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Proposed MI Bill to Prohibit Schools from Recommending Ritalin
posted by Scott on Thursday November 01, @05:55PM
from the boys/young-men dept.
Boys/Young Men Cheddah writes "A package of bills before the Michigan Legislature would prohibit school employees from recommending that any student be prescribed Ritalin. As any Mensactivism reader knows, it has been mostly young boys who have been targeted for this drug." This certainly opens up some questions about parent's rights vs. public school authority, and I think we need more debate on this issue. You can read the story here.

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Have a look at this
by Anonymous User on Thursday November 01, @06:16PM EST (#1)
It is important to note that the Drug Enforcement Administration, and all other drug enforcement agencies worldwide, classify methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine (Dexedrine and Adderall) in the same Schedule II category as methamphetamine, cocaine, and the most potent opiates and barbiturates. Schedule II includes only those drugs with the very highest potential for addiction and abuse.


And guess what this will lead to?

All major Western European nations' incarceration rates are about or below 100 per 100,000. In the United States, in 2000, the incarceration rate for African-American women was 205 per 100,000, and for African-American men 3,457 per 100,000. The rate of incarceration for Hispanic women is 60 per 100,000, and for Hispanic men the rate is 1,220 per 100,000. The rate of incarceration for white women is 34 per 100,000, and for white men the rate is 449 per 100,000.


It's now offical, the war on drugs is a war on men. If this were happening to girls you can bet your life ritalin would be banned. The Martian Bachelor Science Page has got the whole thing pinned down.


Adam H

Re:war on drugs and males
by remarksman on Thursday November 01, @07:21PM EST (#2)
(User #241 Info)
right-o, adam, lambs to the slaughter

i used to work in a "low socio-economic status," "special education" classroom at the k-third grade levels

i don't do that to boys any more

"special ed" is mostly where they dump the damaged, uppity little males -- it's the fast track to the prison-industrial complex

the boys who are dosed overwhelmingly come from single-mother households, and lack not only fathers, but any semblance of male models

the strongest of the boys, predictably, rebel against the gynocratic home, school, and culture -- so we nuke em with ritalin

like circumcision, it is occult child abuse, and as men it is our responsibility to stop it

Re:war on drugs and males
by Anonymous User on Friday November 02, @08:39AM EST (#3)
With you on this one Ray.

Adam H
Leave treatment options open
by Subversive on Monday November 12, @05:57AM EST (#4)
(User #343 Info)
That these drugs are abused in the manner in which they are prescribed is obvious. However some people who take them for ADD & ADHD, including both kids & adults, are very happy with the results they provide. The goal should not be to ban certain treatment options; the goal should be to take schools out of the equation. This decision should be entirely between the child, the parents, and their doctor.
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