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Feminists catch heat for their politics
posted by Hombre on Sunday September 21, @04:53PM
from the NOWs-downward-spiral dept.
News azcentral.com reports that...

" In the latest blow, the New York Times a longtime champion of women's rights, dismissed as "silly" NOW's decision to endorse the lone woman in the Democratic race.

"We have become a target," said Roselyn O'Connell, president of the National Women's Political Caucus, which joined NOW in endorsing former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun."

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My E-mail to NOW (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Saturday October 04, @12:45AM EST (#1)
(User #1387 Info)
To whomever may read this, thanks for taking the time to do so.
This is in reference to the article : AZCENTRAL Feminists catch heat for their politics
This is what was reported:

"We have become a target," said Roselyn O'Connell, president of the National Women's Political Caucus, which joined NOW in endorsing former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun.
Don't you get it, stop playing the victim card. "Target"?! Hell, I am in the military and I have seen targets. You aint it. People keep marginalizing you because you try to set men and women on a "us" versus "them" attitude. People are SICK of the Gender Warfare you keep propagating. WHY do you think so many WOMEN are joining the IWF (Independent Women's Forum). Helping women: OUTSTANDING Helping women at the detriment of men: GETTING OLD - PC SALAD DAYS ARE OVER!!
The article said:

"There is a movement coming from a number of different places to marginalize and discredit the feminist movement," O'Connell said. "The parties and candidates want women's votes, but they expect us to capitulate on the things that are important to us."
        Give the rest of us a break. Just because PEOPLE disagree with N.O.W. doesn't mean that they marginalize or discredit WOMEN. You only have 50,000-55,000 PAYING members. Someone who visits your site, or gets a letter each month is not a practicing member. Stop being so full of hatred towards men and help women at the same time. Your base of support will mushroom.
The Article said:
NOW and the political caucus were infuriated by Sunday's editorial in the Times, which said the endorsement of Braun, a longshot candidate, "trivialized the important role women will play in the coming election."
NOW's president, Kim Gandy, said the editorial "smacks of sexism."
        People who disagree with you are not immediately sexist. That term has run out of ammo when you use it. A politician won't tell you to your face you don't scare him/her anymore, but why are they ignoring you. If someone is a longshot, they are a longshot. Was "Seabiscuit" 'marginalized', was "Rocky" the victim of 'racism' being the longshot, are you kidding me with this alarmist stuff. You have rung the alarm too many times, you're shooting yourself in the foot if you think its gonna keep working.

"Are they going to call a civil rights group silly, or a veterans group, or a labor union, for making an endorsement they don't agree with?" Gandy asked. "We know they wouldn't use that language with any group of men."
        What planet are you looking at?! YOU SAY THINGS ABOUT MEN. All the time. Yes, people are going to disagree with you. Welcome to politics. Wonder WHY only one candidate in Vermont (of any merit) showed up? Stop being so mean. YOU are marginalizing your own movement. It may be hard to hear that, and especially from a man, but I aint the one making your image take a beating.
        People are sick to death of the Gender War. The "woman living w/out a man" thing is making WOMEN miserable. Ask em. Look in Cosmo, look at college campus news letters, look at advice columns. Women can't find men who want to commit and men are tired of being ripped apart. Support women without villanizing men. It's not hard. If you stop making SLOP science and selective/creative/lying-by-omission "statistics", which are now blowing up in your face since you stood by them when knowing they were false, then you will regain your credibility.
        Ignore this E-mail. Make jokes about how "I" just don't "get it". Funny thing if you live in an insulated world. You can't see the outside and how it's changing. Men and women are looking for more reconciliation and you are just selling victimology, hate, and long debunked lies. It's time to come into the new Feminism of rejoicing of women and helping women. Not scaring women and filling them with fear. PC had its uses. For a long time you scared men into silence. Now, even the women Feminists are starting to ask about NOW's out dated agenda. It's not my fault. Don't blame the messenger. Even if he's a man.

                Steven Beene
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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