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MANN Chat--Blaming Men for War: A Healthy Masculine Response
posted by Steve on Wednesday March 26, @02:39PM
from the Misandry dept.
Masculinity I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (3/26), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic for this chat will be "Blaming Men  for War: A Healthy Masculine Response."  Feminist dogma routinely blames men for creating and fighting wars.  Dr. Helen Caldecott's recent speech, put the blame for war and destruction squarely on men's shoulders.  It's convenient--and even popular--to impute to men the responsibility for all violent human conflict.  But can we answer the issue so simply?  If we look deeply into wars, we will see that women and the material culture they enjoy are at least as responsible for giving rise to wars as are men.  Join us at this chat to explore some less popular views about the roots of war and how an authentic, healthy masculinity supports peace rather than war.

Women are powerful, men gutless says Elle magazine | "Self-defense for women only--" my response  >

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Great Subject For Discussion (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday March 26, @04:14PM EST (#1)
(User #280 Info)
As usual, I'll be working out during the chat, so I won't be able to make it. It's a terrific subject, though.

I'll add that you might also want to discuss how to respond when women dismiss the suffering of men with the usual, "It's just men doing it to men," when violence mainly targets men and boys.
Re:Great Subject For Discussion (Score:1)
by Andrew74 on Wednesday March 26, @05:40PM EST (#2)
(User #1224 Info)
That's always a good one "It's just men doing it to men.", it shows the true ignorance and self-centerdness of feminism. Shouldn't we all be against violence in general or does violence only matter if it is against women.

Saying that war is created by men for men is incredibly ludicrous. How many men myself included would want to put their life on the line to 'prove their masculinity'. Me'thinks these feminists figure war is a game but then when you never have to worry about ever being forced into combat I suppose you can say anything you want about war.

I also work late on Wednesdays I wish I could come to the chat sometime. I was on the chat yesterday, only one person came on and I missed them because I was reading at the time.

I'm glad to have found this place, I have been a victim of domestic abuse and I work in a hostel for low income men so the issues here are very important to me.

It's just to bad that there aren't any on-line men's chats that have people around frequently. When I was going through troubled times I found very little support in regular chats, most of them were filled with man hating women or man hating men, many joked about the situation I had gone through. Not to even mention the therapist I went to see who pinned all my problems on "inner male agression".

Sorry for being off-topic.
Re:Great Subject For Discussion (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday March 26, @06:29PM EST (#3)
(User #280 Info)
Welcome, Andrew. As you are probably aware, your situation is not unique, or even unusual. Rest assured our war against feminazism will be long, but we are going to win.

I'm convinced feminism will eventually collapse, because it is fundamentally unsustainable. Men are starting to stand up to the hatred. (Some women are too, but too many of them are into half measures and are too desperate to be feminists. They are incapable of realizing that anti-male sexism is inextricably a part of feminism.) The Web allows individual men to realize that they are not alone in their opposition to anti-male hatred, lies, and oppression. By eliminating men from the family, feminism is starting to convince men that marriage and fatherhood are mistakes, and serious ones at that. (Hook up, then ramble on. And be damn sure to tape the hook up, so you have some chance of proving your innocence, if you're later falsely accused of sexual assault.)

I'm sorry for what you went through. Rest assured, though, that every effort by good, honest people to destroy feminism will mean that someday men in your situation will not be revictimized by a misandrist society.

Many societies are quickly approaching a state of crisis, because of population collapse. Governments will attempt to force men to pay women, through taxes, to be mothers after men have been driven from the family. I don't think, however, that will work. Men are waking up.

Frankly, in a few years, I wouldn't want to be a well-known feminazi.
Re:Great Subject For Discussion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday March 26, @07:58PM EST (#4)
I work in a hostel for low income men so the issues here are very important to me.

You're a great guy Andrew. I'm sorry about what happen to you and about the lies and conspiracy of silence that covers up such abuse. Things will change, 'cause we're gonna make it happen.
Re:Great Subject For Discussion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday March 26, @10:47PM EST (#5)
It's just to bad that there aren't any on-line men's chats that have people around frequently. When I was going through troubled times I found very little support in regular chats, most of them were filled with man hating women or man hating men, many joked about the situation I had gone through. Not to even mention the therapist I went to see who pinned all my problems on "inner male agression".

Sorry for being off-topic

If this is off topic, it's hard to imagine what would be on topic. No apologies are required. Quite frankly, I think this "therapist" is guilty of malpractice. he or she is projecting his or her own prejudices onto your situation.
Re:Great Subject For Discussion (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday March 27, @01:38PM EST (#6)
Okay, ladies, How 'bout this?
If ever America is attacked by an aggressive country again, why don't we EEEEVILLL, BRUTISH men just sit back and do nothing while the enemy destroys the country, and rapes and kills you all?
After all if we lift a finger to help you we will be being savage, blood-lusting, war-mongering brutes, right?
But wait...! If we men do nothing then we will hear how "Women are powerful and Men are gutless". Just ask Elle magazine, they'll tell you.
See, guys. No matter WHAT we do, we just can't win.

(I have enough aggravation...)
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