I would like more detail plus I've got some questions concerning your statements: >the treatment of men by women IN THIS COUNTRY is bad. Have you had experience in other countries? If so, please expound. >We are "beasts of burden" to most american women, particularily white women. You talk as though you are a man but your name is that of a woman. Which are you? >Women of color seem to have much, much more friendly and human attitudes than whites. Have you had experience dating women of both races? If so, I'd be curious to know how many women of each of these two races you've dated and your perceptions of their differences in more detail. Assuming you are "of color," do you feel that this fact skews your judgement or the way these women act when around you? (ex. a woman of color might act differently when dating a man of color than when she dates a white man and vice versa, a white woman might act differently when dating a man of color than when she dates a white man). Have you dated women of other races besides these two. If so, I'd be curious to hear your perceptions of them also. Dittohd