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Wash. Post covers bris ceremony
posted by D on Tuesday October 21, @02:16PM
from the Circumcision dept.
Circumcision Matt writes "In the 10/18 Wash Post: Washingtonpost.

This is a toughie- the challenge here is to call into question the practice without seeming to attack the faith of those doing it. If this can be done, since it is likely to get coverage vs. "routine" circumcision, bringing the issue up in a letter to the editor in this context could serve the cause of getting awareness of male genital integrity issues increased-- but it's a tightrope-walk, no doubt. No objection can be seen to be an attack on the religious context in which it applies, or risk distraction from the issue or worse yet, a further entrenchment of the practice in the name of religious self-defense."

"Only those who think they can word their letters appropriately would I encourage you to write; I suggest you have several people review it before sending it, esp. find if you can find observant members of the Jewish faith to see if they think the wording of your letter may be counter-productive; they need not agree with you, just see if they think the wording is patently offensive to their religious beliefs. I feel that the goal is not to annoy or alienate people but to communicate the position that boys deserve genital integrity as much as girls regardless of the beliefs of adults, and that such a decision should be made by the man himself once old enough to do so, not his kin for him.

Uusally I lean toward the side of taking action at risk if need be, but in this case, if you don't think you can write with clear sensitivity to the religious matters involved, I say, don't do it, as it is not likely to help the cause. But the good news is, hey, this article was even published at all in the first place."

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