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Karen Ripley and Marcelee Gralapp of the Boulder Public Library should indeed be charged with child abuse and child endangerment. In addition, they and anyone else, who helped make the display of this hate-art possible, should be charged with sexual harassment.
Make no mistake about it, the Boulder City government itself is guilty of promoting hatred and violence against all men and boys.
Kudos to Lowell Jaks for pointing out that the crime was comitted directly by women (Ripley and Gralapp as well as the "artist" Walker) against men and boys and now a woman (Keenan) is prosecuting a man for defending himself.
we symbolize justice as a blind woman -- the riddle is solved by our own unconscious carvings
she is the great mother in a padded-shoulder suit
woman because modern "justice" derives from matriarchal social organization by talion -- mother-right revenge under assumption of feminine divinity and masculine bestiality
blind not because impartial, but because she will not see what she wishes not to see -- anything not supporting and furthering her power
we haven't progressed anywhere near as far as we think -- but at least now we've got female prosecutors and judges, that we may cast the sham aside
the modern prison-industrial complex blossomed concurrent with modern feminism
this is not an accident
"there's a babe in the arms of a woman in a rage" -- bob dylan, from "where are you tonight?"
Here's a copy of the letter that I just emailed to Boulder DA Mary Keenan:
Dear Ms. Keenan:
I just read the letter sent to you by Lowell Jaks. While I agree with everything that he said, regarding the fact that Robert Rowan should not be prosecuted for defending himself and children from a hate crime, I would like to add a few points.
While Karen Ripley and Marcelee Gralapp of the Boulder Public Library should indeed be charged with child abuse and child endangerment, charges should also be brought against the "artist" Susanne Walker as well as the directors of Safehouse, to the extent that they were accessories to this hate-crime. In addition, they and anyone else, who helped make the display of this hate-art possible, should be charged with sexual harassment of all males who saw the display. Please note that I would like to testify that I was sexually harassed when I saw this vile display.
To the extent that the Boulder City government is in charge of the Boulder Public Library, knew of this display and did nothing to stop it, that government is guilty of promoting hatred and violence against all men and boys.
Finally, I would like to commend Lowell Jaks for pointing out that this hate-crime was committed directly by women (Ripley and Gralapp as well as the "artist" Walker) against men and boys and now a woman is prosecuting a man for defending himself and children.
Thomas Walsh
Just to keep you updated... I, unfortunately, wasn't able to listen to the Lewis and Floorwax show the last two days, so I don't know if they're planning a demonstration tomorrow at the BPL. I've called Bob to remind him to let me know, so I'm now waiting for his reply.
I'll keep you posted.
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