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New Men's Hour Includes NCFM Anti-NOW Soundtrack
posted by Scott on Monday August 19, @10:18AM
from the men's-hour dept.
Men's Hour Raymond Cuttill writes "The Men's Hour August programme is out, and is over 3 hours long, including news about August protests in England, and the soundtrack from the NCFM, anti-NOW event on June 21st in St. Paul, Minnesota. The event called "Gender Feminism and the Voice Not Heard: Has America Gone Deaf In One Ear?" It includes Warren Farrell, Trudy W. Schuett, Wendy McElroy, Dianna Thompson and Deborah Watkins. Our next programme will be released on Sunday, 15th September"

Blackshirts on the Move in Australia | Original Sponsor of NH Men's Commission Bill Needs Campaign Help  >

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