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Cheaters Exploits DV Against Men
posted by Scott on Friday March 29, @12:29PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence warble writes "On March 23 at midnight, KCAL channel 9 aired an episode of Cheaters that I believe glorifies and condones violence against men. The name of the couple was Christian & Bret. It was about Bret being a cheating husband. What was disturbing were the three distinct alleged physical assaults on Bret by Christian. In addition, there was a police response where Bret was seeking protection from the DV. Cheaters helped Christian avoid arrest. The host pointed out that Bret wanted protection and was asking the police to have his wife arrested for DV. Further, Christian repeatedly brought into question the issue of child neglect. She was claiming that the child was suffering for want of formula. Clearly, the Child Protection Services should have been called and Christian arrested. However, I believe that the host of Cheaters.com obstructed justice. You can voice your protest at Cheeters.com, and you can write or call KCAL channel 9 in Los Angeles to voice your dismay at KCAL."

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