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McElroy: "Fighting Feminism"
posted by Scott on Wednesday November 27, @07:52AM
from the news dept.
News Anonymous User writes "Wendy McElroy's column this week is about recent attacks on her from mainstream feminists, one of whom slandered her to a potential employer in an effort to harm her career. Wendy's latest column is here. We live in a sick world."

A Legislative Feminist-Only Club | Father Abuse Leads to Suicide and Violence  >

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treated fairly in court?" (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @09:18AM EST (#1)
"you feel a stab of skepticism at the accusation and wonder whether the man involved will be treated fairly in court?"

There is much truth to this. As more and more men get victimized by a biased court system, these men ultimately re-enter the world (vitctimized) and tell people about it, men, women, mothers, sisters, everyone...

Feminism fights this growing trend by the use of biased media reporting that borders on libel/slander that is aimed at denigrating all men.

I was victimized in the courts by a vindictive ex. She lied, changed her story, provided false witness and so on... the judge thought she was "credible" despite her conflicting testimony. I never got a chance to even open my mouth....there was no evidenciary proceeding, and no examination of my account. Just her words.

What Organization? (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @12:20PM EST (#4)
(User #643 Info)
The head of a feminist organization created a vicious lie about me and circulated it. The lie: I am a drug addict who supports the father's rights movement because it supplies me with drugs. Her exact accusation was that the father's rights movement is "providing you with drugs in exchange for positive publicity and a steady stream of attacks on their adversary."


If you read this I have the following questions:

1) Is there a reason for not revealing the organization?
2) Do you have emails, letters, or witnesses that identify the actual source of the slander?

I have no doubt about their spreading this vicious lie. I'm interested in all documentation possible on how radical feminist attack dissenters for a research paper.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:What Organization? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @12:45PM EST (#5)
"1) Is there a reason for not revealing the organization?
2) Do you have emails, letters, or witnesses that identify the actual source of the slander?"

Don't know what her reasons are, but there are good reasons not to identify the source in a case like this. One is just "good form." The other is the fact that the courts frown on it and Wendy has a better chance at hauling this nasty individual into court on slander charges if she does not use her column to directly respond. This also may be the reason she took great care to explain why she was repeating the slander in the column.

Put-down artists, as Mars call them, generally are not wise enough to know when to shut their mouths. It is very easy for them to cross the line into slander. I am pursuing lawsuits against three individuals who made the mistake of publicly slandering me because I disagreed with them.

The internet in the hands of fools is a dangerous tool. But it will come back to bite them.

It takes a great courage to stand alone. (Score:1)
by John Knouten on Wednesday November 27, @02:07PM EST (#7)
(User #716 Info) http://www.geocities.com/masculistdetectives/
Wendy has shown very much courage in speaking up against both sides of gender extremism.

I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:0, Flamebait)
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Wednesday November 27, @03:36PM EST (#8)
(User #144 Info)
look at it this way,

I know that Wendy has done her best in helping us out in this movement, but with the Augusta Club matter, and the Title IX issue, as well as sexual harassment, I'm staring to have negative, hateful feeling towards feminists [individualist, radical, gender, or equity, whatever]. No matter how helpful or how fair someone is to help someone, they have a tendency to stab you in the back...and a ton of feminists [excluding Warren Farrell] are known for that. I mean, yes these feminists found out that these women are harassed, beaten, or even killed by men, and they've stopped it; however there a a certain number of men who have also been sexually harassed, raped, battered, or killed by women, and the feminists act like they can sweep that under the rug and make those things as punishment toward these men...the heart of darkness is that when these thing happen to men, society doesn't give a damn...and then ridiculed them.

If a person continues to keep complaining about one side of the coin, not knowing that they're supposed to be helping people on the other side of the coin, then that person should not be trusted [and there is nothing wrong with that!]

Now Wendy, listen to me. I know that you're a one-time abuse survivor, and a defender of women's rights, but if you are going to turn around and stab us in the back when you're supposed to help us in our [men's] movement, then hit the exit!

A growing number of men are sick and tired of you and these other feminists playing us for fools, when it comes to equality.

It's time for us now to put our feet down and say:

"if you don't like our movement or don't want to help us, then get the "f" out!!!!!

Honestly speaking, I'm starting not to trust Wendy!!

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.

Re:I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @03:53PM EST (#12)
Emanslave, did you actually read Wendy's column? Also, Wendy has said over and over that she is against Title IX, supports Augusta National in its fight against Martha Burk, and has never trusted or supported sexual harassment law.

I am wondering what article YOU read.

Re:I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:3, Insightful)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @04:19PM EST (#15)
(User #643 Info)
A growing number of men are sick and tired of you and these other feminists playing us for fools, when it comes to equality.


Go back and read the article. Wendy is not somebody that we need to fear or distrust. This is uncalled for.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:1, Insightful)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @04:30PM EST (#16)

"What is this agenda? It rests on the assumption that all women are victims of all men. That's the definition of patriarchy: white male culture, white male government that benefits every man at the expense of every woman. Women are everywhere and always oppressed by men.

Translating this agenda into practical terms ... It says that, in court proceedings on domestic violence cases and child custody disputes, men should be guilty until proven innocent. Society's institutions, such as universities, should be organized to protect women against men: For example, through sexual abuse tribunals that do not allow accused men the right to such niceties as a lawyer or questioning his accuser.

Concerned parents are withholding compassion from your daughters because they are worried about justice to their sons. PC feminism has created a gender war in which daughters and sons are pitted against each other in the courts and institutions of society."

She seems to be in favor of equality to me. I thought her article made a lot of sense. She's no enemy.


Re:I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:1)
by John Knouten on Wednesday November 27, @05:27PM EST (#24)
(User #716 Info) http://www.geocities.com/masculistdetectives/

          To make my point clear, I was an abused man for 13 years. Unlike 99% of women and 95% of men in USA, Wendy has COMPASSION for abused men. She also risked her career to VOICE HER COMPASSION.

          I will protest when the very few people who have compassion for me are insulted! As for being feminist -- Wendy is female who is proud of herself. That is good. Pro-feminist men who act under compulsion, or for financial gain have nothing to be proud of but Wendy who writes out of compassion has!

Wendy has spoken out repeatedly for male victims (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @06:51PM EST (#29)
"I mean, yes these feminists found out that these women are harassed, beaten, or even killed by men, and they've stopped it; however there a a certain number of men who have also been sexually harassed, raped, battered, or killed by women, and the feminists act like they can sweep that under the rug and make those things as punishment toward these men."

This is true of many feminists, but how is it true of Wendy or "equity" feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers?

Wendy brought some national attention to the issue of male victims in her Fox News article last year on 9/11. That article silenced certain critics when I use it advocating locally. I couldn't care less whether Wendy calls herself a "feminist" or not, or whether she attempts to re-claim "true feminism" or not. The content and substance of her work is very fair-minded and she's done alot of good for the movement.

Re:I'm starting not to trust that woman.... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday November 29, @01:24AM EST (#44)
You Wrote:

"I will protest when the very few people who have compassion for me are insulted! As for being feminist -- Wendy is female who is proud of herself. That is good."

My Reply:

I agree wholeheartedly. Any feminist who gets discussed on a men's page is coming to the plate with 2 strikes already on them due simply to the word association that the word "feminist" or "ifeminist" or "equity feminist" has with "radical feminists." It all gets a little confusing for the unread to sort out.

There's a kind of guilt by association to anyone who uses any derivative of the word "feminist" due to all the evil that's been done by the "radical feminists." I suppose those are all reasons that "equity feminist" Christina Hoff Sommers wrote her book, "WHO STOLE FEMINISM," and that Wendy McElroy has her "IFEMINIST web site.
They are trying to wash the taint of "radical feminsm" from the good things that feminism initially brought to women and men. Good Luck, it would probably be easier to wash up a truck load of dirty diapers than to clean up the foul mess that the "radical feminists" have brought to feminism.

It is with this perception in mind that I have coined our latest bumper sticker:

                IN NEED OF

At the risk of raising a few hackles on the necks of the woman haters out there, let me say that I welcome "ifeminists" and "equity feminists" everywhere to have a bumper sticker that says:

            IN NEED OF

I like women. I like being around them. I only wish that men and women were not so adversarial to each other in their personal relationships.

I would welcome the "Radical Feminists" to also have such a bumper sticker, but 1st they need to clean up the foul mess they have "dumped" on the lives of innocent and naive men and women everywhere. If they "radical feminists" can't learn to play fair they really do need to pick up their toys (law books) and go home so the good little boys and girls can enjoy each others company like they used to.

Sincerely, Ray
thanksgiving (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @07:34PM EST (#30)
Give thanks for Wendy, for her courage and big-heartedness. Give thanks for all the persons who work to make the world more humane and more just. Yes, there's a lot of sickness in this world, but there's also a lot of wonderful men, wonderful women, and wonderful times. A Happy Thanksgiving to all you U.S. men's activists!!

Re:thanksgiving (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday November 27, @08:16PM EST (#31)
(User #280 Info)
I've been trying not to get involved in discussions for a few days, because I'm extremely busy with other things. This is too important, though, to pass up.

We need to be thankful for each other and for all the courageous people, who fight injustice and hate, wherever and however those evils rear their fearsome heads. Those of us in the US, and many other countries as well, have much to be grateful for. Feminist hatred of men holds great power in our society, but we are still free to fight it openly without being gunned down. (The feminazis haven't garnered that much power yet.) And because of the efforts of a growing number of people, the evil known as feminism has probably reached its zenith.

We face a long battle, but we will defeat anti-male hatred, lies, and oppression.

All the best everyone!
Re:thanksgiving (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @08:29PM EST (#32)
(User #643 Info)
The feminazis haven't garnered that much power yet...

While these male-haters don't have the power to openly gun men down, they do wield incredible power. In my latest expository on feminist power, I'm stunned at the level of control they have in the government and our daily lives.

They may not be gunning down men, but they are most certainly using their power of controlling the police forces, all levels of government legislation, and the media to carry an all out gender war against men.

It is becoming clear to me that we are seriously underestimating the level of power that feminist have in America. Therefore, it is the duty of every person to identify their sources of power and educate the public on how their power is being abused. Then we must continue organizing and fighting back until the balance of power is restored.

For example, the Woman's Caucus is arguably the single most powerful feminist group because of their ability to influence and control legislation that is gender specific. I find it ironic that the public isn't completely dismayed at how they are using their power to create biased laws that unjustly criminalize men. The Woman’s Caucus must be forced to open it ranks to male legislators or permit men to form a Men’s Caucus.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:thanksgiving (Score:2)
by Thomas on Wednesday November 27, @08:39PM EST (#33)
(User #280 Info)
They may not be gunning down men, but they are most certainly using their power of controlling the police forces, all levels of government legislation, and the media to carry an all out gender war against men.

Re:thanksgiving (Score:1)
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Wednesday November 27, @09:27PM EST (#35)
(User #144 Info)
Oh yeah,

Well, here's my two cents...Happy Thanksgiving guys, from a intelligent black masculist!!!!

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Wednesday November 27, @09:19PM EST (#34)
(User #144 Info)
Damn it guys!

OK OK OK I'm sorry!!!! Listen, I was trying to make a very important point here...I know Wendy has helped and defended us, but FOR YOUR INFORMATION, There are some people [feminists and masculists] out there that just want to ridicule us, disrespect our cause and throw countless spikes at us!!!

Speaking with guilt, I was only concerned about whether or not Wendy would turn out like the other feminists such as Greer, Steinem, and Friedan.

Now fellows don't talk that way to me...and don't get me wrong either, I have read the article myself, and it has drove me to make this intelligent conclusion, of course I could sometimes be wrong. And believe me, I'm not ignorant and I'm not talking meaningless bullshit!!!

I'm just speaking out of concern, not of hatred, of the direction of where our movement is going!

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.

by Anonymous User on Thursday November 28, @12:10AM EST (#38)
Hi Emmanuel.

I think we all understand your concern, but, speaking strictly for myself, Wendy has given me no reason to distrust her. I have read her columns for a long time and she has to be one of the most honest and sincere writers out there.

I admit that her use of the word "feminist" made me suspicious at first too, and no one will blame you for being suspicious when someone identifies with that word. I think Wendy has proven herself time and time again, though.

Keep that passion, though, man. It is good to see. And it is good to know that there are passionate people like yourself involved in this movement.

Jack Implant
by Emanslave (Emanslave@aol.com) on Thursday November 28, @12:19AM EST (#39)
(User #144 Info)
Jack, you're right on that point! thanks!
You got to give credit and trust where it is due

Emmanuel Matteer Jnr.
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Thursday November 28, @04:16AM EST (#41)
(User #643 Info)
Now fellows don't talk that way to me...and don't get me wrong either, I have read the article myself, and it has drove me to make this intelligent conclusion, of course I could sometimes be wrong. And believe me, I'm not ignorant and I'm not talking meaningless bullshit!!!


I can remember being new on this forum, and I was very suspicious of the equity feminist. Hell, I think I’m still am a bit suspicious. It's almost like they are too good to be true, but Wendy, Dianna, Catherine, and others do seem to be genuine. They are consistent. So, I'm learning to trust them, and that has been a hard thing for me to do.

Anyway, it is normal for us to go at each other. I've had several bouts myself with the guys, but in the end we are all out for the same end. It does really quite allot of fun!

Happy Turkey day! Good to have you on board!


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
by Smoking Drive (homoascendens@ivillage.com) on Thursday November 28, @05:57PM EST (#43)
(User #565 Info)
can remember being new on this forum, and I was very suspicious of the equity
                                                            feminist. Hell, I think I?m still am a bit suspicious. It's almost like they are too good to be
                                                            true, but Wendy, Dianna, Catherine, and others do seem to be genuine. They are

Wendy has at times engaged in debating tactics on the ifeminists board which were evasive and misrepresentative. Try pushing the envelope on issues of conventional female sensibility there and see what happens.


Those who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
I'm Thankful for Wendy, her fairness, her stories (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 28, @01:48PM EST (#42)
Wnedy & Friends:

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Out of respect for all the Father's who will not be seeing their children today (and all struggling men everywhere) there is a truck parked at a busy Valley intersection with a 4X8 sign that says EQUAL JUSTICE FOR MEN w/flags flying. For those of faith in our group please say a little prayer for them as you sit down to meal. For those not of faith, please think a good thought for them.

NCFMLA has now protested on the streets of L.A. 7 out of the last 10 days.

Again, a very Happy Thanksgiving to all men and women of good will.

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @12:13PM EST (#3)
"She allowed her cite to be used by Glen Sack of Shit to slander me as a "potential perp.""

How did Glenn slander you? If he slandered you you can sue him.

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:1)
by John Knouten on Wednesday November 27, @01:51PM EST (#6)
(User #716 Info) http://www.geocities.com/masculistdetectives/
> The answer is that she is a liar. To be a feminist is to be a liar.

That looks like libel in itself.

> Wendy doesn't care for the defamation except when
> it serves her purposes.

Wendy cares for TRUE gender eqality. She cares for Violence Against Women and Violence Against Men. Without giving in to either gender feminists or masculist extremists! Being attacked from both sides for her pursuit of fairness.

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @03:44PM EST (#10)
(User #643 Info)
Wendy is a pathological liar. Feminists are pathological liars by definition.

TROLL ALERT....TROLL ALERT...We have a hater on the site! Everybody turn the radar to ignore.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @03:50PM EST (#11)
TROLL ALERT....TROLL ALERT...We have a hater on the site! Everybody turn the radar to ignore.

Agreed. By the way, I wanted to post a Happy Thanksgiving to all you people who work so hard to make the world a better place for mankind. Warble, Scott, frank, Mars, everyone. I don't know any of you, but I appreciate your dedication. Have a great one.

Jack Implant

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @04:17PM EST (#14)
(User #643 Info)
Happy Thanksgiving to all you people...

Thanks. And Happy Thanksgiving to all men's activist world wide!

Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday November 27, @05:08PM EST (#17)
You too, Jack.

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:2)
by frank h on Friday November 29, @09:41PM EST (#45)
(User #141 Info)
Thanks, Jack. I didn't get this deep into this thread 'til now, but I hope you had a pleasant one as well, and the same for all of the other productive souls here.
Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:1)
by John Knouten on Wednesday November 27, @05:19PM EST (#22)
(User #716 Info) http://www.geocities.com/masculistdetectives/
> TROLL ALERT....TROLL ALERT...We have a hater on
> the site! Everybody turn the radar to ignore.

... or an undercover gender feminist trying to make men's movement look bad.

> Warble

Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:2)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Wednesday November 27, @05:32PM EST (#26)
(User #643 Info)
... or an undercover gender feminist trying to make men's movement look bad.

Well the way that trolls are attacking Marc I'd say it's a safe bet to assume that its a gender feminist. The male hate statements can only be that of a man-hater.

The good news is that as we continue to make major progress, these bigots will continue raising their ugly head for the entire world to see.

I hope we get lot's more of this hate speech. It exposes them for what they are to the general public....male-haters.


Disclaimer: My statements are intended to be personal opinion, belief, sarcasm, or allegation.
Absolutely, Warble... (Score:1)
by ppmnow (ppm_now@hotmail.com) on Wednesday November 27, @06:17PM EST (#27)
(User #1071 Info)
From what I've read today, the feminists are becoming even more desperate as they troll and attack all free speech outlets.

I say: Let the feminists troll here and bring what they've got because, as all true equality activists know, they don't have much to bring.

Piece of cake, gentlement.

Mitchell A. Smith

"An ambiguous perspective is all you can hope for when initially confronted by that which you do not know."
Re:Wendy Doesn't Practice What She Preaches (Score:2, Insightful)
by Dittohd on Thursday November 28, @01:50AM EST (#40)
(User #1075 Info)
"A women who claims to have been abused or raped is lying unless she has obtained a conviction."

Are you kidding? Since when does a conviction prove that abuse or a rape actually happened? Especially in a court system which today is so biased in so many cases against men?

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