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Men Never Do Their Share of Housework? Not so!
posted by Nightmist on Wednesday April 10, @08:29AM
from the masculinity dept.
Masculinity Glenn Sacks has turned out yet another column, in which he examines a study which confirms that men do, indeed, do their "fair share" of housework, in spite of the old media and feminist myth that women are forced into housework slavery. Sacks looks at the matter of percentages. The recently released study shows that women do an average of 27 hours of housework a week, compared to 16 hours a week for men. Balanced against this, however, is the study's less-publicized finding that the average man spends 14 hours a week more on the job than the average woman. Thus men's overall contribution to the household is actually slightly higher than women's.

Reuters Health: Men Are Abused As Often As Women

'Men Never Do Their Share of Housework? Not so!' | Login/Create an Account | 1 comments | Search Discussion
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I'm tired just reading this (Score:1)
by cwfreeman on Wednesday April 10, @11:15AM EST (#1)
(User #588 Info)
When we value one gender's work over the others then we only see what the valued gender does.

This should not be a mystery!

Every time we shine light on these topics the accusations of the women's movement become transparent. That is because there is a large difference between idiology and reality. Though in saying this it should be noted that when idiology has a lasting impact then it takes on the quality of reality and facts that contradict this manufactured reality are ingnored. To understand this process just look at religion and the impact faith has in validating myth.

Femminism, for those who are active in its movement, takes on a religious quality and those who do not follow its tenets must be converted. Idiology needs ever increasing followers to become reality. For those souls that do not step in line then the only recourse is to vilify them. After all they must be suspect if they do not see the wisdom of the movement.

We see that in the fundamentalist religous movement and we can see that in the militant femminist movement.

Giving light to these unfounded beliefs and exposing them as transparent myths is the only way to free society from its grip, but what comes next? Do we create new ones to replace them?

Change is the only constant. We will never be the men we were before the women's movement was created and that is good. Just as a "heart-attack" can force you to evaluate your lifestyle, and force you to make improvements or suffer the results of denial, we as men are facing choices for our survival.

We are looking at and speaking about the importance of parenting in our lives. We are talking about the importance of our relationships with women, children and each other.

As all this light is being turned onto the myths of gender I wonder when we will start to see the importance of individual strengths of humans that transend gender and make life richer.

Not all men make good soldiers and not all women are good housekeepers, but all men and women have qualities that make them excell in some areas.
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