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Potential Improvement for Prostatitis Treatment
posted by Scott on Tuesday January 08, @09:49AM
from the men's-health dept.
Men's Health Bill wrote in about some important medical information for men who are starting to have problems with their prostate. He reports that there is a technique that some doctors should be aware of that can improve the treatment of routine prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). If you are experiencing this problem, consider talking to your doctor about the following. Click Read More below to view Bill's letter.

I don't know how much you know about prostates so bear with me if you already know this stuff. One of the most common prostate problems for men is prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). Most doctors believe it is due to infection so they just start prescribing antibiotics, which certainly makes sense. But these antibiotics can cost a fortune (I'm taking Cipro; $193 for a 3 week supply!!!) and they aren't always the correct antibiotic needed. So it becomes hit and miss, try an antibiotic, doesn't work, try a different one. Also, some doctors will actually encourage patients to have sex (i.e. ejaculate) thereby decreasing pressure on the prostate by decreasing the amount of fluid in it. And there are men who, for any number of reasons, may have a problem with this.

The doctor at www.prostate-usa.com has devised a system (tested on numerous men in the Phillipines) where he actually massages the prostate via the anus. It sounds bizarre, I know, but this is not the first time I've heard of this. He massages it to the point where some fluid actually comes out the penis which gives the patient a little relief and then in a lab detects specifically what bacteria exist in the fluid and prescribes the antibiotic based on the type of bacteria. Sounds novel indeed but it may have potential and God knows prostatitis is a common and recurring problem in men in their 40's. It happens so often to truck drivers they've nicknamed it "truck drivers' disease". Of course for the record I'm not a medical professional or anything like that, so take this advice as you see fit.


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