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Wendy McElroy: Take Back Valentine's Day
posted by Nightmist on Tuesday February 12, @07:06AM
from the our-ifeminist-sisters dept.
News In her latest column on Fox News, Wendy McElroy closely examines how gender (anti-male) feminists have attempted to take over and destroy Valentine's Day with V-Day (the V stands for Vagina, Violence [against women by men], and Victory) on college campuses. Among other "celebrations" is usually the presentation of Eve Ensler's male-bashing and child abuse-celebrating play The Vagina Monologues. In McElroy's words: Since 1998, V-Day events have been sponsored on university campuses across America. The stated purpose is to raise awareness. In reality, V-Day embodies the same double standard and dishonesty that has characterized most feminist pronouncements for decades.

Source: Fox News/ifeminists.com [Web sites]

Title: Take Back Valentine's Day!

Author: Wendy McElroy

Date: February 11, 2002

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Bravo (Score:1)
by nazgul on Tuesday February 12, @08:34AM EST (#1)
(User #620 Info)
Another fine column, Wendy. Keep 'em coming.
hm... (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Tuesday February 12, @11:42AM EST (#2)
(User #665 Info)
I'm going to see the Vagina Monolouges on Friday (with any luck), I'll then have an opinion on whether it's actually male-bashing and evil, etc. I've heard it both ways.

But, it does hit me as just another way that the embittered get more attention than the content.
Vagina Monologues (Score:1)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Tuesday February 12, @11:43AM EST (#3)
(User #643 Info)
I had no idea that the vagina monologues originally glorified the rape of a 13 year old female child by a 24 year old woman. What's worse is that The Vagina Monologues won an OBIE Award on Broadway! My God man! Does it ever end? Why isn’t Hollywood condemning this award!?! Why all of the silence and tacit consent of the bigotry it glorifies?

It is truly astonishing that modern feminist celebrate this horror and permit the foundation of the play to be politically suppressed.

If feminism were truly about equality, NOW and others would publicly condemn this play. They would condemn it for the horrors it condones, and they would condemn its blatant agenda of teaching the hatred of men.

Re:Vagina Monologues (Score:1)
by Uberganger on Tuesday February 12, @11:54AM EST (#4)
(User #308 Info)
If feminism were truly about equality, NOW and others would publicly condemn this play. They would condemn it for the horrors it condones, and they would condemn its blatant agenda of teaching the hatred of men.

Well, you've hit the nail on the head, Warble. Feminism isn't about equality, it's about greed and hatred and ideology. The more you find out about it, the more obvious this becomes.

Bring Back the Coochie Snorcher! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Wednesday February 13, @12:30PM EST (#5)

I read McElroy's column where she mentioned that this year's V-Day Vagina Monologues will intentionally omit the Coochie Snorther monologue--the one about the 13 year old girl who gets raped by a 24 year old woman.

This omission is horrible! Attendees should be able to enjoy the program and see it for what it really is as it was intended to be seen.

I'm reminded of the recently oft quoted Reagan quote where he says "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down that wall!"

"Ms. Feminist Queen--Let us hear the Coochie Snorcher!"

Re:Bring Back the Coochie Snorcher! (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden@yahoo.com) on Wednesday February 13, @01:28PM EST (#6)
(User #665 Info)
I'm curious, did anyone pop over to Betty Dodson's site to read her comments on the whole thing? It was a VERY interesting article. Some of her replies to it are interesting as well. Also, it seems the play much more about female sexuality than about how evil men are.
There are here: http://www.bettydodson.com/subpol.htm
her comments are titled:
Vagina Monologues + V-Day Confuses Women - the old bait and switch.

Uh... and you're only supposed to be 18-or-over to be there, because Betty has a habit of posting photos of vulvas on the top of pages.
The legend of St. Valentine (Score:1)
by Subversive on Wednesday February 13, @07:55PM EST (#7)
(User #343 Info)
It seems that in the Roman Empire during the 3rd Century, Emperor Claudius II “The Cruel” faced a challenge. He needed soldiers to man the front lines of battle in foreign lands. But he found that married men did not make for good soldiers, because they were reluctant to leave their wives behind. But the Empire needed soldiers, so the mad emperor issued an edict across the land: marriage was banned and all marriage engagements were to be cancelled.

A priest named Valentine, the Bishop of Interamna, empathized with the young couples and the men who were soon to be conscripted into military service as centurians. Secretly, this “friend of lovers,” joined couple after grateful couple in the bonds of matrimony. But eventually he was caught by Emperor Claudius and thrown into the dungeons.

Now there is another story about St. Valentine as well. It is said that while imprisoned awaiting execution, he fell in love with the warden Austerius’ blind daughter, and somehow he cured her of her blindness. On his last day, before he was clubbed, beaten, and beheaded, on February 14, 270 AD, he wrote her of his undying love, and he signed the letter “from your Valentine.”

The Church later sainted Valentine and declared this day to be in his name. St. Valentine’s Day replaced the hugely popular Lupercalia celebrations, where goats were sacrificed to the god Lupercus so that He would later save them from the marauding packs of wolves from the local woods. At these festivals, boys and girls also exchanged love tokens and dances, a tradition that has continued, and they wore bits of wolf fur to enhance their fertility in the coming year. It is also said that on this day, Ferbruary 14, song birds begin to choose their mates.
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