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Testicle attack "Is murder."
posted by D on Monday February 17, @06:05PM
from the Justice dept.
News Anonymous User writes "BBC reports that the "Indian Supreme Court has ruled that anyone who inflicts fatal injuries to the testicles should face first-degree murder charges."


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So? (Score:1)
by Smoking Drive (homoascendens@ivillage.com) on Monday February 17, @06:23PM EST (#1)
(User #565 Info)
Why should killing someone by attacking their testicles be treated any differently than killing someone by attacking their throat, heart, kidneys, head etc?

No reason at all, of course. But in the West there seems to be a de facto exception to the rule that attacking others is wrong: women can attack men's genitals with little fear of societal retribution.


Those who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Re:So? (Score:2)
by Dan Lynch on Monday February 17, @06:32PM EST (#2)
(User #722 Info) http://www.fathersforlife.org/fv/Dan_Lynch_on_EP.htm
"No reason at all, of course. But in the West there seems to be a de facto exception to the rule that attacking others is wrong: women can attack men's genitals with little fear of societal retribution."

I have to admit that I am even laughed when I saw this. I've heard some stories about women ripping a man's balls off. Hardly anything was done to them. I won't elaborate, but I find it intersting that they can put a man on probation because when he slammed the door a shower rod fell down on his wife. Geezzzz. As I continuely hear of stories where cops deterr men from making charges against women. What a world.

Re:So? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 18, @12:02AM EST (#4)
The thing that gets me is, that despite the fact that a man CAN indeed DIE from severe testicular injuries, (hemorrhaging can occur, for one thing.) the media, particularly the "entertainment" industry, continues to present the "ol' kick in th' balls" as something humorous. Even as something women SHOULD do to a guy to "keep yer man in line".
I was wondering, is there any way the media could be held culpable?
If video games and the show "Jackass" can be, then It stands to reason that the "entertainment" industry as a whole should be, as well.

Re:So? (Score:1)
by Tom on Tuesday February 18, @09:10AM EST (#5)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Absolutely correct Thundercloud.

There was a commercial in the Washington DC area for a local HOSPITAL that featured a man getting hit in the balls. I couldn't believe it and still can't. I called them and gave them an earful but it felt like one drop of rain in a drought. A hospital should know better. Sheesh.

Stand Your Ground Forum
Re:So? (Score:1)
by Smoking Drive (homoascendens@ivillage.com) on Wednesday February 19, @12:23AM EST (#8)
(User #565 Info)
the media, particularly the "entertainment" industry, continues to
                                                    present the "ol' kick in th' balls" as something humorous. Even as something women SHOULD do to a guy to
                                                    "keep yer man in line".

This is something I've been disturbed to notice is particularly prevelant in American children's movies. Every film in the Home Alone Spy Kids Mouse Hunt etc etc genre prominently features attacks on men's genitals (and "accidents" involving rakes, hockey sticks, bowling balls, fence pailings, railings etc) as clever and funny.

I noticed that my daughter started attacking and threatening her brothers' genitals after watching these sort of films.


Those who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Re:So? (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday February 22, @12:26PM EST (#9)
(User #901 Info)
"I noticed that my daughter started attacking and threatening her brothers' genitals after watching these sort of films."

Just tell your boys not to show her any mercy, and trust me it will stop-- although I do fear for your daughter's safety in such a predicament; the adolescent male human is the most tenacious predator on the planet when not stifled by restraint-- particularly when provoked in this manner.
Unfortunately, males have been so restrained against their own interest, to the point of obligatory subjection of self to the most heinous abuse and violation. While society empowers women, it enslaves men.

Re:So? (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday February 22, @12:45PM EST (#12)
(User #901 Info)
"No reason at all, of course. But in the West there seems to be a de facto exception to the rule that attacking others is wrong: women can attack men's genitals with little fear of societal retribution."

This is why I encourage men to show no mercy in response to such an attack, which is, quite literally, rape and sexual battery; so if it's ok for women to kill their rapists, then it's sauce for the goose for men to stop the insanity and terminate with extreme prejudice.

pre-meditated testicle attack (Score:1)
by dave100254 on Monday February 17, @06:41PM EST (#3)
(User #1146 Info)
I just don't get it. The person that kneed the guy was deemed to have done so in self defense. Which should only be a form of involuntary manslaughter if they have to charge him with anything. Death by any means is death. Does this point to the fact that even in India people that are to serve the population like to hear themselves speak? I can see it now, I plan to kill someone, and I practice my knee srtikes so that I can get him in the groin. If I were a woman in the U.S. I could probably get away with it! Pre-meditated ball crushing!
men "deserve it" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 18, @11:38AM EST (#6)
The law views "private parts" very differently between the sexes.

A man could put one finger on someone’s vagina and he could be ‘put away’ for decades for rape with no harm even remotely done or intended.

A woman can deliberately wear steel toe boots, smash a mans privates, perhaps render him sterile or cause a urological issue, never mind the immense pain, and at best it is assault and battery... perhaps not even this as she can always say that she was being harassed, and therefore he deserved it (after all, men are always guilty before the facts).

Modern media (especially movies) often have men's testicles getting attacked and it is always viewed as a funny event, or a justified act. The "he deserved it" has become status quo for all assaults on men.

Why does the law not view attacks on men’s privates as seriously as an attack on a woman’s? Do we not deserve equal protection under the law?

'can you begin to see the sexist standards within feminism..?'

Contrast..., (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 18, @04:52PM EST (#7)
I remember at about the time of the Lorrena Bobbit fiasco, The media-ites were just laughing their idiotic heads off and wetting themselves with glee while reporting (as often as possible) about John Bobbit's genital mutilation at the hands of his wife, Lorrena.
Although they didn't get as much attention as the Bobbit case, there WERE a few copy-cat incidences, where women either tried or succeeded in genital mutilation of their husbands boyfriends or 'partners'.
Women (and even some men) in the workplace made endless jokes, about all of this. Stand-up comics had a feild-day. These acts of cold-blooded brutality were a national JOKE.

But then it finally happened...,

Do any of you, here, remember what happened several months after the Bobbit case?
I do.
I was watching the news one evening when I saw the faces of somber reporters. They were about to tell us something terrible. And it was as follows.
They reported that a man had attacked a woman. He raped her, Then reached inside her vagina and literaly ripped out her utiris!
There was no party atmosphere in the news room, that evening. No jokes around the water cooler at work the next day. No stand-up comics makeing light of a horrendous act.
No one thought it was funny at all...,

Re:men "deserve it" (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday February 22, @12:39PM EST (#11)
(User #901 Info)
"Why does the law not view attacks on men’s privates as seriously as an attack on a woman’s?"

I'd like to state that virtually all of these portrayals are written by men-- often petty, insecure men who hate other men, and who also want to impress women with self-deprecation.
Those written by women, are usually prompted by these portrayals-- otherwise they'd be vetoed as the sick ravings that they are.
Other men are silenced by shame and the desire to appear "in control;" however, this silence only invites women to follow suit by showing men the respect that they show themselves-- as women are apt to do.

This is why women love jerks in real life, while submissive men get ignored and stepped on, then ironically can't understand it "since they were so nice."

I'm not saying be a jerk, I'm just saying don't be a wimp.

Junk medicine (Score:1)
by incredibletulkas on Saturday February 22, @12:29PM EST (#10)
(User #901 Info)
I would sincerely take this article with more than a grain of salt, given the crude medical standards of doctors who graduate more on caste than knowledge.
The term "neurogenic shock" is meaningless junk-science, and is more likely a cover-up for the doctors' ignorance in discovering the true cause of death in this incident; there's simply no way this can happen.

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