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The routine drugging of little boys
posted by Adam on Tuesday September 02, @09:52AM
from the Hmmm.... dept.
Boys/Young Men Ray writes "I was watching MSNBC and heard that Scarborough Country (Labor Day evening) was going to be talking about the drugging of little boys in school, "just because they're little boys who do not fit the feminist model for males." One of our protest signs says, WE DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO THE FEMINIST MODEL FOR MALES. I would like to see a discussion of sports as a place for the displacement of aggression for males. The feminists don't subscribe to displacing aggression, because they feel that all forms of aggression are wrong. Title IX certainly is helping to derail the displacement of aggression for males, and drugs seem to me to be a far worse alternative. What's a guy to do? Ray, California"

Prosecutors Fight DNA use for Exoneration | Father guilty after taking son to hospital.  >

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mensactivism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday September 02, @12:56PM EST (#1)

I think it is time for this website to advertise on other mainstream websites that attract men.

The problem is that today mainstream media outlets do not give real (or any) attention to the damage feminism has had in school systems (like drugging boys for being boys) and in culture as a whole.

Most men simply do not know what is going on.

This website should find ways to get the message out to men who normally do not look into gender issues that are affecting all men in society.

This probably is the most productive effort this website could have.
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