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"Deadbeat Dads" Used to Promote National ID System
posted by Scott on Thursday February 07, @10:37AM
from the news/civil-liberties dept.
News Del Parker submitted this article from TooGoodReports, which discusses the federal government's use of databases to track details about the lives of its citizens. So why is this related to men's issues? Well, the key argument being put forth to promote these systems is that they will be used to track "deadbeat dads." It's always nice to have a scapegoat that everyone hates in order to implement freedom-usurping surveillance systems, and apparently "deadbeat dads" seem to be a universal group that lawmakers can target.

Source: TooGoodReports.com [web site]

Title: Too Late To Stop National ID

Author: Roger F. Gay

Date: November 29, 2001

Fatherhood Coalition Urges Resistance to MA Child Support Guidelines | Book Discussion of Patai's Heterophobia  >

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The Communist Think it's Fine! (Score:1)
by warble (activistwarble@yahoo.com) on Thursday February 07, @02:10PM EST (#1)
(User #643 Info)
I spoke to a coworker who is a programmer about the issue of a National database. He is married to a wife who is from the former USSR. His view is that the Soviet Union has such a system and that it works fine. He claimed there were no abuses and claimed that I was just paranoid.

However, I am his senior and direct him on how these systems are to be designed. As an expert, I can tell you that he is seriously misinformed. There is no question but that the U.S. Government will use such a database to further criminalize men. There is no other intention for such a system.

The effect will be that for every minor imperfection and mistake that a man makes, there will be a record, and that record will follow you everywhere unless extraordinary measures are taken to remove the record. Even then, there can be no guarantee that the record is expunged from the system. It can reappear without warning for a variety of reasons.

Further, the reason this will be such a problem is that women are free to make false allegations without fear of criminal prosecution. Once there is a false allegation, there will be an arrest record, or there will be a record of a police visit to the home complete with the false allegation. That record will follow you everywhere!

That record will be permanent. Every State, County, City, and Federal Agency will have access to that record. They will not care that the arrest is due to a false allegation. Make no mistake that the record will impact how men are treated by the Police States.

I have tried to call many male legislatures on this issue. Unfortunately, they have predominately female Administrative Assistants. It is the practice of these females to filter out the information that the male legislatures receive.

Since the females believe this is in their favor (which it is), they are censoring the information. We need to find another way to inform the legislature of the dangers of such a tracking system. Until then our pleas will fall on deaf ears.

Book suggestion. (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Thursday February 07, @09:25PM EST (#2)
(User #3 Info) http://www.vortxweb.net/gorgias/mens_issues/
If anyone's interested in this subject in general, I'd highly recommend Simson Garfinkel's Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century.

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