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Real Men, Real Depression Chat
posted by Steve on Tuesday July 08, @01:26AM
from the Men's-Health dept.
Men's Health Men's activists are invited to the next chat at MaleDepression.com.  The chat will take place on Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 8:30 p.m. Central Daylight Savings Time.  (That's Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 01:30 GMT.), at MaleDepression.com's chat space, and the topic will be  "Real Men, Real Depression."  Real men do suffer from depression.  However, we don't always recognize it, and we rarely talk about it.  Take a step toward changing that by joining our online chat, and invite some friends.  (Click on "Read More"  below to see more information about the topic.)

In the United States alone, about 6 million men suffer from depression and other mood disorders.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), as compared to women with the same conditions, men who suffer from mood disorders may experience the following symptoms much more frequently:

--abuse of alcohol or drugs,

--feeling frustrated, discouraged, angry, and irritable,


--throwing themselves compulsively into work, hobbies, or sports,

--hiding depression from themselves, family, and friends,

--engaging in reckless behavior,

--taking risks, and

--putting themselves in harm's way.

Men also kill themselves four times as often as do women.

(For more information about NIMH's "Real Men, Real Depression" campaign, visit their Web page.)

We'll explore some of these characteristically male symptoms of depression and discuss why they can harm us.  We'll also talk about the barriers that men encounter when they try to seek treatment, both cultural and practical. 

Join us at this week's chat to ask questions, share information, or just get some friendly support from other men who struggle with mood disorders.

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