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Mallard Fillmore Addresses Ritalin Abuse on Boys in Comic Strip
posted by Scott on Friday April 19, @04:34AM
from the boys/young-men dept.
Boys/Young Men Anonymous User writes "Mallard Fillmore (a syndicated comic strip that runs in the Boston Globe) ran a series of comic strips that address the abuse of Ritalin on boys in grade school. The strip calls the problem "NEBS" (Normal Eight year old Boy Syndrome). The importance of this strip is that it reaches a large audience of people who may be unaware of this issue."

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'Mallard Fillmore Addresses Ritalin Abuse on Boys in Comic Strip' | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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These are great! (Score:1)
by Tom on Friday April 19, @05:57AM EST (#1)
(User #192 Info)
I love these comics. Very funny and spot on. Great to see a male-friendly theme.
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A Woman Teacher (Score:2)
by frank h on Friday April 19, @06:53AM EST (#2)
(User #141 Info)
You'll note that the teacher would appear to be female. Typical. My sister-in-law, some years ago, was called to conference by her son's teacher who suggested rather strongly that my nephew be prescribed Ritalin. My SIL refused, correctly. Now at age thirteen my nephew is clearly nothing more than an energetic boy who, as it turns out, was bored in this woman's class.
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BRAVO!!!! (Score:1)
by nazgul on Friday April 19, @07:19AM EST (#3)
(User #620 Info)
Clearly, this is the deadliest front in the "war against boys," as Christina Hoff-Sommers would have it. Fellas, we really need to make an offering to the Sumerian gods on this one, or whoever the hell made this possible. Perhaps an outpouring of gratitude to the Boston Globe would be sufficient. People are always hearing about what they do wrong, but you rarely see a gracious letter writing campaign. It would be very positive, I think, to let them know we noticed and we appreciate the sentiment.
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