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Women are powerful, men gutless says Elle magazine
posted by D on Tuesday March 25, @11:33AM
from the Masculinity dept.
Masculinity Willj writes "This article by a Canadian columnist refers to an article in this month's French magazine Elle which says that French masculinity is in crisis. It describes three "generations" of men: 1) 45-55, guilty, afraid - they've capitulated to women. 2) Bitter divorced men, 35-45, looking for foreign women they can dominate. 3) The New Eunachs, 25-35, married, - they've set virility aside for conflict-free life in a matriarchal family. Interesting that those of us who don't want to live with feminist hatemongers are said to be looking for women we can dominate. I haven't found the original Elle article yet. I keep wondering when large numbers of men will finally stand up and show a bit of self-respect."

Census survey only outlines women's issues | MANN Chat--Blaming Men for War: A Healthy Masculine Response  >

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Respect, indeed! (Score:1)
by mcc99 on Tuesday March 25, @10:53PM EST (#1)
(User #907 Info)
"I keep wondering when large numbers of men will finally stand up and show a bit of self-respect."

Indeed! But just as germane a question, when will women start to respect men again-- or start, period?

The Canadian columnist hit a lot of good points. One is that the native born population of the western countries, Caucasian as he mentions, but also those who are not (as he didn't mention), will indeed die out under the strain created by the "new order of things" between men and women. This new order though is not predicated, nor was launched, nor dependent on the courage ("guts") of men, or absence thereof. It is predicated on (largely women holding) contempt for the following: 1. men 2. maternity (ie, any version that includes men as a necessary/respected part of the family) and 3. (other) women who are not contemptuous of 1 and 2.

Sure, men need to learn more self-respect in the face of women. But as long as native-born women remain hostile toward, contemptuous of, fearful of, dismissive of, and otherwise annoying towards those of the male gender, and generally dismissive of their own reproductive capacities as well, the native-born population (ie, those more than 2 generations native) will continue to dwindle in the western world as the immigrant and 1st and 2nd-generation immigrants replace the native-borns as we die out.

The blame lies not with men for this state of affairs, but with women. So in assigning blame, the Canadaian columnist was only half-accurate. Feminazism was invented and promulagated by women, imposed on men by women, and has been adopted and internalized by young women in particular so much so that they are hardly aware of the degree to which they have adopted its tenets as part of their core beliefs (these include such beliefs as: men are evil, etc.). Clearly the primary reason for the current state of affairs re reproduction and (absence of) family life is the actions and beliefs women have adopted for themselves. The price will be paid by everyone in the western world-- at least until the western world is re-defined as what is now called the eastern world, or something like it-- which it is well on its way to doing!

Re:Respect, indeed! (Score:1)
by Adam H (adam@mensactivism.org) on Wednesday March 26, @07:58AM EST (#2)
(User #362 Info)
At least until the western world is re-defined as what is now called the eastern world, or something like it-- which it is well on its way to doing!

You'll be seeing a fair few race revolutions before that happens.

Re:Respect, indeed! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday March 26, @12:26PM EST (#3)
It would seem that Elle (convieniently) neglected to mention the growing number of men like myself who have thrown up there hands in disgust and will now have nothing, whatsoever, to do with women at all.
No dateing, no freindships, no sex, no marriage, no NOTHING.
I also find it interesting that women are complaining about "whimpy" men.
For the past 30 plus years women DEMANDED that men be more like women, be "sensitive" and "soft". So of course they got what they asked for, the world is now rief with Wussy-poopies and fem-boys. and of course now they complain that there aren't enough "macho men" in the world.
feminists are the only people I know who complain about something then whine and gripe about it when they get their way. (which is most of the time.)
I learned a long time ago that NO MATTER what kind of man you are "Wussy-poopie" or "Macho" you will always be in violation of female "sensabilities" simply by the virtue that you are a MAN.
Therefore I, and other men like me, have decided that we will no longer "play the game". A game that no matter how it is played, you the man, will ALWAYS be in the wrong while she, the woman, will ALWAYS be in the right, simply based on gender designation. A game that is filled with ridgid penalties if the man "breaks" the rules, but rewards for the woman no matter WHAT she does. and a court system that plays a VERY biased referee in this game, more than willing and happy to mead out penalties upon the man.

"Women are powerful, Men are gutless"...?
Well, maybe Elle magazine ought to tell that to all the THOUSANDS of men in the U.S., British and Australian millitary who at this very moment are being injured or dying in order to protect the world from a tyrant and to free a very oppressed people. I'm sure they would be over joyed to hear how "powerful women are " and how "gutless men are."
No, Elle magazine. Women aren't "powerful" (at least not in the way you mean) and men are not "gutless".
It is the fact that 'Women have become loud mouthed misadrist bitches who demand every thing, and men are just sick and tired of them...,
It's that simple.

Oh, I forgot... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday March 26, @12:30PM EST (#4)
....One more thing.
Perhaps Elle (smElle) magazine should be pushing for a FEMALE draft in the millitary, in order to show us "gutless men" how "powerfull women" can do the job better.
Any takers, Elle?
Didn't THINK so...,

"French Masculinity?" (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Wednesday March 26, @03:09PM EST (#5)
(User #901 Info)
"This article by a Canadian columnist refers to an article in this month's French magazine Elle which says that French masculinity is in crisis."

Gee, ya THINK?
"French Masculinity" is the biggest oxymoron in the history of word usage.
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