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How NIH Shortchanges Men with Heart Disease Programs
posted by Scott on Friday October 04, @10:28AM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health The Men's Health America list has three recent criticisms of the National Institutes of Health and bias in their heart disease programs. Despite the fact that men have approx. 50% higher risk of death from heart disease, the NIH has underrepresented men in heart disease studies, has more sex-specific publications for women than for men about heart disease, and is currently readying a special heart disease awareness campaign targeted at women, but not men. This is about men dying, folks. We all need to make some noise over this injustice, and physicians and others in the medical field have a deep obligation to speak out and demand more attention to heart disease in men. Educate yourself with these three MHA postings - one, two, three. And then take a moment and write.

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feminists don't care (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Friday October 04, @05:34PM EST (#1)
Are you really surprised that feminists are only concerned for women? Even in matters where men have a higher mortality rate than women?

For sexist haters (like most feminists), this is a beautiful thing...watch the life expectancy for women grow as they continue to receive special privileges.

We need health representation on a federal level specific to men's health now.

Feminism is sexism

more stuff for women (Score:1)
by Tom on Friday October 04, @07:04PM EST (#2)
(User #192 Info) http://www.standyourground.com
Feminism is simply a special interest group that has sold their product to the legislators. They don't seem to care about equality...just more stuff for women. The other thing they have sold to legislators is the fear of not doing things for women and as a consequence the fear or even dread of doing things for men.

Their way has been made incredibly simple since the "provide and protect" hormone runs deeply in all men's veins.

We are called to speak out and keep speaking out whenever we can be heard. We are fighting a battle against what has become the status quo: more stuff for women, and the invisibility of a man's needs and pain.
Stand Your Ground Forum
Re:more stuff for women (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Monday October 07, @01:57AM EST (#3)
Weired, isn't it?
If you do things to help women, that's all fine and good. NO controversey there.
But if you even so much as SUGGEST doing anything to help MEN, You're a MISOGYNIST and want to oppress and hurt women.
Like Sigmund Freud once said: "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
This is something that feminists and ALOT of women, these days need to learn.

Geeze, any time a Man SNEEZES it is intepreted as some "PLOT" against women.

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