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Another man hit by car
posted by D on Sunday March 02, @01:18PM
from the Justice dept.
News Anonymous User writes "Atrocity! Here is another case where a woman hits her husband intentionally with her car. Fortunately, this time the man did not die. Reading from the article, this woman was charged with a MISDEMEANOR! Misdemeanor family-violence assault. Why is this not attempted homicide? The Liberty county sheriff, Greg Arthur, can be reached here: cosheriff@co.liberty.tx.us. The district attorney, Mike Little, can be reached here: distattorney@co.liberty.tx.us."

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A protected class (Score:1)
by dave100254 on Sunday March 02, @01:53PM EST (#1)
(User #1146 Info)
I guess it just goes to show that the protected class in this country does get preferential treatment. I am sure that the DA took into consideration that the man was younger than the woman. How demeaning it must have been for her to find out that her husband was un-faithful! In OR if there is a domestic disturbance call, and the woman is bleeding there is a mandatory measure eleven sentence of seven years. I have not heard of any woman getting that sentence though. Just goes to show you that we have a long road to tread! If the same were true in this case, and the roles were reversed, I would be willing to bet that the man would have felony charges against him. How can a male DA do this kind of thing and be able to sleep at night?
Re:A protected class (Score:2)
by Thomas on Sunday March 02, @04:13PM EST (#2)
(User #280 Info)
How can a male DA do this kind of thing and be able to sleep at night?

Because women pat him on the head and tell him that he's a good little exception. And he desperately needs that. Femboyness is a new psychological disease that has become extremely common in the US.
Re:A protected class (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday March 02, @04:45PM EST (#5)
“Femboyness is a new psychological disease that has become extremely common in the US.”

These chivalrous wimps (femboys) base their worth heavily on the approval and rewards of the females in their life, and thereby turn a blind eye to the abuse and brutality that women are capable of. These nooky slaves have learned the hard lesson that they must acquiesce and conform to the dictates of the "feminine mystique" or there will be hell to pay in all ways. Remember that anything a man does, that a woman doesn't agree with is scornful to her and "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," so you better keep the little lady happy or you'll provoke her ire. After a while the behavior of these femboys just becomes automatic (conditioned response) as if they were never really men to begin with.


Re:A protected class (Score:2)
by Thomas on Sunday March 02, @05:12PM EST (#6)
(User #280 Info)
How can a male DA do this kind of thing and be able to sleep at night?

He probably figures that, if he did otherwise, his wife would drive over him with a car.
Re:A protected class (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday March 03, @03:15AM EST (#7)
((("He probably figures that, if he did otherwise, his wife would drive over him with a car.")))

Actually, Knowing guys like him, He'd probably get off on it.
My guess is that this guy is one of those kinds that goes to their local, neighborhood Dungeon to hire a profesional dominatrix to spank him, slap him around and walk on him with stilleto heels. He probably goes to movies like "thelma and louise" and "Enough", and watches all those "Women-beat-the-snot-out-of-men" TV shows, because guys like him get their rocks off from seeing female violence against men and like it done to themselves as well.
There are ALOT of these guys in places like Hollywood, the media and the Democratic party.
So yeah, these guys not only tolerate female-on-male violence, they condone it. and LIKE it.
It is the feminists and guys like this, (Wussy-poopies) that keep allowing women to be what they are, The '007 gender'. licensed to kill (men).
...Boy, do we have ALOT of work ahead of us...!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday March 02, @04:14PM EST (#3)
This story is just one more proof of the old saying that, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." For pure rage and ferocity a man is hard pressed to meet the out of control ferocious violence that a female can muster up. Yet there's every excuse for domestic violence for women, unless of course you can catch them on video tape (Clara Harris). This is just one more example of how the crooked, bigoted, hate monger, prejudiced cops, district attorneys, and judges function in the area of domestic violence.

Double standard doesn't even begin to describe the inequities between men and women in domestic violence law and law enforcement. How can it, when women are excused for their violence by always being prejudged to be victims and men are always prejudged to be violent abusers.

Way to go D.A., you live down to the lowest standards of behavior for law enforcement.


Re:Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday March 02, @04:32PM EST (#4)
I saw the email address after I wrote the preceeding post so I revised it slightly and sent him this:

This story, http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan /1791765 is just one more proof of the old saying that, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." For pure rage and ferocity a man is hard pressed to meet the out of control ferocious violence that a female can muster up, yet time and time again, as in this case, women are not held accountable for their heinous behavior as a man would be. Every excuse is used to overlook the domestic violence that women commit, unless of course you happen to catch them on video tape (Clara Harris). This is just one more example of how the bigoted and prejudiced cops, district attorneys, and judges function in the area of domestic violence.

Double standard doesn't even begin to describe the inequities between men and women in domestic violence law and law enforcement. How can it, when women are excused for their violence by always being prejudged to be victims and men are always prejudged to be violent abusers.

Way to go D.A., you live down to the lowest standards of behavior for law enforcement.


Re:Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday March 03, @03:35AM EST (#8)
But Ray, Don't you know...? Women have been opressed. so they have EVERY right and excuse to "do to men what men have done to them".
Okay, sure, That's like me saying that because 500 years ago Europeans came to this country and killed scores of my people (Indians) and stole our land, That gives my people the right to jump into some ships, sail over to Europe and do the same to the people living there, even though the people living there (as well as most Europeans here at home) had NOTHING to do whith what happened to my people.
Why not? It's the same twisted logic.
To carry the point further. Say your great, great Grandpa was murdered by some guy, 100 years ago. You then trace the great, great Grandson of the guy that killed your great, great Grandpa, track him down, then kill him for the murder of your great, great Grandpa.
Yeah, sure, THAT makes sense...,

Changed his mind... (Score:2)
by frank h on Monday March 03, @12:24PM EST (#9)
(User #141 Info)
I just thought I'd post this [http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolita n/1800104] (There might be a stray space in the link). It seems the guy changed his mind after he realized what REALLY happened and now wants the prosecutor to charge her accordingly. Note the description of her attitude about the Clara Harris case: he deserved it. Do these women read Joseph Farah?
Update! Hubby wants attempted murder charge filed (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday March 03, @12:50PM EST (#10)
Here is an update that gives a lot more detail about the violence this battered man tolerated in his relationship.

He appears to have come to his senses and now wants the misdemeaner charge upgraded to attempted murder.

http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan /1800104

At first, Reents said, he did not want to see his wife prosecuted.
"I was so upset and shocked. I didn't know what to do. But now I'm starting to get my snap back. I realize that she intended to kill me," Reents said. "I've talked to the detective and said I want to pursue it all the way." He said he is so upset now that he wants the misdemeanor charge upgraded to attempted murder.

Re:Update! Hubby wants attempted murder charge fil (Score:1)
by Freebird on Tuesday March 04, @01:32PM EST (#11)
(User #1195 Info)
Thank God. It's nice to see a man standing up for himself for a change. We all must do the same if we are ever to put a stop to the venomous misandry commonplace in society today. STRIKE!

Still on my perch.....

  - Freebird
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