Dan Lynch writes "Dan Curry wanted people to hear this Thompson and Sacks interview (part one, part two) with Marc Angelucci, the leader of the LA chapter of NCFM. On September 3, Angelucci discussed LA/NCFM's groundbreaking civil rights lawsuit and its drive to create a Los Angeles Commission for Men. Angelucci will also discuss his campaign to increase services for male victims of domestic violence in Los Angeles. Angelucci, Thompson, and Sacks will also discuss the California Senate's recent passage of the Paternity Justice Act (AB 2240) and the work and testimony of both the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (ACFC) and LA/NCFM on behalf of the bill. Listeners are urged to write, call, or fax California Governor Gray Davis and urge him to sign this bill.
Davis can be contacted by e-mail at governor@governor.ca.gov, by phone at 916-445-2841, by fax at 916-445-4633, or by regular mail at Governor's Office, Governor Gray Davis, State Capitol Building,
Sacramento, CA 95814. Listeners are urged to write "I support AB 2240" in big letters across the top of their letters and faxes. For more information on the National Coalition of Free Men, visit their website at www.ncfm.org."