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New Book Exposes American Media Bias
posted by Scott on Sunday December 23, @06:06AM
from the media dept.
The Media Ragtime sent in this UK Telegraph article a while ago, which I'm just getting around to posting now. It's about the new book Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, which claims that all of the major American media outlets have a strongly liberal bias and intentionally make conservatives or liberal cause opponents look bad. This certainly resonates with my observations of the media, but the fact that Goldberg is an "insider" and quotes people directly discussing this bias makes the material all the more interesting.

Source: The Telegraph [UK newspaper]

Title: America's TV liberals 'twist stories to fit their own agenda'

Author: Unknown

Date: December 7, 2001

Men Being Pushed Out of Australian Workplace | MANN/iFeminists Chat: Reproductive Technology  >

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Control the image - control the culture. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 23, @12:40PM EST (#1)
I'm currently reading Tammy Bruce's book "The New Thought Police” and to keep this short and to the point, I'm going to quote directly from her book.

...The {media} is in the business of influencing us (viewers) in the direction of guilt, shame and retreat on socially important issues."

She examines from her own perspective (as former leader of the LA branch of NOW) how the media is filled to the brim with liberals who report issues from only one perspective, and use subtle but consistent "spins" on all events to discourage dissent of opinion from the general public.

Note to readers: Tammy's book does not review the negative implications that feminism has on men or specifically men's issues, but she does outline the inner workings of the feminist/liberal establishment and "connects the dots" behind the scenes to help enable an understanding of contemporary thought control. A good read for anyone interested in equality....

I intend to buy "Bias" next.

CBS History Fact (Score:1)
by DaveW on Sunday December 23, @09:47PM EST (#2)
(User #379 Info)
When Ted Turner launched his bid to buy CBS, the network responded with a vast, expensive counter attack. One of the things they did was launch a propaganda compaign against Turner. One of the accusations was that Turner was "...unfit to lead a network because of his connections to conservative and Christian groups."

Read the chapter on Men (Score:1)
by Mars on Saturday December 29, @10:11PM EST (#3)
(User #73 Info)
This book is highly relevant to the men's movement. It contains a chapter on men's issues which is so good, that I won't spoil it for you by describing it.
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