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The Mommy Dearest to the Max
posted by Adam on Friday July 25, @01:15PM
from the Inequality-before-the-law dept.
Inequality Luek writes " This is a story about hideous monster called Theresa Cross. She murdered her 'first husband' when she was 18 and got away with it by playing the abuse excuse card in court. This was in the early 1960's! She then killed two of her daughters and plea bargained. Before she killed her two siblings she ruled her brood for years with a venomous brutality that would make Ghenghis Khan blush. Theresa Cross is epitomizes the denial society is in when it comes to female domestic violence. For years this cretin carried on a reign of terror against her family that would never have been tolerated if she were a man."

Tom Leykis makes a stand | No Man Could Do this!  >

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