism is the elephant and all man fit the profile of the mouse and are thereby guilty by reason of birth. Hey, if the other elephants say the mouse is a rapist, it must be true. Everybody in the circus (government) knows how terrible it is to have the elephants upset so we better have a campaign to eradicate all the mice. Besides, who's going to listen to a bunch of pip squeak mice. They have no voice, and those elephants can curdle blood with their screams.
Things are so much easier to understand, when we just throw in a few barn yard bromides, and apply a little bit of that country boy reasoning.

Only got a few seconds during lunch (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Friday November 14, @05:33PM EST (#12)
(User #1387 Info)
This letter was OUTSTANDING. (Better than mine)

I really like the concise and organized way it was written. Kudos to your buddy.

Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
If it were me.......... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday November 15, @12:57PM EST (#13)
I'd do whatever it took and leave the country and renounce my citizenship, then take as many of the Tryanny's stormtroopers out with me when they tried to bring me back. I'll be damned if I live under tyranny.

I'd die fighting as a free man rather than live as a slave on my knees.
Re:If it were me.......... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday November 15, @02:53PM EST (#14)
This is exactly what the cowards in government who are fostering this kind of hate law against men would like so they can further vilify all men as violent perpetrators. Indeed, I suspect you are one of their ilk who has come to this site to harass and bait decent men who are trying to solve this problem working through the freedoms that our fore fathers have left us.

Next time you come here trying to bait good men into biting on your enticement to violence I suggest you keep your bare hook(s) for your own digestion. Our guts are already in bad enough shape from the aggravation of tyrannical feminist laws and the poor diets we live on to pay those scams artists their extortive blood money. The only man capable of being a slave is one who throws his life away uselessly, foolishly on some inane act of violence that only gives militant feminists more fuel to oppress more men.

I unequivocally condemn your rant for the misandric drivel that it is. Liberated men are not so disposable or chivalrous that they will from this point on throw their lives away for so little.

Sincerely, Ray

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