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E-Book: Suffering Patriarchy
posted by Adam on Wednesday December 19, @05:00AM
from the fatherhood dept.
Fatherhood I've found a new E-Book on father's issues, it's written by Robert Lindsay, and while its main focus is on fatherhood, he does digress into men's issues a bit, judging from the chapters I've quickly looked at. Robert himself made a forum post over at Arizonafathersrights.com to explain things better, and as the man says, "This is a watershed work that completely connects-the-dots for any reader so interested to take the time and read this work." How can you resist? Visit the book's home page and begin reading.

Male Coach at Smith College Gets $1.6 Million in Discrimination Lawsuit | L.A. Times Gushes Over Paula Poundstone  >

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I have said this before ... (Score:1)
by donaldcameron1 (aal@amateuratlarge.com) on Wednesday December 19, @09:00AM EST (#1)
(User #357 Info) http://www.amateuratlarge.com
... etc.

The (Canadian) Family Responsiblities Office in its very design, is about the government directed redistribution of wealth.
Not about the welfare of children.
It puts the money into the hand of mothers or young adolescents (because "fathers generate the wealth") and removes the father.

How can you have effective economic policy when there is no fiscal accountability?
It is still wellfare, just a very unique type of wellfare.

It is a belnd of totalitarianism and comunisum it is a revival of indenture complete with debtor's prison.

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