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Mercedes murderer to get joint custody.
posted by Hombre on Friday September 19, @12:37PM
from the worst-interests-of-the-children dept.
News SacredNaCl writes " Houston Chronicle
" A judge on Monday granted Clara Harris, serving a 20-year sentence for running down her husband with her Mercedes Benz, joint custody of her 5-year-old twin sons. The boys' paternal grandparents were given visitation rights.

The agreement approved by state District Judge K. Randall Hufstetler in Brazoria County names Harris as well as her former neighbors, Pat and Ana Jones, as joint managing conservators of Brian and Bradley Harris. The boys' grandparents, Gerald and Mildred Harris, will have visitation rights every other weekend, for extended periods in the summer and on alternating holidays, said attorney Lloyd Stansberry, who represented the Joneses.""

Washington Post covers DC Commission on Black Men | Embarrassment  >

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She'll help choose the schools (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday September 19, @01:53PM EST (#1)

Right. Let the old bag who turned her husband into road kill choose the driver's ed class. Yeah, that's brilliant.

Madcap Misogynist
Re:She'll help choose the schools (Score:2)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Friday September 19, @02:29PM EST (#2)
(User #661 Info)
Wonder if we can get someone to do that cunt what was done to that child molesting priest in prison?

Naw, she's going to a womyn's prison, and they'll all stick together.
* Putting the SMACKDOWN on Feminazis since 1989! *
Beyond disgusting.... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on Friday September 19, @09:41PM EST (#3)
(User #907 Info)
Anyone who doubts the statement that women are coddled and pretty much, with rare exception, allowed to get away with murder while men are guilty even when proven innocent need only look at this for evidence of the contrary.

Men: stay single, stay childless. That's the best advice you can take.
Re:Beyond disgusting.... (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on Saturday September 20, @12:15AM EST (#4)
(User #1339 Info)
This story just made me go UGH.

I was absolutely stunned. I don't even have the words to express how gawd awful ugly their ruling is.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
ow. (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Saturday September 20, @01:34AM EST (#5)
(User #665 Info)
I already had a headache, and now I see this. I'm gonna start blaming men's activism for my bodily complaints, you have to go and inform me of these things and make my brain hurt or my stomach turn. I'm sure I could figure out a way to blame the rest on y'all too. ;)

Anyway, this does hurt one's head. Isn't it generally agreed that if you are found guilty of murder, you're probably not the best parent? Jeezus, her own defense was "sudden passion" how can you say she should have equal consideration when choosing medical procedures, schools, etc? ugh.

By the way, does anyone have any more information here:
http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/metropoli tan/2108516
Apparently these kids are finally staying with Dad after Mom happened to stab Daughter. No information is given about whether or not the parents are divorced, or Dad is suspect of anything - yet he's obliged to undergo psych counseling, etc. he's the one that informed CPS about his wife, as far as I can see.
A Bastard In A Blacksheet (Score:2)
by Luek on Sunday September 21, @04:59AM EST (#6)
(User #358 Info)
District Judge K. Randall Hufstetler is the bastard.

This is just a sign that the sainted and ill used Ms. Harris will never serve anywhere near the 20 year sentence she was given. And 20 years was awfully light for the crime she committed. No, some middle aged male in a blacksheet entranced with feminism and a super sized ego will get her out within five years if not sooner.

Judge Robert Noland quote:

"I ain't never seen a calf follow a bull. They always follow the cow. So I always gives custody to the mamas." *

  *Source: "THE CASE FOR FATHER CUSTODY" by Daniel Amneus, PhD., page 9 of free download PDF file located at:

http://www.fathermag.com/news/3788-fathcustbook.sh tml

"More harm is done to our society by the fascist tyrants who wear black
robes than by the fascist tyrants who wear white ones."

When Gender Kills (Score:1)
by LSBeene on Sunday September 21, @10:27PM EST (#7)
(User #1387 Info)
This decision is really insane. I started to write a thought out and example filled answer, but I can't. Why, proving water to be wet, the sky to be blue, and a brutal spouse murdering woman is not fit to be a cutodial parent is silly. She murdered her husband. She RAN HIM OVER. More than once. What happens when the kids make her angry. Well, if its a male child she could claim some PTSD or Flashback. If its a female child the story will be filed on page 115. This is so wrong on so many levels. And we MEN are supposed to be the oppressors!? GIVE ME A BREAK!
Guerilla Gender Warfare is just Hate Speech in polite text
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