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complaints on dv
posted by D on Saturday March 15, @01:06PM
from the Domestic-Violence dept.
Boys/Young Men gistmason writes "For there is a right in this state for non warrrented arrests, per states attorney office, unknown of statue for non warrented arrests of youngmen that are innocent of crime. But women should be believed since they are the weaker sex. True crime is believable? A question that is probably asked by youngmen perhaps who can't find a way to prove innocence. Is there control in the judicial system, if so where is the line drawn for nonviolent so called crime? Maybe there should be a new law of nonviolent domestic situations to be filed for men so they can have a chance to prove they were the ones victomized and to be heard in certain cases. Why? Think about being in reverse mode while driving."

A request from columnist Bettina Arndt | Men's health  >

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Feminism is sexism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday March 15, @06:22PM EST (#1)
My ex decided to dispose of me by using the courts when she found a new lover. We did argue, and that was it. She ended up supplying two different versions of what (allegedly) occurred while under oath during our pretrial, as well as the respective contradiction of events that were written in the police report. My vindictive ex decided to try to put me in jail. Many untruths were told by her, and what she submitted as evidence was inconsistent with the allegations stated against me. Despite this, the court employees, the judge, the DA and all the 'advocates' were highly biased me. While under a bogus pretrial incarceration from the court (mind you, all she supplied were her words, gang members who shot off guns had bail set, and the judge would not set bail for me), I had to accept full responsibility for each charge against me and pled guilty on all counts despite the fact that they were all lies. I was losing my job while in jail, I could not let the my life go down the drain based on bogus vindictive charges.

I would like to add that I am 35 and have no prior criminal issues in my life up until the false allegations that resulted into my current probation status.

Modern day DV laws are a witch-hunt. The system cultivates abuse allegations.

I was talking with a girl that I know who said that she used the 'system' to dispose of a man she didn't feel comfortable being around with a restraining order. After she filled it out, she told me that a victim advocate contacted her and said that if she could provide any type of bruise on her body (as in anywhere from anyone/thing from anytime in her life) she could use that as evidence to prosecute and imprison the man. Needless to say, we are friends no more...

DV laws are the most corrupt of all laws, as they are sexist, and a man is absolutely guilty and he can never prove his innocence. DV laws were set up to be shields against real abuse, now they sharp swords used to ruin men on mere allegation, and many women are playing this trump card as the advocacy for DV is everywhere...

Re:Feminism is sexism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday March 15, @08:04PM EST (#2)
I share your experience and your pain, because the same thing is happening in Nazi Angeles, Nazifornia.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:Feminism is sexism (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Saturday March 15, @08:56PM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Its standard in ontario.

I spoke to a bail court judge one day on the issue. His response to me was that "it was [his] name that is the last name that will be seen on the release order.

In short he's responsible according to him. Its all bullshit. The one sided propaganda machine always makes it worse than it is. And their are no advocates for men to demonstrate the otherside of the coin.

More and more laws are passed each year in Ontario that diminish any chance at a trial for a man. Main reason Judges and juries have been programed with constant propaganda by federal money circuits to discriminate against men. If you want to make a change put an ad in the paper that shows the full spectrum of dv and men's suffering.

Largely men are working so they can't advocate like women can. Politicians like women's votes so of course its all played up to get them to vote.

Absolute power absolutely corrupts.
Re:Feminism is sexism (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday March 17, @01:12PM EST (#4)
If well-documented, your experience would trouble any reasonable person, whether he or she is liberal, conservative or independent. I think the majority of people are simply unaware that this is going on.

If things are going to change, we first need to grow in numbers.

Another Anonymous Person
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