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TV and the Docile Doofus Dad
posted by D on Friday March 07, @01:53AM
from the Media dept.
News This little opinion piece discusses how the nation has changed. An entire collective thinking the same things and how fathers are accepting their fates. How America is getting dumber by the 30 min. episode. Think about it.

Sacks Rises to David Harris' Defense | Dance star sues rape accuser.  >

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What's TV? (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Friday March 07, @08:25AM EST (#1)
(User #1111 Info)

I've long held virtually identical beliefs to those in the article. Ever since Northern Exposure went off the air I've found nothing in TV sitcoms and dramas that resonated with me. Long before I became aware that men were at risk in this country I felt "turned off" by TV but couldn't really have explained why. Now I know... I have nothing in common with the idiot men who populate TVLand.

So what is my TV used for? Well I'll watch comics with the boys, some of which are more intellectual than friends could ever hope to be. We also watch the History Channel a couple hours a week, and occasionally Sci-Fi. Primarily we use it for watching DVD's.

Total TV watching - maybe 2 hours a week, they boys watch maybe an hour or two more than that but they tend to choose the same sorts of channels that I do (History, Discovery, Cartoon Network).
Re:What's TV? (Score:1)
by DaveK67 on Friday March 07, @08:30AM EST (#2)
(User #1111 Info)
Oh yea...
I've never watched a single episode of Friends.
I've never seen a single "reality" show.
Never seen "who wants to be a millionare"
Never seen 90210, Melrose Place, West Wing, The Practice.
Saw one episode of The Badge... stupid.
Saw 15 minutes of The new superman show... stupid.
I've seen a couple episodes of Buffy and Angel (because my wife watches em), they're OK, but not particulary intellectually stimulating (except for making fun of them... that can be entertaining until my wife tells me to get out of the room)
I've seen a few episodes of "Allie McBiel" (sp?), it was ok.
Re:What's TV? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday March 07, @11:18AM EST (#3)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"I've seen a few episodes of "Allie McBiel" (sp?), it was ok."

If it were really a Man's world it would be called 'Allie McSnatch'.

Our brains have gone poopoo. Lazy. Try and add up the amount of years you have spent watching TV. I could have learned to play piano or learned a language. Maybe studied the law so that those fucking lawyers couldn't screw me over.
Re:What's TV? (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Friday March 07, @11:38AM EST (#4)
(User #308 Info)
Hey, I've never seen Friends either!
Or Ally McBeal (don't know how it's spelt either).
Or Sex In The City.
Or Will And Grace.
Or West Wing.
Or... this could go on for a while.
Reality shows? Aaaaarrrgghhh!!!!!!
TV is sooooo dull these days. Reminds me of Harrison Bergeron.
Re:What's TV? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 07, @01:55PM EST (#5)
The only reason I wached 'northern exposier' was because it was the ONLY show to feature a regular American-Indian cast and depict them, if not toataly realistaclly, then at least resonably so.
I have basicaly boycotted (girl-cotted?) TV, for the same reason I have boycotted women, in general. Nothing but anti-male hate-speech seems to spew from BOTH of them.
The only reason I even HAVE a TV set is to keep up on some of the news. (Via 'FOX news sunday')or watch my video tape collection on it.
I have most of the 'Northern exposier' episodes recorded. Some old movies like 'Casablanca and 'War of the worlds,. as well as every Godzilla movie from 1954 to the present. (No, really, I DO!)
You see, this way I control television, It doesn't control ME.

Re:What's TV? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Friday March 07, @03:17PM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Hey Thundercloud, how about 'north of 60'? I did watch a few episodes. Or even 'The Rez'? Im wondering if they were realistic depictions of Indians(natives)?

I basically have had a great deal of interaction with Indians where I live. There is a reserve about 20mins from me. Many of my business partners live there. Many of them are great, great people. But, to be honest there is still a great deal of racial conflict between our people. At this point I may be apt to blame the government for adding fuel to the fire.

Its a shame because alcoholism and drug abuse, the suicide rate, crime rate, the ratio of natives in prison. The list goes on. Natives feel they were pushed off their land. That the white man destroyed their people etc... Many of them are on government assistance. Its all really fucked up.

If anything we can blame the french and the british and since Im Irish my people suffered severely at the hands of the british.

But to some up, feminism is leaking its way into native culture. It is doing it via victim abuse centres (surprise , surprise). I think some of the episodes of 'the Rez' were seriously feminist leaning.
Re:What's TV? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday March 07, @04:13PM EST (#7)
I've heared of "north of 60". but not "the Rez." If "the rez" is on cable or sattelight(SP?) as is "North of 60", I've never seen it. I don't have cable or sattlelight(SP?) As far as "blameing" any one for what has and is happening to Indians..., I and other Indians blame CERTAIN white people. But we also blame certain BLACK people and even a good number of our OWN INDIAN people, especialy for things that occured in the past. As for the present. I personaly put a great deal of blame on people in the government, both in America and Canada. The Government has broken EVERY treaty and promise made to us, and has yet to make up for it. even in the smallest way. I hold both Democrats and Republicans accountable but Democrats more so, because, as I stated in another post, the democrats saw FIRST HAND how people on reservations suffer and did NOTHING. The Republicans have not seen it first hand, to my knowledge, and probably don't even give us a thought any way. I also hold the media HIGHLY accountable. Maybe even as much as I do the government. The media also knows first hand what Indians are going through both on and off reservation, as far as suicide, un-employment, BRUTAL job discrimination, drug and alcohol problems, not to mention the ammount of violence directed against us in both cities and suberbs. Proportionately, Indians are the victims of violence and homocide more often than ANY OTHER GROUP IN AMERICA! I know this first hand. I've been attacked on several occasions, myself, and am now semi-crippled. I am not the exeption, I am the rule. And yeah, feminism has DEFINATLY found it's way into our culture(s). which is one of the reasons i became a men's activist as well as an Indian activist. as I've said before the parallels between what Indians are going through and what men on the whole are going through are phenominal. Both have their issues ignored by the federal government. Both are considered sub-human and 2nd class citezens. Both are given the shaft in matters of legallity in the court systems and Both have their issues known but ignored by the media. Yeah, Dan. There's alot to be done. As an Indian I'm just one of millions of "warriors" who have been trying for the past 200 and 25 years just to be a people recognized as human beings, and not a "people from a romantic past". As a man I now fight the exact SAME fight, I do as an Indian. Will we as men as a whole have to fight for 200-plus years...? ......Thundercloud.......
Re:What's TV? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Saturday March 08, @03:17AM EST (#12)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"Will we as men as a whole have to fight for 200-plus years...? ......Thundercloud......."

I'm afraid you probably will. As articles like CEDAW are in fact culture anihalating scripture they aim it exactly at the heart of such cultures as yours. Even though its not law in the US (it is in Canada) its agenda moves along its course.

Executing fathers from families and telling women they want to be like men. Personally I don't see how something like that can survive without brute force.

Feminism is a progressive force and they don't give a shit about where you came from. The native women (like most women) are being seduced into believing they can have the 'good life'.

AS they continue to criminalise men for profit. Keeping in mind that its almost twice as expensive to house women in prison(so don't think for a fucking second that the justice system is just). Men are going to jail to make others money, women don't go to jail because it costs money. Point Blank.

So all these reasons add up. We can be pissed at women all we want but the greater forces of the money trail constitute a severe minority of people who really want these changes. And television is one of the greatest tools at delivering that false image.

The simple rule is 'divide and conquer'. And with a divorce culture of 50% I would say we are divided. Like the creation of Archie Bunker depicting all thats vile in a bigot. The irony.
Re:What's TV? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday March 08, @10:55PM EST (#15)
Amen, brother. amen.

Re:What's TV? (Score:1)
by Martian Bachelor on Tuesday March 11, @02:53PM EST (#20)
(User #105 Info) http://Science.MartianBachelor.com
> Or Sex In The City

Not having cable I'd never seen this either. But I have to admit to only recently checking out the 1st season on DVD at the library just to see what the fuss is about.

Nobody who hasn't seen the show is missing anything. Out of the dozen episodes one (on a baby shower) was mildly funny. The men in the show are cardboard, stereotypical characters - there's a gay guy, a nerd, and "Mr. Big" the heart-throb. And the 4 main woman characters aren't very believable either, nor is it plausible that they're friends. The plots and stories all revolve around sex and relationships amongst the yuppie crows, and none of it was sexy IMO even though it rates as soft-core porn.

Now you're caught up on that one.

* MB

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/* Not All Men Are Fools -- Some Are Martian Bachelors
Re:What's TV? (Score:1)
by Hawth on Friday March 07, @08:37PM EST (#8)
(User #197 Info)
I more or less completely stopped watching TV a little over a year and a half ago. Incidentally, it was due in part to the anti-male propaganda popping up all over the place - and the way it always made me so angry that it wrecked my mood for the next hour or so. Also, I had a tendency to keep watching and surfing even after the show I initially sat down to watch had gone off - until I'd squandered several hours of the day or evening away in front of the tube. It was a sheer waste, and just an excuse for me not to be doing more productive things.

Now I only use my TV for watching videos and DVDs - which is mostly limited to weekends. And that's not something I plan to change anytime soon.
TV - mostly food for criticism at this point (Score:1)
by equalitarian62 on Friday March 07, @10:53PM EST (#11)
(User #267 Info)
I feel the same about TV - it appeals to the lowest common denominator in society. I turn the idiot box on maybe once a week or so, and half the time I just press the OFF button after about 15 minutes of channel surfing as all I can find are asnine sitcoms punctuated by offensive commercials. I only get a limited number of channels, and my reception is mediocre at best as I refuse to pay for cable.

Of course, it helps with my activism efforts in that when I come across a misandric commercial, I have another thing to protest. The most recent one is the "Orbit" gum commercial where a construction worker gets slapped by an attractive woman (which he was supposedly ogling). The man tries Orbit gum, the scene is redone, and he gets a kiss the second time. This Wrigley's commercial has been protested at my group (Men's Issues Online).

So, if I get any electronic entertainment it is on the Internet. At least I can choose from a variety of male-friendly sites, as well as create my own.

Re:TV - mostly food for criticism at this point (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday March 09, @01:03PM EST (#17)
I think we can all safely agree at this point that TV is now a female domain.
Notice that the internet has been called a "male domain" and efforts are being made, I understand to, "change that". Though no similar effort is underway to make TV more male-friendly.
...what a shock...,

The BBC Woman's Hour on the Feminisation of TV (Score:3, Interesting)
by Raymond Cuttill on Friday March 07, @08:47PM EST (#9)
(User #266 Info)
The Woman's Hour (The programme the Men's Hour was intended to oppose) had an item on the feminisation of TV as follows:

"Feminisation of TV: Is television now run by women for women? Christopher Dunkley wrote an article for the Daily Mail about 'Girlyvision':
..."Women now run TV, star in it and produce programmes mainly for. .. yes, women. Men are portrayed as irrelevant buffoons - the shows they watch sidelined"
So, is this an insidious trend against men? Journalist & TV Critic Christopher Dunkley and Channel 4 Editor Hilary Bell, join Jenni to debate the case."

Naturally being the sexist BBC and the sexist woman's hour they only had Christopher Dunkley so they could attack his views. Hilary with the aid of Jenni, the host, offer the most ridiculous comparisons. Their idea of men's programmes includes car programmes and a celebrity gameshow that is hosted by two male comedians. For a positive male advert they cite a man cleaning the kitchen to please his girlfriend. If you want to listen to it go to the BBC site. (RealPlayer needed)

I may try to get Christopher Dunkley on the Men's Hour to air his views.

Raymond Cuttill
http://www.cyberManbooks.com, http://www.menshour.com, http://www.mensmovement.org
Men's Books, Men's Radio, Men's Resources and Men's Studies
Member of UKMM and member of ManKind and hopeful author of a proposed book on men and feminism.
Bracknell Home for stray cats, old computers and political incorrectness.
Re:The BBC Woman's Hour on the Feminisation of TV (Score:2)
by Thomas on Friday March 07, @09:24PM EST (#10)
(User #280 Info)
Thanks for the post, Raymond. I read this sort of thing, and I realize that we are engaged in a war of attrition.
Raymond Cuttill (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Saturday March 08, @03:21AM EST (#13)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
I was hoping Raymond, that you would consider having Dr. Felson on your men's hour. Have an MP3 version available for his book.

His approach is that feminist assertions don't add up. That chivalry actually discriminates against men. Etc... Let me know if this interests you.
Re:Raymond Cuttill (Score:2)
by Raymond Cuttill on Saturday March 08, @08:04AM EST (#14)
(User #266 Info)
I'd certainly be interested in having Richard Felosn on the Men's Hour. I'll email him.
Re:Raymond Cuttill (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Saturday March 08, @10:58PM EST (#16)
I, too would find that intrigueing. (^-^)!

TV and its portrayl of Men (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar (khankrum@hotmail.com) on Sunday March 09, @01:06PM EST (#18)
(User #1200 Info)
I have recently registered on this site as many issues posted here reflect issues in my life. I am the Divorced Father of 5 children and a Grandfather of 3 Children. I am in my second marriage. My second wife loves Lifetime Entertainment for Women. I don't watch much TV with her as Lifetime is owned by the Billionaire Misandrist Oprah Winfrey. She has made a fortune out of hating and demonizing Men. I have had 35 years of this BS and am sick of it. I watch Discovery Channel, Fox News, MSNBC, The History Channel, Discovery Science Channel primarily. Otherwise I am online. I find it more interesting and stimulating. I watched Friends with my wife a few times. The Men are all limp Wristed pathetic excuses for Men. Afraid of their own shadows, Weak, sniveling, basically what Feminazis want Men to be. My idea of the dream vacation is hunting for Caribou in Greenland, or a fishing trip to Alaska. I would love to hunt Kodiak Grizzly Bear. I am not trendy, fashionable, or give a damm what some Feminists think I should do. I am as politically incorrect as G. Gordon Liddy is. Yet I am alarmed at what my Sons and Grandsons are facing. My oldest Son is a Fireman and at the age of 19 spent two weeks picking up pieces of his fellow Americans at The World Trade Center in 2001. I come from a Family of Strong Men, no weaklings here. But I am sick of the treatment of Men. I personally feel that marriage is a scam and I have not gotten the love, affection, or sex out of it. My first wife cheated on me. We had 5 children at the time. She felt it was her right to expand her horizons. She has bought into the indoctrination of feminism and does not realize it. I hate her. I have no use for her. She is duplicitous and manipulative. She is what the feminists are about.
Interesting article. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday March 09, @01:43PM EST (#19)
This may come a bit late, but I found an interesting article by Michale Abernathy at 'Tolerance.org'.
It is a very well thought out and logical article about Male-bashing in the media, particularly Television, and the terribly negative affects it has on not just men, but boys and society as a whole.

  Here's the link:
http://www.tolerance.org/news/article_tol.jsp?id=6 93

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