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Men and Alcoholism
posted by D on Monday August 04, @08:44PM
from the Health dept.
Men's Health This is an area I don't think I've seen very much of in regards to men's activism. Though I think women are suseptible to this as well, from what I know it is mostly men who suffer from alcoholism. Go to this LINK and have a look at the subliminal messaging this ad expert is describing to us. I found the site to be very informative overall and is worth looking at in regards to media, marketing and conditioning of the masses. Also make sure to read this LINK Perhaps not all alcoholics are born some are made.

Why women make better managers?! | Watermelons Are In Season!!!  >

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alcohol (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday August 05, @09:42AM EST (#1)
I guess I never really thought about this topic, but it is true that Alcohol is primarily and aggressively marketed to men.

The message in the marketing usually is drink our alcoholic beverage and you will - meet women - have sex - or win in some type of athletic competition.

It seems reasonable to say that society makes it easy for men to slip into alcoholism by chasing men out of their homes with unjust laws and by marketing alcohol specifically at men.

Usually beer Ads reinforce stereotypical male behavior as well…

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