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McElroy: NOW Used Yates For Political Gain
posted by Nightmist on Tuesday February 26, @07:52AM
from the our-ifeminist-sisters dept.
News Wendy McElroy's latest Fox News column examines the National Organization for Women's (now played-down) support of Andrea Yates, mother who drowned her five children in a bathtub. McElroy points out that NOW wanted to use the case to point the finger at men, who, in NOW's opinion, keep women locked up and tied down to homes and families. McElroy also explores other examples of NOW's attempts to politicize criminal acts.

Source: Fox News [web site]

Title: NOW distances itself from Yates

Author: Wendy McElroy

Date: February 25, 2002

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Now there's a shock. (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Tuesday February 26, @10:32AM EST (#1)
(User #661 Info)
Say it isn't so.

The National Organization for Wimmyn USED someone to make political hay?

Wait - they actually seized on something - just because the person in question was FEMALE, instead of the merits of the case? They took her side just because she was a "womyn?"

And they deflected the issue to the man just because of his GENDER?

Oh, horror, horror. Woe is me. The humanity, oh, the humanity.

So - now let me get this straight - this is just sexual politics, aggrandizing the pheminine at the expense of the masculine? It's not about truth or justice, biut a means to get "more stuff for wimmyn?"

And then when it blew back in their face, they unleashed their spin-control (Hypocrisy) machine, and backpedaled, leaving their Houston Chapter with their boobs hanging in the wind?

(Um - serious note here - take heed, ye tacticians of masculism - this is SOP from their field handbook, to abandon units; and can be used strategically to isolate individual pockets of pheminist terrorist cells.)

They advocated - no, it CAN'T BE - a seperate standard for wimmyn? Not one based on true equity and equality? Be still, oh my heart. The earth rocks. Hark, do I hear hoofbeats of the apocalypse?

Hmmm. Who would have guessed?

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Now there's a shock. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 26, @11:48AM EST (#2)
The satiric irony in your post, GK, had me rolling on the floor, laughing.

Remo who could use some humor about all this

Re:Now there's a shock. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 27, @04:24AM EST (#7)
Believe it or not, there are MANY women who suffer from Post Partum Depression and there ARE some women who suffer Post Partum Psychosis ( a much more serious condition). Why was a man still having sex with a woman who was known to be mentally ill? I thought that was illegal.
Why aren't you complaining about the number of men suffering from schizoprephenia and other mental illnesses who "get off" charges quite frequently?
I've got to hand it to you jerks, you're mongrels who, for years, have enjoyed women in porn being slapped and gagged with penises, being spat on and having their heads flushed in the toilet complete with threatening remarks, yet you have the gaul to complain that you're under attack.
Pull the other one, it plays jingle bells.

Re:Now there's a shock. (Score:1)
by The Gonzo Kid (NibcpeteO@SyahPoo.AcomM) on Wednesday February 27, @08:21AM EST (#8)
(User #661 Info)
Ah, a pheminist troll.

Believe it or not, there are MANY women who suffer from Post Partum Depression and there ARE some women who suffer Post Partum Psychosis ( a much more serious condition).

I'll send a violinist over straightaway so he can play "Hearts and Flowers" for you. My suggestion for these women is that they play by the same rules as men - suck it up. Get over themselves. And if they can't handle the responsibilities of sex and the obvious by-products of it (I.E. Children) That they chould keep their skirts down. In other words, take a little personal responsibility.

Why was a man still having sex with a woman who was known to be mentally ill? I thought that was illegal.

Okay, guys, you heard the lil' lady. Any woman who so much as goes to a counselor you can't have sex with without a clean bill of health from them.

And we know that women have to be protected, the delicate little things, because they are much to fragile and mentally unstable and easily influenced to think for themselves.

(Excuse me, I'm being handed something - uh huh - what?) Oh, I'm sorry, she did get a clean bill of health, they declined to institutionalize her...?

Whoops, let's change that, gents, our expectation of mind reading has just been changed to omniscience.
Why aren't you complaining about the number of men suffering from schizoprephenia and other mental illnesses who "get off" charges quite frequently?

And tthe number of women too? Well, because this was contrived. And those men don't stab their kids - no, wait - Strap them in a car and drive them into a lake...? NO! Drown them in a Bathtub! I knew it had to do with water.

Sorry for the confusion, AU, all these cases of mothers MURDERING their own children kind of run together for me.

I've got to hand it to you jerks, you're mongrels who, for years, have enjoyed women in porn being slapped and gagged with penises, being spat on and having their heads flushed in the toilet complete with threatening remarks, yet you have the gaul to complain that you're under attack.

Some men watch violent porn, so you're all jerks, eh? Wow, I can't even begin to list all the formal fallacies in this syllogism - not even sure I can make a coherent syllogism out of it - let alone the informal ones. I see ad hominem abusive, appeal to shame, appeal to fear,

As usual, though, the Dominatrix/male slave porn is going to be ignored, or marginalized.

Someone call Guinness, I think I have an entry for "Most illogic in a single paragraph here," guys!

Oh, and that is "Gall." Gaul was an area of the ancient world roughly comprising France, The Iberian Peninsula, and some of the modern German-Speaking lands.

What am I doing, though? "History" and "Logic" are so patriarchal! They don't teach such things as that in "Wimmyn's" studies. It would be so politically incorrect!

Pull the other one, it plays jingle bells.

The other what, pray tell? A little object/Subject agreement would be helpful.

Hey, but: Thanks for Playing, though! (Tell her what she's won, Johnny!) The nonsense was MOST entertaining, even though me taking you on in a battle of wits is a little like the New England Patriots taking on a Pop Warner team.

Aw, did I make ums cry? SUCK IT UP!

---- Burn, Baby, Burn ----
Re:Now there's a shock. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 27, @01:32PM EST (#9)
>> Aw, did I make ums cry? SUCK IT UP!

          Preach it, Brother, Preach it!
          Gonzo, I am still wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. That is a riot!
Well, if THAT wasn't a pointless, (Score:1)
by nazgul on Wednesday February 27, @03:19PM EST (#10)
(User #620 Info)
meandering diatribe I've never seen one.

Thanks for enlightening me regarding the difference between depression and psychosis. Can't imagine what I would do without insightful input like this.

Seriously, though, male psychopaths are routinely jailed and excecuted, and the ones who do get off the hook don't have an ideologically-driven self-interest group like NOW raising money for them. That's the difference. In fact, NOW has never come out in the support of one of those men. So you've got your answer right there, hotshot. It's called HYPOCRISY. Look it up.

Having sex with a mentally ill woman is in fact illegal. But considering the number of married men in the world, there seems to be little enforcement going on. So in a way, you're right. More women do need treatment than most people realize.

Typical, typical, typical. Drag out the most base, nasty, repugnant brand of pornography and define the mainstream by that standard. Define the middle by the extreme. Sure. We have a real intellectual powerhouse on our hands, here.

Ordinarily, I don't get sarcastic with people. Rational discourse really is my preference. But since you don't actually have a reasoned response to McElroy's article, or any rational way of refuting her claims, you spew out a litany of Dworkin-style atrocity images to justify your continued support for an organization that is as ethically defunct and morally bankrupt as the porn producers you so despise.
NOW (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Tuesday February 26, @12:45PM EST (#3)
It's a wonder why NOW still has some support from anyone
Re:NOW (Score:1)
by LadyRivka (abrouty@wells.edu) on Tuesday February 26, @01:17PM EST (#4)
(User #552 Info) http://devoted.to/jinzouningen
When Bell posted at HoustonNOW, "The candlelight vigil [for Yates] is sure to bring another flurry of media coverage and we need to work that to our advantage," she reveals the heartless, opportunistic soul of NOW itself.

I agree. Hypocrisy lurks around every corner. The girls of NOW have shown their full humanity by being inhuman towards men.
"Female men's activist" is not an oxymoron.
Re:NOW (Score:1)
by nazgul on Tuesday February 26, @01:30PM EST (#6)
(User #620 Info)
True enough. It is little wonder they have to lie about their membership. Unfortunately, many people are under the misguided impression that their name means what it says. In reality, they are the shrill voice of an emotionally disturbed few. Just as sadly, there are fair number of dues-paying members who really don't understand what it is they are supporting. Their intentions are as good as anyone's, to be sure. NOW unscrupulously takes advantage of their members' total insulation from honest debate.
Re:NOW (Score:1)
by nazgul on Tuesday February 26, @01:24PM EST (#5)
(User #620 Info)
Scare tactics. Hyper-inflated and dubious statistics. Explosively emotional allegories. And a basic lack of independentaly minded, truly critical thinkers. It's about that simple.
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