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Gadzooks! Many Women Stop Pretending to Want Equality
posted by Thomas on Wednesday April 30, @06:36PM
from the News dept.
News Napnip writes: I was at my local mall today, and there is a store in it called "Gadzooks". It's a trendy clothing store that has all the latest fasions. Well, when I walked past it, I noticed they had lots of large print signs in the windows. The signs said "SAY NO TO EQUAL RIGHTS" and "PROUD TO BE A SEXIST". The signs all had pictures of beautiful women with the bold letters in front of them. Another sign said that all the male-related items were on sale and that the company was switching over to a completely female-related product line. If you go to their website, you'll notice that their homepage says "By this summer Gazooks will become a whole new place. One that celebrates, glorifies, dresses and accessorizes girls only." Notice the words "celebrates" and "glorifies". It's one thing to switch over to a strictly women's clothing store. It's another thing entirely to blatantly display sexism to the point that their signs declare that they're proud of it! Do you think we should start a letter writing campaign to this company?

If you look at the lower left corner of Gadzooks' Home Page, you'll see a poster that says "EVERYTHING FOR GUYS MUST GO!" Note that the "EVERYTHING FOR" is much smaller than the rest, so what really catches the eye is "GUYS MUST GO!"

Also, Dan Lynch found this gem. Can you imagine an all-men's store selling T-shirts that say "GIRLS ARE STUPID... THROW ROCKS AT THEM!"?

MANN Chat: What Men's Health Crisis? | Paternity Fraud with a real sting in the tail  >

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Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Wednesday April 30, @09:25PM EST (#1)
(User #661 Info)
I think it answers very well why such vacuous and petty things are found in "wimmin's spaces."

Seven Questions Women Most Frequently Ask About Men

(...and the answers they don't want to hear)

1. Why do men continually offer solutions and give advice?

A: Being more rational than women, men are naturally oriented to problem solving. This is what reason dictates. If a problem is posed, the natural response of the reasoning mind is to find and propose a solution. The female mind, being more emotional, has less interest and inclination to resolve problems; it is far more inclined to bathe in the waters of the emotion involved. Also, men offer advice to women because that's what women want and respond to. This dynamic indicates to the woman that the woman is valued (or at least, she thinks it does) and also allows the woman to take action without the burden of personal responsibility - they can simply act on the basis of advice given. In this sense, men, thought the avenue of advice giving, present women with one of the greatest gifts that a woman could want - a means by which to absolve themselves from responsibility for their actions.

The other, and perhaps less complicated reason for this behaviour in men is that men seek to dominate the world through mental action; women submit to the world and flow within its turbulence because they have no corresponding mental activity. Without the advice and problem solving of the males around them, most women would collapse into a pathetic heap. So, instead of asking why men continually offer solutions and give advice, women should ask themselves why they continually need it.

2. Why do men keep flicking through the channels with the remote control?

A: I can't say that I've noticed this to be an exclusively male behaviour, but the reason for it seems obvious: the vast majority of what's on television is so brainless, emotional and directed at women that men are forced to move about the channels just to escape it. It is a type of psychological defense mechanism. Men do not "flick" when watching the news or their favourite sports event, for example. And any man who lives with a woman knows that it is predominantly her abode. If there is some evidence within the household that he lives there, he's pretty lucky. Given this, it could be that exercising territoriality over the television remote control is one of the few ways he has of expressing his existence in the environment.

3. Why don't men stop and ask for directions?

A: Independence of spirit and sense of personal responsibility; the deep desire to solve problems for themselves and the satisfaction that goes with having done so.

4. Why do men insist on leaving the toilet seat up?

A: Why do women insist of being concerned with such trivia? Why do women insist on leaving the toilet seat down? Why do women believe the world should be set up for their benefit? If men have to lift the seat up every time, why can't women put it down? If this is the sort of thing that women actually do most frequently ask about men, it is proof positive that women are hopelessly self-obsessed and mentally vacuous.

5. Why do men make such a fuss about going shopping?

A: Like everything they do in association with women, their souls are at stake! I'm not entirely sure what "fuss" means in this question, but I suspect it's another example of men wanting to get the job done and not waste hours of one's life browsing over things that are of no interest to him and which will never be bought anyway. Men tend to hate window shopping. Sure, they can browse for ages looking for the best hammer in the hardware store, but their approach is directed and specific. Women browse merely to indulge themselves. If a man needs a litre of milk, he can walk into a supermarket and just get the milk; the average woman quite likely won't be seen or heard from for the next hour or more. No wonder men make a "fuss". I know of few men who don't very soon repent of their decision to go shopping with a woman.

6. Why do men have such disgusting personal habits?

A: Women are far more obsessed with how they appear than are men, therefore women attend to issues of personal habits - at least in public circumstances - far more than men. But it all depends on one's perspective of what constitutes a disgusting personal habit. I can think of few personal habits more disgusting than that of spending an entire hour of one's life piling chemicals onto one's face in order to appear more "attractive", or that of filling the air with ridiculous odours and sprays. Women are also more attuned to the immediate sensory environment than men, so women seek to control that environment more. This is why they have different standards for domestic cleanliness. Women are also far more concerned than men about what other people think of them, so they are always on the look-out for any misplaced element of their selves or their immediate environment. Men are "slobs" because they don't care so much what people think, because they are not as acutely attuned to their sensory environment as women, and also because they inhabit a far more abstract, intellectual world. And here is where the whole notion of disgusting personal habits takes on a new meaning. Men have tidier and more structured minds than women. Women's personal mental habits are about as disgusting as human behaviour gets. But no-one even talks about this area of human activity because it's not what females value. As usual, notions like "disgusting personal habits" is viewed almost entirely through the filters of feminine values. Maybe that's the most disgusting habit of all!

7. Why do men love gross jokes?

A: Men are more anti-social than women (i.e. they have a far greater capacity for the expression of individuality). Men like to push boundaries, defy conventional social moral mores. Men like to express their identity by a show of dominance (in the form of defiance) of the dictates of the herd. Women dislike gross jokes because they are more "civilized". Unfortunately, being more civilized means being more oppressed by one's need for relation to others; it means being more passive, submissive and dependent. And, of course, as with the last question, what constitutes a "gross" joke is always something determined by a woman.

The Seven Biggest Mysteries (supposedly) About Men

(...and the answers no-one wants to hear)

1. Why don't men know much about their friend's lives?

A: Men know as much as they need to know. Men come together in friendship as a consequence of shared values or interests; women as a consequence of a need for relation itself. Men have no need of the details of a friend's life beyond the context of those shared values or interests. For a woman, knowing as much detail as possible about a friend's life is part of building an egotistically beneficial relationship. It also provides women with the ability to gossip, exploit, manipulate and express power. For women, the nitty gritty, mundane details of the everyday (i.e. the immediate) is predominantly what their lives are made of, so it is unsurprising that they would value this and what to have knowledge of it with respect to their friends. Men, on the other hand, meet each other on a far more abstract and conceptual plane and those nitty gritty details of their more general lives are simply irrelevant to this.

2. Why do men avoid commitment?

A. Clearly, men do not avoid commitment. Men express commitment everyday across a whole spectrum of life matters. What women are really saying when they ask this question is: "Why do men avoid commitment to us?" Also, they are saying that commitment to them is really the only kind of commitment that matters. Men make a commitment to careers, politics, sports, principles an so forth all the time. It is surely one of the most perfect expressions of female vanity that a seeming unwillingness to commit to them on the part of men, signifies a general avoidance of commitment. That in itself is good reason for men to be wary of commitment to a female. Who wants to commit themselves to a creature who apparently believes herself to be God's gift to the universe, something inherently valuable and utterly magnetic? Men resist commitment to women - to the degree that they even really do - because it represents the potential loss of their freedom; of their individuality which they value highly and which women don't even comprehend. In short, men know the difference between commitment and - capitulation!

3. Why do men feel the need to be right about everything?

A. Well, I'm more interested in why women don't! Could it have something to do with conscience and responsibility? Certainly a man's need to be right about things because he has a conscience about being wrong, is tainted by an egotistical need to dominate, but this is surely preferable to the egotistical need to be passive with respect to the meaningfulness of what one is expressing. Women don't like to be held to account, therefore they have no concern for being right about anything, for to claim rectitude is to place oneself squarely in a position of responsibility, possibly even blame. We perceive men as being arrogant in this respect and women as being reasonable and open-minded. The truth is far other than this, however. The need to feel that one is right about things is in fact an entirely noble feeling, so long as it is accompanied by a conscience and a willingness to concede error when it's pointed out. Women avoid the whole dynamic entirely. They blissfully spew out opinions on everything and everyone, yet never feel the touch of the burden of conscience or responsibility, because, well, they never feel that they are necessarily right in their opinions. This is part of the reason that hardly any woman in history has achieved anything of worth in areas like philosophy and science. There must come, at some point, a willingness to say that one is right about something; a willingness to stand up and be counted and to be held to account. Only a woman would place a negative connotation on wanting to be right.

4. Why are grown men so interested in boys' toy's?

A. Men don't entirely lose the curious, adventurous, effervescent life of boyhood. Women think of this as a form of immaturity, but that is because women are basically dead in spirit and have been almost the entirety of their lives. So-called "boys' toys" often present two things that the male mind relates to: physical and mental challenges and the ability to imagine, to go places in the mind, to dream and idealise. Since women largely lack a mental life, they have no means by which to relate to this dimension of maleness. It is sometimes difficult to come to terms with the depth of unconsciousness women have with respect to the world they inhabit. If it weren't this "boyishness" in men, this sense of dreaming, adventure and creativity, the civilisation which women take for granted would probably never have eventuated.

5. Why can men only seem to do one thing at a time?

A. The male mind is designed for penetration and focus. This enables men to achieve great things within specific spheres of life. It is precisely why almost all the great thinkers, scientists, artists etc of history have been men. The multi-tasking of the female mind most certainly has its value, but it is not suited to the realm of serious philosophic thought.

6. Why are men so addicted to sport?

A. Men value sport, either on the basis of the personal challenge it represents to them, or because they can relate in a vicarious fashion to the structure, logic and challenge that sporting activity represents. Personal challenge seems to be something of an anathema to a great many women; it seems not to be a natural part of the feminine psyche. The elements of sport speak to the nature of the male psyche, which is why most sports have been created by men. It means challenge, struggle, overcoming. These things are much less apparent as values in the female psyche, which is why we see in tennis, for instance, that when a woman is losing a match she usually falls in a complete heap and the score-line looks something like 6-4 6-1 6-0. Male players who may possibly be quite out of their depth will nevertheless rise to the occasion and make a battle of it, perhaps even, through sheer brute determination and focus, prevail over a "better" opponent. One again, if it wasn't for this dimension of the male psyche, civilisation as we know it, and as women enjoy it, wouldn't exist.

7. What do men really talk about in the rest room?

A. That's simple enough - nothing. For men toilets are for pissing and shitting, not for undertaking various forms of social discourse. Some men may pass a few words between them when standing at a urinal, especially if it's a urinal in a pub and they've been there some time, but they do not venture into rest rooms in groups and sit on the wash basin benches and gossip and natter. Talk about your disgusting personal habits! Women really can't do anything on their own. Being of a more solitary nature, men don't feel the need to be constantly engaging other men just for the sake of it. Men respect each other's individual space. Women constantly network. Relation is their raison d'être.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Wednesday April 30, @10:38PM EST (#2)
(User #1161 Info)
Just curious. Where is the "elsewhere" where you found this? I'm not sure I agree with everything here, but at least it's an intellectual male response to questions, as opposed to something from MAXIM.
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Thursday May 01, @08:08AM EST (#11)
(User #661 Info)
Just curious. Where is the "elsewhere" where you found this? I'm not sure I agree with everything here, but at least it's an intellectual male response to questions, as opposed to something from MAXIM.

You know, I run across things, I say, "Damn! That's good" so I copy it out and throw it in my "Masculist Wisdom" directory. I'll be dipped if on this I didn't tag where I took it, though.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday May 01, @02:25PM EST (#24)
(User #280 Info)
Found this on AngryHarry.com.
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Thursday May 01, @03:26PM EST (#27)
(User #661 Info)
Well, that figures. Trust AH to have the repository of all the finest rants and diatribes.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Thursday May 01, @01:14AM EST (#6)
(User #573 Info)
Indeed, this was a very interesting read, if simplistic. It tries pretty hard to pigeon-hole both genders. I think it's mostly true, just not at quite the magnitude stated.
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Thursday May 01, @08:06AM EST (#10)
(User #661 Info)
I think it's mostly true, just not at quite the magnitude stated.

As with most everything. Trouble is, once you start qualifying everything, and backing off the hyperbole, it becomes wishy-washy and ceases to make people take notice, let alone think.

Come to think of it, we have a resident pheminut who's battle cry seems to be "Not ALL!" and such. Methinks she's not as dumb as she tries to play.

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Found these Elsewhere (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @02:10AM EST (#7)

...On the other hand, Have you ever considered writeing a book?
I'D buy it!

contact them (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Wednesday April 30, @10:39PM EST (#3)
(User #1161 Info)
On the page with the sexist t-shirt, there's a link for "contact us". Be warned; they get your e-mail address, but maybe if they get flooded with multiple offendees they'll get the point.
Re:contact them (Score:1)
by HombreVIII on Wednesday April 30, @11:03PM EST (#4)
(User #160 Info)
My email to them...

"You want to know what you can do better? Well you could start by not being violent bigotted assholes. When some boy gets severely injured because some girls decide to emulate the violence that you are promoting on your "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" shirt, how much do you think you'll end up paying out after his parents sue you, per my advice?

PS - people thought anti-semitism was harmless back in the 1920s Germany too, and that people who complained about it were kooks like me. They felt it was justified because Jews were disproportionately in positions of power, thus somehow Jews must have been oppressing the rest of them. How do you justify your violent bigotry?"
Re:contact them (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Wednesday April 30, @11:57PM EST (#5)
(User #1161 Info)
Damn, Hombre. That's better than mine!
Re:contact them (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @02:14AM EST (#8)

Yeah, It's better than what I was gonna say too.
So, I won't even bother to say what it was, here.

Re:contact them (Score:1)
by tparker on Thursday May 01, @11:15AM EST (#17)
(User #65 Info)
Too bad there isn't a "what he said" button that can be attached to this kind of email......
Re:contact them (Score:1)
by hurkle (nosecow@hotmail.com) on Thursday May 01, @02:59PM EST (#25)
(User #1246 Info)
Mine was:

I'll never shop in one of your stores again, and neither will anyone I know if I can help it. I refuse to support sexism in any way.

Best of luck in the future.
You'll need it.
Rocks. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @04:57AM EST (#9)
"Girls are stupid...Throw rocks at them."

...Sounds like a plan.

Can you imagine.... (Score:1)
by napnip on Thursday May 01, @08:08AM EST (#12)
(User #494 Info) http://www.aynrand.org
Can you imagine the feminist outrage if someone designed a shirt that read "GIRLS ARE STUPID...HIT THEM" ?

But it's OK to advocate throwing rocks at boys (clearly a form of violence).

Phucking hypocrits.....

"Existence exists. A is A." -Ayn Rand
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @10:01AM EST (#15)

I've just decided to throw out any ammount of Cherokee patience, understanding and tolerance. And other things that we try to do to reason with others who do not "like" us.

I say, screw it. If women and feminists want to play this game I say we start desighning our own T-shirts that say disparaging things about females.
They wanna play rough? okay.
I say; Let's give 'em rough! Show them that we can GIVE as well as we GET!
I am GOING to make my own T-shirts that say things like; "Girls are stupid...throw BRICKS at them!"
And anything else along those lines that I can think of.
I've had it with trying to be reasonable and good about this.
Gonzo, Looks like you've won me over to the "dark side"!

Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday May 01, @11:15AM EST (#16)
(User #280 Info)
I am GOING to make my own T-shirts that say things like; "Girls are stupid...throw BRICKS at them!"

Just remember, Thundercloud, if you are seen as advocating violence against members of the ruling female biological group, you may end up in jail. It could be like a Jew in 1938 Germany saying about German gentiles exactly what the Nazis were saying about the Jews. What this society is doing to men and little boys—the relentless degradation as well as many other things—is very similar to what the German Nazis did to Jews during the 1930s. (By the 1940s such degradation still went on, but the government and acceding society had graduated to large scale exterminations.)

Come to think of it, the feminists have it relatively easy. Men tend to stand out on their own. The German Nazis had to force Jews to wear the Yellow Star of David with the word "Jude" ("Jew") written on it to make them stand out.
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @12:06PM EST (#20)
Thanks, Thomas.
I appreciate the "heads up".
But as an Indian activist I am familiar with and willing to do some jail time in order to end this garbage.
Those who know about A.I.M. (the American Indian Movement), know that guys like Russell Means, Dennis Banks, Shorty Blacksmith and Leonard Crowdog, as well as Mary Ellen Crowdog all went to jail for simply speaking out for Native rights.
(at times they did MORE than just speak out.) But because they were willing to do this, Things are, if not ALOT better for Indians, they are at least better than they were.
I have the SAME rights of freedom of expression and freedom of speech as any WOMAN does.
If I am thrown in jail for excersizeing those freedoms, when a woman would NOT be for doing the same, then all the better for makeing the point of the men's movement.

Perhaps that is what it is going to take.
I will not live in FEAR of a government that claims to guarantee my civil and constitutional rights and then threatens and/or imprisons me when I excersize those rights.
You are right Thomas, This is EXACTLY the way it started in Nazi Germany. It is also the way it started with my Indian people.
In both cases it took people with the gonads to stand up to the evil, to end the evil.

Who's with me?

"HOKA HEY! it IS a good day to die"
(If that's what it takes.)
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Friday May 02, @01:00PM EST (#44)
(User #573 Info)
We have to make sure the pendulum doesn't swing to far. How about a shirt like this:

   Violence Against Men
 + Violence Against Women  
Either Way, Everyone Loses

Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @01:50AM EST (#53)
"Violence against men
+ Violence against women
Either way everyone loses"

That is exellent!
Do you mind if I, or anyone else who wants to put that on a T-shirt, or flier, etc, used it?

Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Saturday May 03, @03:19AM EST (#54)
(User #573 Info)
Print a zillion of them and drop them out of a C-130 Hercules!
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @03:48AM EST (#55)

Thank you!

Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Saturday May 03, @10:25AM EST (#58)
(User #1161 Info)
"Violence against men
+ Violence against women
Either way everyone loses"

My only suggestion with this is that the plus sign suggests that it is only when you have BOTH that everyone loses. I'd just put the words as they are without the addition symbols, but that's just me.

Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Saturday May 03, @09:32PM EST (#62)
(User #573 Info)
You're absolutely right.
I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @01:14PM EST (#23)
Ok, rather than making shirt that says "Girls are stupid, throw bricks at them"

Make shirt which has pictures of people like, Newton, Gauss, Fermat, Descartes, Socrates, Plato, Einstein...even throw Mitnik and Wozniak on there too.

and then put the line "The greatest Geniuses...all men"
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @03:59PM EST (#28)
I think this would hurt the pheminut's ego more than advocating violence against women.

I say do it. hit 'em where it hurts
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @06:09PM EST (#29)
I forgot Tesla, he's very important.
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:1)
by rage on Thursday May 01, @06:34PM EST (#32)
(User #1131 Info)
> "The greatest Geniuses...all men"

You could even have said : all geniuses throughout history have been quasi-exclusively men.

I'm French and live in Paris. If we are able to speak together tonight thanks to a computer and the internet, we and the human kind in its whole should thank men, whose very intelligence created these incredible means of communication.

Re:I have a better idea. (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday May 01, @06:49PM EST (#34)
(User #280 Info)
You could even have said : all geniuses throughout history have been quasi-exclusively men.

Problem is: It won't get through to the twits. They'll just declare, with their usual refusal to hold themselves or any other women responsible for wrongdoing or failure, that women haven't been great scientists because men prevented them.
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @09:23PM EST (#36)
So true, I always laugh at the feminidiots, because the devices which they use to spread their lies, 99.9999% of the time we're invented, advanced, maintained, and built by men!

The car a feminidiot drives to her protest..who do you think invented that? And who continuously advances cars..considering that engineering is largely a male dominated subject, even more than computers, I think we all know the answer

The devices used to extract the oil from the earth to get gas for the car...who do you think built those?

The machines which needs electricity to funtion to make that shirt...who do you think discovered elctricity?

I could go ON AND ON AND ON..but I won't because I think we can guess what I'm going to say.
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @09:15PM EST (#35)
Actually women that have been briliant, were supported. Germaine for example.

But Germaine is no Newton.
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @01:26AM EST (#38)
Okay, Okay.
I agree. No "throwing bricks at girls..."

'You ever get those days where you just get so fed up, frustrated and angry that you say things that you know aren't right, but you say it, anyway, to let off steam?
That's the kind of day I've had.
...But I'm okay, now.
...No, really.

"Hoka Hey!"

"We all go a little mad..., Sometimes."

Norman Bates in the movie "PSYCHO"
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:1)
by rage on Friday May 02, @09:06AM EST (#41)
(User #1131 Info)
> that women haven't been great scientists because men prevented them.

Women haven't been great scientists, but their lack of creativity is well beyond the field of science.
Even if you take language, philosophy, music, and so on, all the geniuses have been men in these fields too...
Think of Beethoven, Mozart, Picasso, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, Freud, Jung, Descartes, Shakespeare....

Even democracy and human rights, and all our current political system was designed by men.

That's why feminists hate men so much : reality reminds them everyday that they took no part in building our world and civilization.

All the greatest achievements in every field of human activities have been carried out by men.

I know what you mean (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @11:57AM EST (#43)
I just listen to music.
Re:I have a better idea. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @01:17AM EST (#50)
I've said this before, but it is really appropriate to say it again, here;

'Women gorge themselves at the table of men's ingenuity, all the while curseing the founders of their feast.'

be realistic (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @09:58PM EST (#37)
I;m sorry but with all the affirmative action they have for women in science and technology, (e.g female only fellowships (6 years long), ~40% reserved seats in computer sceince for women in Norway) I think that these shirts will draw feminist attention and cause too much trouble.

Look at the what's going on with title IX in sports. Do you think the same couldn't happen in science? It is happening in fact, but it could be alot worse.

T-shirts won't solve the problem. In fact their T-shirts aren't the source of the problem either.

It is essential to form a politically viable men's movement and argue and fight reasonably and rationally over the real issues. Don't waste your time destroying the credibility of the men's movement with useless t-shirts.
Re:be realistic (Score:1)
by Mark C on Friday May 02, @05:32PM EST (#47)
(User #960 Info)
I;m sorry but with all the affirmative action they have for women in science and technology, (e.g female only fellowships (6 years long), ~40% reserved seats in computer sceince for women in Norway) I think that these shirts will draw feminist attention and cause too much trouble.

Look at the what's going on with title IX in sports. Do you think the same couldn't happen in science? It is happening in fact, but it could be alot worse.

Anonymous, you're quite right that things are bad and could get worse. But, what have men been doing while all this happened? They've been grovelling and whining "really, we're nice, not like those other nasty, evil sexist men." Has that made women respect us? Has it made us respect ourselves? The answer to both questions is "Hell No!" .

Men are human beings, not punching bags you can hit for your amusement. I think women have forgotten that, and T-Shirts are as good a way of reminding them as any.

And this is the root of the problem (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @07:16PM EST (#49)
"I;m sorry but with all the affirmative action they have for women in science and technology, (e.g female only fellowships (6 years long), ~40% reserved seats in computer sceince for women in Norway) I think that these shirts will draw feminist attention and cause too much trouble.

Look at the what's going on with title IX in sports. Do you think the same couldn't happen in science? It is happening in fact, but it could be alot worse.

Anonymous, you're quite right that things are bad and could get worse. But, what have men been doing while all this happened? They've been grovelling and whining "really, we're nice, not like those other nasty, evil sexist men." Has that made women respect us? Has it made us respect ourselves? The answer to both questions is "Hell No!" .

Men are human beings, not punching bags you can hit for your amusement. I think women have forgotten that, and T-Shirts are as good a way of reminding them as any."

Sorry for the long quote, but it is necessary to make a point. All of both of your points are good and valid as well.

Feminists and so-called "normal" women (most act about the same) who engage in the behaviors mentioned on this subject are engaging in what is simply known as "bullying". I don't know if an of you have ever had any experience with bullies. I have. Ignoring them doesn't work, reasoning with them or trying to be their buddy doesn't work. They simply see all that as signs of weakness and continue their behavior, if not worsen it. And these are the exact tactics men have tried in dealing with women for the last thirty-five years, and men are only further bullied and disrespected. The only way a bully will leave you alone is to stand up to him/her and stomp his/her sorry butt, which is exactly what I did to the one that pestered me. He never bothered me again after that.

Am I advocating stomping women's butts? Not physically, unless they put you in a position where you must. Socially, however, we MUST stand up for ourselves, or we will continue to be women's punching bags. Sure, they have the power in the legal and political arena, but so did the whites in the 60's, when racism against blacks by whites was in vogue, and black people managed to get laws passed to protect their rights. The black Americans were right then, and we are right now. If you want change, you gotta make change. It won't come by begging for it.

  - Freebird
Re:And this is the root of the problem (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @01:23AM EST (#51)
Freebird's right.
We won't get change by begging for it.
Ask a good number of women, they'll tell you they get off on it when men beg.

Re:And this is the root of the problem (Score:1)
by Hunsvotti on Saturday May 03, @03:49AM EST (#56)
(User #573 Info)
That is soooooo true about bullies. My mother and other adult figures always told me when I was young, ignore a bully and he'll "get mad" and "walk away." Yeah right, it works in exactly the opposite way. Adults assume that a seven-year-old bully works in the same way as a thirty-year-old bully and give advice accordingly. How STUPID.
Re:be realistic (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on Saturday May 03, @10:27AM EST (#59)
(User #1161 Info)
"Men are human beings, not punching bags you can hit for your amusement."

Tighten this up and it would make a good t-shirt slogan as will "Men (boys) are people too."
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @12:52PM EST (#22)
"Girls are pathetic... nuke 'em!"

(Apologies if this is a little over the top, I've had a bad day, experiencing over 100 examples of misandry in one day takes its toll sometimes!)

Red Kev
Re:Can you imagine.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @06:16PM EST (#30)
How about this:

"Take your Midol and SHUT UP?"

  - a cranky Freebird
Wait a sec...... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @06:21PM EST (#31)
Red Kev, that last post was NOT directed at you. My apologies.....sheesh I must be more tired than I thought.

GIRLS....take your Midol and SHUT UP!

There, thats better!

Here's my note to 'Gadzooks' (Score:1)
by mcc99 on Thursday May 01, @09:21AM EST (#13)
(User #907 Info)
Just sent them this:


Saw a report about your store and this site at mensactivism.com.

Truly amazing. Your deliberate marketing strategy includes the promulgation of misandrist bigotry and the products you sell (for example: http://www.gadzooks.com/files/id102item0301_1464.a sp ) explicitly encourages violence by girls against boys for no other reason than their gender. Can you imagine a T-shirt that reads "Girls are stupid- throw rocks at them" being sold anywhere?

I am glad "Gadzooks" doesn't have a store here in northern VA, but then again, maybe it'd be good if it did. I'd be picketing it.

I suggest you re-think your marketing strategy as well as your misandrist attitudes. One can be a specialty store geared toward a particular group without having to denigrate everyone else in the process.

As Billy Joel said, "You oughtta know by now..."


Frankly I think if they do not halt their marketing blitzkreig against men and boys, they are a perfectly good candidate for a picketing campaign, letter campaign, etc.
Re:Here's my note to 'Gadzooks' (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @11:24AM EST (#18)
That's mensactivism.org
Re:Here's my note to 'Gadzooks' (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday May 01, @11:36AM EST (#19)
(User #280 Info)
Don't worry, mcc99, "mensactivism.com" directs to this site.
And here's MY note to 'Gadzooks' (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday May 01, @12:23PM EST (#21)
http://www.gadzooks.com/files/id102item0301_1464.a sp

There are potential lawsuits out there my friend. I'm surprised that didn't dawn on you deep-thinkers. Whoever approved this shirt needs a damn good firing.

Howabout this for a tshirt: Girls are stupid, stomp on their faces.

What, that's not cute enough for you?
Re:Here's my note to 'Gadzooks' (Score:1)
by hurkle (nosecow@hotmail.com) on Thursday May 01, @03:02PM EST (#26)
(User #1246 Info)
Damn that's good.
Yes, it is all true, but look at their management (Score:1)
by ppmnow (ppm_now@hotmail.com) on Thursday May 01, @09:39AM EST (#14)
(User #1071 Info)
http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ti cker=GADZ&script=2200&layout=7

So, tell me why their board is made up of mostly men?

Yep, most men lead lives of quiet desperation, or ignore the signs that can lead them to happiness. Time to let 'em know what the signs are, people.

Mitchell A. Smith

"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:1)
by Mark C on Friday May 02, @05:48PM EST (#48)
(User #960 Info)
Personally, I would not find any of this nearly so offensive if I thought it was just a bunch of executives deciding on a dumb marketing strategy that they thought might appeal to teenage ditz-bunnies. If Gadzooks were the only company doing this sort of thing, I would assume exactly that. However, I know that's not the case.

The chilling truth is that these misandric products are not on the market simply because of the twisted minds of a few executives; they are on the market because women buy them. The "man as doofus" theme isn't prevalent in commercials because of a conspiracy by advertising agencies, it is prevalent because it works, it motivates women to buy things. So, I think the men involved in making all this stuff are unimportant; they are basically men in the pay of women.

The question then becomes, how do we get through to women that it's not ok to think that way?
Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @01:36AM EST (#52)
Yes, exactly.
It doesn't matter WHO is behind it, Women or Men.
If a woman murders another woman it is STILL a crime. If a man murders another man it is still a crime. (Considered less of one, of course in our society) But you get the point.
If the ad execs ARE men they are selling out their own gender for money. They are just as evil and accountable as any feminist or woman who buys thest hate-shirts.

Oh, and one more thing.
Hitler was PART JEWISH! So are his hideious acts any less of a crime because he was "Jewish" himself?
The feminists are fond of saying things like; "because it is MEN doing it to men, it CAN'T be sexist."
I always love throwing that "Hitler thing" in their faces.
I figure they can relate better if there's something about Hitler involved.
If you get my drift.

Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @06:51AM EST (#57)

It's good to see a like mind. Of course, you're exactly right. I'd also point out the lack of outrage on the part of women to this blatant attack against their own fathers, husbands, boyfriends, brothers, even their own sons. As a wise man once said, silence is complicity. And it's just another in a long line of silence by women in the face of homicidal misandry. And women wonder why men don't care much for them anymore.

In case you missed it, here is an article /article.pl?sid=03/03/1 4/122224&mode=threaded we discussed not long ago. It's an excellent read, at least the response part is. It pretty much sums up our thoughts on this subject.

Keep fighting. We're with you.

  - Freebird
Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @04:40PM EST (#60)
Hey, Freebird,
You just gave me another idea for a T-shirt.
It should say pretty much what you just said in the above post.

"...And women wonder why men don't care for them much anymore...,"

That makes a pretty good statement. (IMO)

Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @05:46PM EST (#61)
"Hey, Freebird,
You just gave me another idea for a T-shirt.
It should say pretty much what you just said in the above post.

"...And women wonder why men don't care for them much anymore...,"

That makes a pretty good statement. (IMO)"

Go for it Thundercloud! Heck I may even want to join you in the T-shirt thing. I don't think it would be that difficult.

Hmmm....Thundercloud and Freebird. That sounds like a pair of old west outlaws. LOLOL

Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday May 03, @11:38PM EST (#63)
"Thundercloud and Freebird. That sounds like a pair of old west out laws."

That, or a MARVEL comics superhero team up.

Actually, though, as far as the feminist regime is concerned we ARE out laws!
And I wouldn't have it any other way! (^_^)


Re:Yes, it is all true, but look at their manageme (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday May 04, @09:39AM EST (#64)
"Actually, though, as far as the feminist regime is concerned we ARE out laws!
And I wouldn't have it any other way! (^_^)"

You got that right!

  - Freebird
T-Shirt Mottos (Score:2)
by Thomas on Thursday May 01, @06:46PM EST (#33)
(User #280 Info)
Those who are coming up with mottos like "Girls are stupid... Throw rocks at them," "GIRLS....take your Midol and SHUT UP!", "The greatest Geniuses...all men," etc. might want to take a look at this page. Note that it's from the site of our friend zen priest, but it was written by Jean Sonmor and was, apparently, published in the Toronto Sun. It's also from about 3 1/2 years ago, though I don't know if that matters.
Re:T-Shirt Mottos (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @01:59AM EST (#39)
Thomas thanks for that link.

I went and read the article.
Yeah, It was published in 1999, But it is just as relevant, (perhaps even more so,) today.
Still she seems to concenrate on the ramifications of feminism for WOMEN. Although there have indeed been ramifications for women, they are NOTHING compared to the brutal impact that has been felt by men. Not too many women have LITERALLY DIED as a result of feminism.
But scores of men have.
Women have stolen the "healh care" issue. Nearly ALL health reports that come out are for women.
Women thus informed can seek medical treatment. Men left un-informed, take ill or DIE! because critical information has been denied to them.
And also the suicide rate amoung males, especially the younger ones, teens and such, I believe can be traced to feminism, as well.(Sonmor does seem to at least allude to this)

She makes many good points as well, however. and my intention is not to attack her.
Despite my "critisizm", Ms. Sonmor seems to be one of the few women who really "get it".


Re:T-Shirt Mottos (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @07:04AM EST (#40)
From the article "At least some of the hostility toward women must be laid at the feet of feminism. That dreary, doctrinaire me-firstism that many women find embarrassing is still around in spades."

Problem is, apparently women don't find it embarassing at all anymore. We need look no further than the Gadzooks example, and the marketing plan put forth by their corporate leaders. Do you think they would have spewed out homicidal misandry in full public view if they didn't think it would attract women customers? They know what the mood among women is, and they have capitalized on it. We see many, many more examples each and every day.

What we see on this board is simply part of what went around coming around. The hatred and endless attacks on men by women, as well as men's complete marginalization on health, DV and other issues is now being returned, and it hasn't even kicked into full steam yet. When that happens......let's just say it won't be pretty.

"What you buy is what you own. And what you own always comes home to you." - from the movie Pet Semetary

  - Freebird
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @01:53PM EST (#45)
Jeeze, that was a CREEPY flick!
It made me feel the same way I do when a feminist starts talking! (^_^)

Here's a thought. (Score:1)
by Futharon on Friday May 02, @10:27AM EST (#42)
(User #786 Info)
If you're going to be sending out e-mails to the company...and you really want them to stick, just a thought. Find a young boy that you trust, and can be trusted around, and bring them to your local store. On your way there, find a nice sized rock. When you see that shirt, call an employee over, and hand them the rock, asking them if they will follow the instructions on the shirt. E-mail the company with your findings. THEN let them know how inappropriate their clothing is, by inciting violence against boys.

Re:Here's a thought. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday May 02, @01:54PM EST (#46)
I like it!
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