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His Side: Less Dads, More Crime
posted by Adam on Tuesday September 02, @02:56PM
from the His-Side dept.
News Anon user writes "According to a new Justice Department study, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. More than 5.6 million Americans are in prison or have served time there--one out of every 37 American adults. Studies show that crime is correlated with fatherlessness more than with any other social factor, including income and race. Jennifer Roback Morse, author of "Parents or Prisons," discussed this problem on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 31. To listen to the archived version of the show, go to His Side for more."

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US Prison Population (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on Tuesday September 02, @08:13PM EST (#1)
(User #1200 Info)
Culture, Fatherlessness are two reasons US Population is growing and the highest in the World. Destroy the family and Men's participation in Family life, make Women responsible for solely raising Children, who are emotionally oriented and this is the fruits of the Feminist Movement and its war on Men for the last 35 years. We are all paying for it. Also Blacks refuse to admit that crime is an epedemic in their community. They glorify Gangster Rap Hip Hop culture and this is the fruits of their debasement of Black Culture.
Re:US Prison Population (Score:1)
by Renegade on Tuesday September 02, @09:07PM EST (#2)
(User #1334 Info)
One of the sad things that I have noticed when it comes to deliquent children/teens is that the father is to blame. If the family has deliquent children and a father, then the father is blamed for the childrens behavious because he abuses them, molests them or he works too hard and is never home. If a deliquent child is in a mother-only home, the father is still blamed because he is not around, left the family or abandonned them. This is usually what I see portayed in movies or on talk-shows.

Re:US Prison Population (Score:1)
by cshaw on Wednesday September 03, @10:13AM EST (#3)
(User #19 Info) http://home.swbell.net/misters/index.html
The high US prison population togeather with the disproportionate number of males in prison is indicative of the political, social, economic, and legal oppression of males in the USA.Gender feminism and other social,cultral, political, and economic policies that have an particular adverse affect on males are a major factor causing the high US male Prison populaton. Included in the same are "affirmative action" laws which laws put males out of work and subsidize females and fatherless families, our "war on drugs" and other "moral" laws which were promulgated, in major part, by females, for the purpose of forcing males to meet the economic and social needs of females. The same have resulted in the disproportionate incarceration of males. Other factors have resulted in the political,legal, and economic disenfranchisement of males which, of course, will and have resulted in the disproportionate incarceration of males.
C.V. Compton Shaw
Re:US Prison Population (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday September 03, @12:53PM EST (#4)
How is the war on drugs forcing males to meet the needs of women? Not trying to be sarcastic, it just seems out of left field and I can't see the connection. Thanks in advance, Jen
Privitization of Prisons (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday September 03, @07:10PM EST (#5)
The privatization of prisons into profit making businesses has helped create this epidemic of imprisonment. The most ticky tack nonsense imaginable is now and imprisonable offense and zero tolerance hysteria trumps reasonableness in every case, to wit: current domestic violence laws that target men just because they're bigger.

A powerful lobby has risen out of the prison business that wants to build more prisons and put more people in jail, because it puts money in their pockets.

Marx was right (Karl not Groucho), Capitalism will fall like ripe fruit from a tree.

That old communist adage is also true, "A capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him with."

It is ironic how the powerful, Marxist-Leninist, feminists have used capitalism to help destroy capitalism so they can redistribute the wealth away from the patriarchal power base.

It is no coincidence that 93% of the prison population is male and the majority of that population does not have a High School education. Where is Title IX when you need it? Oh yea, Title IX is a one way street that only looks at inequities where women are not in a majority.

When you're a 2nd class citizen like all men are under male bashing feminist laws, prison is the perfect place for you.

What do I plan to do about all of this? Answer: Nothing! That way I can write to this site in a few years and say, "When they came for Fred, I did nothing. When they came for Bill I did nothing. When they came for Bob I did nothing. When they came for Tom I did nothing, then they came for me and it was too late to do anything."

Sincerely, Ray

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