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Matching Donation Drive Completed!
posted by Scott on Wednesday October 02, @11:50AM
from the announcements dept.
Announcements Due to the generosity of several individuals, Mensactivism.org has received the full $200 in donations which were matched with another $200 from Richard Cann. I'm in the process of getting permission to name the donors who contributed during this time, but felt it was important to announce that the matching fund drive is over so people were aware of this fact. I'm humbled that people completed this drive so quickly, and cannot thank you all enough. Update: The following people are to be thanked as generous supporters of Mensactivism.org: Marc Angelucci, Steve Imparl, Thomas Parker, Luke Brackett, Christopher Fritz, David H, K.S, Anonymous1, Anonymous2 (member of NCFM-LA), and of course, Richard Cann.

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