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by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @03:52PM EST (#1)
Sorry as soon as I read the first paragraph and the statement about women being programmed to be gold diggers (like that makes it ok) and how a lawyer is a good catch I couldn't read any more of it. Men staying at home with kids is a great trend, forcing men through AA to be unemployed isn't.
I'll bet you that these men who stay at home are going to be dumped like hot potatoes by most of these women, the men then will most likely have there kids taken away or have to fight tooth and nail to keep them. I wouldn't be suprised if these ladies also get the cars and the house even though the guy is the "primary caregiver".
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @06:32PM EST (#2)
Ah, but the rub is women DON'T WANT "Mr. Moms". They want men who outearn them (preferably with a six to eight figure income and the looks of a male model, who can read her changing-every-two-seconds mind and respond with perfect precision). Geez I'm glad I'm single. Hell, with mammals like women no wonder the dinosaurs died out.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @07:04PM EST (#3)
Yes, that's why I said these men that are forced into unemployment and being stay at home dads are most likely going to be dumped like hot potatoes. Sure the wives may stick around for a while but in every instance I've known of the first person to take off usually with all the cash and assests when a man gets sick or unemployed is there "to death do us part" wife. They're no longer "good catches" as the article calls 'em. It's a rare occasion when a women will allow the husband to make the choice to stay at home or go to work.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @07:23PM EST (#5)
"Sure the wives may stick around for a while but in every instance I've known of the first person to take off usually with all the cash and assests when a man gets sick or unemployed is there "to death do us part" wife. They're no longer "good catches" as the article calls 'em."
Of course you're exactly right.
Depending on whose numbers you like, women file from 70% to 92% of all divorces. According to the book "Women And Love" by Shere Hite, the "four A's" of divorce - adultry, abuse, addiction and abandonment - don't even make the top eight reasons given by women for divorcing. So the vast majority of divorces are for no good reason. Even worse, she does usually get most of the spoils from the marriage and even what he had beforehand, along with the kids and alimony and child support, even if the divorce was her fault.
It boggles my mind why any man would want to marry nowadays, knowing a woman will take off at any time the mood strikes her, or the bigger, better deal comes along. I've come to the conclusion that men who do marry these days must be either superbly confident in their mate, unaware of the facts I've just described, or argueably insane.
Just let things go the least bit wrong, and you're exactly right, there is no such thing as a till-death-do-us-part wife anymore.
- Freebird
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @11:44PM EST (#10)
This is why I keep saying "STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN!"
A man needs a woman like a Jewish person needs the Nazis.
...Hey, another idea for a T-shirt...!
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @06:33AM EST (#13)
"...Hey, another idea for a T-shirt...!"
How about this one:
"Where the heck is Captain Midol when you need him?"
- Freebird
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @07:40AM EST (#15)
Yeah, I like that one!
Stop supporting socialism. Maoist china did the exact same thing, they subjugated the man of the house and destroyed family loyality.
So far feminists have been able to keep women in the matriarchial position, but soon, and as soon as they can, they will turn the family against the mother.
Orwell knew it very well, as history has merely repeated itself.
They've turned adult women into adolecent children with no responsibilities or ethical backgrounds. The men or boys are not much better.
The first thing that has to be done is to stop highering lawyers all they do is litigate the fuck out of our bank accounts.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @08:10PM EST (#7)
What does socialism have to do with dads deciding to raise there kids?
with all this time on their hands, these men can be recruited to further the cause of equality and end misandry!
Always try to find that silver lining in the clouds, guys. When you stand in the rain and cry, no one sees your tears. Sing and smile, and everyone will want to know what you've got that's so good.
Mitchell A. Smith
Purveyor of bad metaphors
"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @09:31PM EST (#8)
Men deserve an equal opportunity to be a stay-at-home parent or a wage earner/wage slave. The problem, as the comments correctly note, is that stay-at-home dads are screwed by the family courts (sexism in child custody, child support, alimony, etc.) The answer is to stop hating men (the primary focus of feminism) and to get serious about promoting equal opportunity and fighting sexism.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @10:01AM EST (#16)
The courts are a huge problem. What dad is going to want to stay at home knowing that at any time there wife could leave them on the street with no home, money or children or she could continue to lord over them knowing if the dad leaves the house with the kids he will be charged with kidnapping. Check out go to the disccusion forum, then the relationships section, then divorce, then "After 20 years, she wants it all". Some pretty sick stories there. Of course there are no shelters set up for dads and kids to go to in an abusive situation especially if things get nasty during a divorce.
Another big obstacle is the non-acceptance by women of guys that stay at home. Most stay at home dads (by choice) that I know of are not made comftorable at parenting groups or playgroups. Mothers have this idea that only they are the ones that can perform the rocket science that is house cleaning. I had read an article, I think it was posted here, about how women consiously or unconciously try to force men out of doing things around the home by constant criticism and offhand remarks.
The last obstacle are the Dan Lynch types and the "macho" men that think dads staying at home are socialists, wussies or whatever stupid ideas they come up with. So this is in some ways mens fault for not being supportive.
by Anonymous User on Tuesday May 06, @11:35PM EST (#9)
Keep in mind that the educational system is stacked against boys. Sommers' The War Against Boys is just the tip of the iceberg. (That means it is a damn huge iceberg!)
Here's an unoriginal observation:
Degrees which require self-confidence more than inate intelligence or creativity, such as MBAs and medical doctorates, (that look for extra-curricular activities, sports, etc. in admissions) are the graduate studies where women outnumber men. Not to say that there aren't brilliant MBA's and M.D.s out there, but you don't have to be brilliant; you do have to be motivated and have access to educational resources.
PhD's are the only degree still a male majority, and admission is based on mostly just research/grades/GRE scores. (Of course, if you're female, that helps in the admissions, too.) There are many brilliant women getting Ph.D's, but math, computer science, physics etc. would not exist if men weren't around.
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @06:01AM EST (#12)
To whom ever you are, anonymous, you are stating some basic truths that those outside academia are not privy to. You make some very good points. Salute
Significantly, I believe, the point about self-confidence is important. And I mean SELF CONFIDENCE!
That is exactly why the school system nibbles away at boys' self confidence, anti-male advertising, and all the rest of misandric media. Destroy the boys' self confidence and empower the girls. It's pretty darn obvious.
Now the question is, what do we, men, do about it? For a start, understand the problem. Next, alert boys, who aren't stupid, to exactly what's going on. Alert them to the feminist attack on them at schools so they can place into perspective their daily lives and events. I have done this with my own son and he "gets the picture". He passes the message to his friends and the message runs through the school student undercurrent.
When boys know they're under attack, they respond naturally to it - they are just little men - and they know what to do. They're not stupid.
But! They need your support to guide them and to stop them from going ape, which is likely, and to give wisdom and tactics to their daily routines. Boys aren't stupid and they do understand. Trust them.
Confidence - the thing feminist schooling strives to take away from boys. It works. They're very efin' good at it. So, you have to do double time as a dad to pump more confidence into your boys at home. Choose activities that girls aren't good at. There's millions of activities and usually they involve, as specified - maths, science, mechanics. The stuff most girls are hopeless at.
There's a lot you can do to support your boys. More than I can think about. But I'll tell you this. Take your boy, just you and him, leave mom and daughters at home, to the local go-kart hire venue. Watch his face come alive. Watch his confidence build instantly. Watch him beam with excitement. He feels masculinity.
It doesn't have to be karting, but any activity that uses his skills and imagination in something physical and mentally challenging at the same time is what will give him self-confidence.
It's what will defeat his school teachers who strip him daily of it and rub into his face that he's just a dumb boy.
He isn't! And that's a fact. Support him. He really needs you!
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @01:27PM EST (#17)
100% correct!
One point to add:
Men have been some of the world's greatest writers. However, many boys never have a male English teacher until college! Self-confidence is essential for good writing, especially for college admissions essays and scholarship applications etc. So, any fathers out here should make sure they work on their sons' writing skills somehow. Communicating via e-mail from work is an easy way to make sure your kid writes at least once a day. Discussing books by famous male authors over dinner, or on car trips etc. is another thing you can do.
(As you can see from this post, I could use some better writing skills myself!)
start learning Linux! There would be no need to rely on the OS from that feminazzi bunch of loons if you just make an extra partition on your hard drive, install a Linux OS you can live with (of course that requires a teeny bit of research), but how serious IS anyone about cutting off the offenders from having sway over our daily lives? I now have a second computer that is a 286 Compaq, bought used from one of those strip mall style asian-owned or arab-owned computer stores. It was owned by a university so it has been through the mill a bit, but it's fast with Linux, and it will be my internet machine. I'll only use Windows off line for some graphics software that I need for work, but I do NOTHING else with it. Soon, that software will be ported over for Linux, and I will be able to clean that Windows machine's hard-drive, and put something else I may want to learn on there, like FreeBSD, or something opensource that is being worked on. The hard part is getting started, I know. But its security over the internet is virtually bulletproof, and the office and graphics software that comes free with it will get you unadicted from your MS Word, and EXcell, and into new exciting equivalents that even import your older Office files and convert them. Gates is a pussy. I just didn't beleive it when I first heard it. It took time to wise up, but he's not doing anything to make it better, just worse, and he's given the company store over to feminazidom. Billionaires. Hah! They come and go, don't they?
Starza.... Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on Wednesday May 07, @06:43AM EST (#14)
"Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!"
Perhaps it does seem harsh to some people. But the more females in general parade about flaunting their female supremist attitudes, the more the criticisms of them seen here appear founded. The "gals" make our points for us.
- Freebird
Linux wont run on a 286.
Tim Those who like this sort of thing
will find this the sort of thing they like.
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