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Neil's Effort Pays Off
posted by Scott on Saturday December 01, @11:16AM
from the news dept.
News Marc Angelucci writes "To all who wrote the LA Times, thanks! They printed Neil Steyskal's letter responding to the articles that only focus on Afghan women but not men. These editors are of course quite biased. I know a number of people who wrote letters. But the editors printed only one and printed a letter on top of it that attacks men for having a back track record in Afghan leadership. No doubt they did this to send the subtle "but it's men who do it" message. Anyhow, nice job Neil!" Neil also was printed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Baltimore Sun. Way to go, man!

Contraceptives for Men | Two More Afghan Bias Articles  >

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Citing Adam Jones's media critique
by DrMatrix on Saturday December 01, @12:02PM EST (#1)
(User #268 Info)
It might be helpful to cite the scholarly research of Adam Jones and quote some of his main points. No one else has argued more persuasively than Jones that "... "unworthy" male victims tend to be marginalized or ignored entirely in mass-media coverage." If one simply writes journalists about the soft-pedalling of male victims of war violence without pointing out the extent to which their biased treatment is institutionalized, they're likely to shrug it off as some kind of "backlash," instead of recognizing Jones's thesis for what it is: a devastating critique of mainstream media practice. The probablity that newspaper editors will reconstruct Jones's critique from a few comments about the media's unequal treatment of men and women as victims of violence is close to zero.

What happens when you alert journalists to Jones's critique? I've sent journalists the link http://adamjones.freeservers.com/effacing.htm to the article of Jone's (Effacing the Male) that the above quote was taken from. Journalists take this to heart--and they say so. One female journalist even got defensive in response to this, and asked me whether I might have been victimized in some way that warranted more attention--shades of competitive feminism.
Re:Citing Adam Jones's media critique
by nagzi (nagziNO@SPAMPLEASEphreaker.net) on Saturday December 01, @12:44PM EST (#2)
(User #86 Info)
Just wanted to thank you for posting a really good link with tons of excellent information on it.
Re:Citing Adam Jones's media critique
by Anonymous User on Saturday December 01, @01:16PM EST (#3)
I think this is a good place to mention that Neil has been awarded the title of Honoray Member of the International Men's Network for his achivements, this is by no means the first issue he's been able to get into the media.

One thing worth mentioning is that it's not just the big national papers that are worth aiming at, it's often easier to get into local papers who are typically starved of well-written letters about anything but will sometimes tackle more national stories. As such it's worth search out a few and monitoring them. Often they cant tell from an email address if you're local or not..

Alan Carr
http://www.bigglesguy.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/network .html
Re:Citing Adam Jones's media critique
by DrMatrix on Saturday December 01, @01:52PM EST (#4)
(User #268 Info)
Here's another link that can be cited. Note the dates of publication of articles Effacing the Male: Gender, Misrepresentation, and Exclusion in the Kosovo War (early 2001) and The Globe and Males: The Other Side of Gender Bias in Canada's National Newspaper (1992), available at http://adamjones.freeservers.com/globe.htm.

These dates ought to clarify who should be cited for so forcefully pointing out gender biased treatment of victims of violence in the press. It ought to become apparent that men's activists got the idea for this campaign after reading Jones's work, or after reading second hand accounts of it.

This is not to undermine the campaign in any way; its effectiveness is well taken. I'm pointing out who ought to be credited for making the original arguments, which then became known to men's activists generally, and I'm suggesting that references to Jones's pioneering studies can help provide the background that is difficult--if not impossible--to include in the limited space that newspapers allot for letters to the editor.
Re:Citing Adam Jones's media critique
by Anonymous User on Saturday December 01, @04:04PM EST (#5)
Tried that link, is now a dud.

Only Men?
by Anonymous User on Saturday December 01, @05:23PM EST (#6)
Regarding the "but it's men who do it" argument, I heard on WABC-AM Radio, New York this morning that a British-born woman who was pregnant blew herslf up within the last couple of days in a suicide attack against the Northern Alliance, near Mazar-e-Sharif. I've not been able to find any further information on this, but it did come from a national news service.
The links work.
by DrMatrix on Saturday December 01, @05:53PM EST (#7)
(User #268 Info)
The links


and the link to Adam Jones's site


are not duds. These links work. Are you telling the truth?
Re:The links work.
by Mars on Saturday December 01, @07:43PM EST (#8)
(User #73 Info)
I've never had any trouble with the Adam Jones links in the months following their first published appearance on this site, I believe in early September, at /article.pl?sid=01/09/0 4/1736222&mode=nested.

Perhaps his internet connection is giving him trouble, or the URL was mistyped...
Re:The links work.
by Anonymous User on Sunday December 02, @04:21AM EST (#9)
I copied/pasted the url and it simply didn't work although I agree it's working now.

Now I know it's working I have added it to the IMN site.


Re:The links work.
by DrMatrix on Sunday December 02, @12:40PM EST (#10)
(User #268 Info)
Thank you. Please accept my apologies for my churlishness.
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