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A Barrage of Stories About the MHA Campaign
posted by Scott on Thursday November 29, @10:01AM
from the media dept.
The Media Neil Steyskal continues to send in so many news stories related to the Afghan men campaign, we can barely fit them all! Here's a summary: Good news! Carey Roberts again got a letter printed pointing out bias, this time in the Washington Post. This article from USA Today talks about land mines in Afghanistan - and that most of those killed or maimed by them are men: editor@usatoday.com. And this FrontPageMagazine article author is in need of some awareness: radioright@aol.com. The latest Men's Health America posting offers a sample letter to send to Amnesty International, demanding that the plight of Afghan men no longer be silenced. Keep the positive and negative feedback going to those news outlets!

False Rape Accusation Backfires | Hefty Trash Bag Commerical Trashes Men  >

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excellent work!
by plumber on Thursday November 29, @06:18PM EST (#1)
(User #301 Info)
Men are not disposable. It's not ok for men to be killed. Say it again and again!

I'm tired of the sexism of male-only Selective Service registration being treated in the media as a "woman's rights" issue. Either Selective Service registration should be abolished or both sexes should be required to register to be eligible for compulsory service in our sex-integrated military.

Men are not disposable. Compulsory male sacrifice and heroism demeans male sacrifice and heroism. Say it again and again!

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