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The Media and the "Hive Mind"
posted by D on Tuesday February 18, @12:32AM
from the Media dept.
The Media Dan Lynch writes "It is my opinion that the men's movement should know everything it can about the media and how it works. A quote from an article I came across " If it's not on television, it never happened. Out of sight, out of mind."(May explain the voicelessness of men's issues). Now this article, about a 10 minute read, may not have identical opinions to everyone, but the framework of what the author is saying stands true. The Author shows the bass work of how television can develope mass opinions and how those opinions can translate into formalized thought control. Men feel more and more they are being reduced to a wallet or a slave in the menial sence. Their civil liberties being shortchanged. I think this article is certianly up for debate and a must read. "Jack Kerouac once noted," remarks the author, "while walking down a residential street at night, glancing into living rooms lit by the gray glare of television sets, that we have become a world of people "thinking the same thoughts at the same time."""

Testicle attack "Is murder." | Sacks Blasts College Misandry  >

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Good Stuff! (Score:1)
by dave100254 on Tuesday February 18, @12:40PM EST (#1)
(User #1146 Info)
An interesting look into the machinations of deceipt that are in play every day. Yes, that knowledge is out there, and yes, there are people that want to see this planet under one rule. If they suceed, they will in fact make humans like the dinosaurs, extinct. Without individuality, without the need to struggle, the human spirit will dwindle, and die. See what they have done to the American Male!
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:1)
by westcoast on Tuesday February 18, @02:33PM EST (#2)
(User #1082 Info)
Interesting read.

Since the Star Trek analogy is used the idea of mind melding seemingly good, what would the author make of the Borg?

Here a common mind and assimilation is seen as something to battle against. The First Story of the individualization of Hugh is an example.

The point is taken though as the individual Hugh falls for the totalitariansm of Lore only to be 'rescued' by the Federation.

Re:Good Stuff! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 18, @04:25PM EST (#3)
The media, in the begining, was a good tool to report what people think.
But then it became a means to TELL people what to think.
Today, It is a great tool, or should I say weapon?, for social engineering.
And that's ALL it is. Social engineering.

Has anyone else heared about Al Franken(stine) and his attempt to make the radio media air somewhere around 14 hours of "Liberal talk shows", a day?
Al Franken(stien) and some of his cronies believe that democrats are losing votes and members because, now get this..., Liberal views are not adequatly represented in the media!
He sights guys like Rush Limbaugh as the main reason Dems are haveing a rough time of it.

Okay, Al. Listen up. (for a change)
Your party isn't loseing votes and members because liberal views aren't represented well enough in the media. It's because you on the "left" keep ramming anti-American, anti-Constitutional and anti-male garbage down this nations throat again and again, and people are getting SICK to death of it.
Oh, and Al, Before you go accuseing ME of being a "right-wing cook", Know THIS; That up untill recently I was a fairly liberal Democrat, myself.
"What changed all that?" you may ask. Easy, The election of Nancy (the palooka) Palosi. As a man I'd have to be NUTS to support that Misandrist dirt-bag. And by supporting Nancy (the palooka) Palosi, The left is telling me that they are as against American MEN as they are against American-Indians (of which I am one.)
So there you have it Al Franken(stien).
Now, go take your medication. Maybe it will help you see reality clearly, or something. Idon't know...,

Re:Good Stuff! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 18, @05:43PM EST (#4)
The conservative can be just as misinformed on men's issue as the far left. In fact, I believe that the far right and the far left have formed some sort of coalition to defeat men's issues. The conservative think they are protecting women, and the liberals well I don't know how they can justify it.

Rush Limbaugh is only for "father's right in some cases." O'Reiley and most of the "balanced" journalists on Fox just laugh any man that wants his rights upheld. But at least some men keep showing up on these programs so that men can see that there is an opposite view.
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday February 18, @11:48PM EST (#5)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
Im very interested in the "conditioned response" of what the media is doing to us.

There are a number of issues that keep getting repeated from one sitcom to the next, one drama to the next one news reel to the next.

As you know Im almost anti-government in all respects. But someone told me one time that the reason the Jews are doing so well is that they have a sorted lot on both sides of the fence. Many liberal Jews and Many Conservative Jews.

In my opinion it doesn't matter where you stand in politics it all matters where you stand as an activist. Translation there are many issues for men that can be seen on both sides of the fence and both sides can in fact have common ground.

Lets take choice for men for example. On the left they think they should walk away or at least have the right to walk away from their responsibility just as the mother has the right to abort. The conservatives think "how can you leave your child etc.." My response is, nobodies forcing you not to contribute to your children via money. The issue is enforcement.

Oddly it is women on the right who will take on the child without the father's help finacially if there is no marriage. I see women on the left acting as spunges and purposefully desenfranchising men from their children.

If men on the right really care about this, they would see the necessity of showing the bill of whoever has sole custodialship has sole responsibility. That way it will force a better negotiated agreement between men and women over their children.

However I am biased as I believe that socialist governments are tyranical governments.

Now getting to my point of the media. What we have is the select few that are organizing our thought process. That as the author points out there is only a few people at the top who own all these media stations.

That they can design the "agendas" for the sitcoms and the dramas. The writers can use standard formulas but others are designing the topics.

If they want to show sitcoms that have anti-male bias and teach women the knee jerk response of finding men repulsive it will happen. The same with lesbianism, they can move the agenda along however they please. They can market in stages. As the author points out, they can be manipulated by government to show favour formats to their constituents.

Either way know the agenda of the giants will determine the outcome for our "Image". Now maybe I am showing a bit of liberalism in me here but it is only under the true sensation of the word.

It is all without debate and the large population are easily influenced by it. It is a disguise as a democracy, but if they are telling you what to think and what to feel and what issues are of concern then really its a sham.

This can go deeper and I hope more people read that article. There are so many things that are breaking men in this day and age and we need to crack them one at a time.

Guys like O'Reilly are old school. Honestly it is the conservatives from the IWF that have a better solution for the changing face of men's and women's relationships. Of course they are straight women who want authority the right way.

This is Dan saying "Big government is always bad news".
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Tuesday February 18, @11:54PM EST (#6)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
One note on Micheal Jackson. Regardless of your opinion of him, which is actually contrived by the media, those with 20/20 are hypocrates.

Here they are trying to lambase Jackson for never wanting to grow up for being Peter Pan in NeverLand. But then cut to commercial and see the new saturn car drive through the "childhoold" montage. As it gets to the end of childhood the people do a U-turn and go back.

I means seriously they critizize Jackson on one hand than line their pockets with the other. Im telling you right here and now those people are more fucked up than Micheal Jackson will ever be.

Those people have a vested interest in keeping us divided. The Canadian Federal government just passed a new bill not long ago without anyone watching. That law coincidently happens to give more power to lawyers and politicians and Judges. Smoke and mirrors people smoke and mirrors. Weapons of Mass Distraction. Enjoy.
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday February 19, @08:31AM EST (#7)
(User #280 Info)
it is the conservatives from the IWF that have a better solution for the changing face of men's and women's relationships.

The progressive conservatives in the IWF form one of the best political groups in the world today.
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:1)
by dave100254 on Wednesday February 19, @11:47AM EST (#8)
(User #1146 Info)
The blood of the many to enrich the few. History teaches that is the way it has been, and yes, that is the way it is now. One of the themes on tv that erks me to no end is the incompetent male. On the other hand they show an active critical thinking female. I have met very few people regardless of gender that have the courage to question whatever the current paradigm is. They are afraid of retribution. As to the human quality of the feminist mind, if you are not female, you are to be used, and you do not count The system it self has attacked the minds of our youth through the public school system. If the older men do not teach, and let the youngers know what is in store, we will have not been responsable. Other countries have used the tried and true method of mass murder to clear the way for a new paradigm. Ours has used drugs and administrative laws to cuckold the future of our nation. It takes longer, but they make more money, and it is just as affective. The American dream is a very good carrot, eh, what?
Re:Good Stuff! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 19, @02:10PM EST (#9)
((("Other countries have used the tried and true method of mass murder to clear the way for a new paradgim.")))

...So has THIS one, Dave.
Trust me.

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