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Farrell addresses spirited protest rally in front
posted by Adam on Friday August 29, @10:48AM
from the Go-Warren! dept.
News Anon User writes: "Men's and fathers' rights California gubernatorial candidate Warren Farrell addressed a spirited protest rally against anti-father family court bias Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles. For details, see "Fathers' Rights California Gubernatorial Candidate Warren Farrell Addresses Rally in Front of LA Court"

death penalty | This is what it's come to.  >

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Media Coverage, Police (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday August 29, @04:00PM EST (#1)
CNN national aired its coverage of the rally twice on August 27. Fox 11 News also covered it. Hot Jamz 92FM in L.A. took interviews and will air a story on it soon. Coast News, a weekly magazine, interviewed NCFM-LA about Warren and about the rally and will print a story in about one week. NY Times Sunday Magazine was at the rally and spent alot of time interviewing Warren, and they said they will soon do a story on Warren along with a small selected number of other candidates and their issues. That's the coverage we know of so far.

When the building security told us to remove the sound system from the building property, an off-duty LAPD Lieutenant came to the court on a child support matter and said he supported us (he said "men are treated as wallets in this building and nothing more), so he went to the security and told them he was with the LAPD and that the ralliers had a right to have the sound system there. About an hour later the security came out again and said there now were complaints from courthouse staff and therefor we had to turn the sound and gas generator off and that the police were on their way. We turned the sound down a little (it was loud, we admit) but we did not turn it off or stop speaking for at least another half hour. During that time we saw the LAPD drive by slowly and look at the rally two times but they didn't stop or do anything.

Thank you Men's Activism News Network and its staff for helping publicize this event!

Re:Media Coverage, Police (Score:2)
by Luek on Friday August 29, @06:38PM EST (#2)
(User #358 Info)
So how many people showed up for this event?

I think Dr. Farrell himself said that on the battlefield of men's rights you can always count on the men to not show up for the fray! (or something similar to this)

Did the activism of Fathers 4 Justice in England have an impact on the rally? Were the little apparatchiks inside the court(slaughter)house apprehensive about possible violence because of what is happening in England?
Re:Media Coverage, Police (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday August 29, @07:45PM EST (#4)
I forgot to mention campaign workers brought 28 Warren Farrell for Governor T-shirts to this rally, and they went like hot cakes. They were able to save a few to give to Warren, but there's already an order in for more. They also gave out Warren Farrell for Governor bumper stickers.

So in addition to everything else you've visulalized picure most of those people walking around in men's issues T-shirts.

About an hour into the rally I saw a guy across the street at the light with a MEN'S COMMISSION NOW T-shirt on and walking in our direction. It felt good. Here was coming a guy who had been to our June 10th rally before the Board of Supervisors, and wearing the same T-shirt we gave him then.

I wore a T-shirt that had 5 skull and cross bones on it and said:



Were people shocked by our presence, our messages?
Ummmmm, could be. It looked impressive, if I do say so myself.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:Media Coverage, Police (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday August 29, @08:27PM EST (#6)
I'd say there were between 30 and 40 present at any given time during the main part of the rally. Some of them were at tables and handing out literature. From a distance it looked like more than that number because we had signs, a bullhorn, a microphone, and a pretty big amplifier. Yes it's hard to get men there. It takes calls and networking more than anything else, on top of flyers, emails, announcements, etc. Radio announcements don't seem to do much. It's the interpersonal that works most at this stage, at least for us. There are even a small number of fathers' groups that show little or no interest in showing up even when we attend their events and they agree the work is needed. I won't name them. But it's disappointing to say the least. But we are getting an increase as we network and meet more people. They're scattered all over the place, both people and groups, so it takes coalition-building which of course takes time and effort.

A little pre speech (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday August 29, @07:09PM EST (#3)
I got there early, before the main speakers arrived. They were giving us a hard time with our freedom of speech in a public venue so at one point I picked up the bull horn, turned up the volume and presented this little speech from the public sidewalk. I was facing the deadbeat dads court while speaking.

Did they hear? Oh yea, you betcha.

"First off let me say that I am not a representative of the government. As a citizen voter I am the government!

Last night as I was sitting in my chair thinking about this rally, I asked myself, 'How can a man get ahead in this misandrist society?.'

Men are:
99% of combat deaths
94% of work place deaths
76% of homicides
75% of suicides

Men are 93% of the prison population, and the majority of those don't even have a High School education. We have now passed Russia & have the #1 rate of incarceration in the industrialized world.

Yet today, on our college campuses, in the abhorrent pseudo-science known as Women's Studies, it is taught that men are 'privileged patriarchs.'

Well, I'm here to tell you there are no 'privileged patriarchs' dying in Iraq today, just men, and there are far fewer 'privileged patriarchs in our society than there are privileged feminists.

On our same college campuses, men who have not registered for the draft are denied student loans, while women are not even required to register for selective service.

Male bashing is rampant in our colleges, in our courts, in our domestic violence shelters, in our news media, and through out our society. Today, when men aren't abused, they aren't getting any consideration at all. Men are now the politically correct targets of 2nd class citizenship.

It is time for all of this systematic, institutionalized discrimination against men to end. EQUAL JUSTICE FOR MEN NOW!"

Sincerely, Ray

Re:A little pre speech (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday August 29, @08:11PM EST (#5)
Ray, you rock!!! Thanks for your efforts, bro.
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