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War on Terrorism Renews Women in the Military Debate
posted by Nightmist on Thursday October 04, @06:16PM
from the military dept.
News This article on jsonline.com discusses not women and the Draft, but women in the military in general. Opinions from both sides are well-represented: why women should be in combat roles and why they shouldn't. It's something to think about. From an advocate for women in combat: "Women are tougher than most people think, and they can shoot as well as any man, that's not sex-linked."

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Women In Combat = The End of the Draft?
by Anonymous User on Thursday October 04, @06:48PM EST (#1)
I'm rabidly against the draft. Happily I think it's about to be eliminated, for a variety of reasons, security being at the top (we don't need unwilling soldiers who are filled with dark rage at the country that drafted them, hellbent on revenge against that country, deciding to work for Osama Bin Laden to get the opportunity to extract that revenge).

However, even if the reasons I'm thinking of didn't exist, letting women serve in combat roles would definitely negate the supposed "need" for a draft. It's simple math. Opening the military up to women completely would double the number of potential recruits. We'd have even less reason to draft the unwilling than we do now.

Yes, a lot of women would not want to serve, but a lot of men wouldn't either. I think they'd be more than made up for by those who do wish to serve.
Public would not tolerate the carnage
by Anonymous User on Friday October 05, @06:33AM EST (#2)
Aside from the current events, which were so serious most would accept some casualties to find justice......

I'm for women in the military and even in combat. Although I am generally opposed to the draft, I think if we do draft men, we should also draft women for the same positions.

US society has often been too forgiving of sending men and boys into harm's way -- even seeing them come home in body bags or not at all. Often for reasons that may not merit it such as propping up one military dictator against another or keeping the oil price lower. I think most agree that seeing women come home in body bags or missing limbs and such makes us end a war or draft sooner, or better yet, not even start one, that's a good thing IMO.
Re:Public would not tolerate the carnage
by frank h on Friday October 05, @08:20AM EST (#3)
(User #141 Info)
This article is nothing more than part of the marketing campaign for the feminists who think that men and women are the same. It’s based wholly on a report generated by the Women's Research & Education Institute, which promotes equity for women. The ploy of including Turner and McGinnis as the “token males” is transparent. The people who are interviewed, on both sides of the issue are not scientists who can tell us for sure how men and women will perform differently under combat conditions. For Lory Manning to say that the US military could not operate without women is ridiculous. It’s true that if all of the women decided to retire tomorrow, then many jobs would be left unfilled, but they can be replaced, and to say that their gender is essential to the military is simply wrong. Manning says "Women are tougher than most people think, and they can shoot as well as any man, that's not sex-linked." Where’s the science behind that statement? And if shooting were the sole criteria for soldiering, there would be little real quarrel. But how fast can a woman run with a 60 lb. pack? But okay, I’ll buy the notion that Mia Hamm and Michael Jordan are equally as athletic. And I’ll buy the notion that Michelle Akers and Phil Simms are equally as tough. But of those four, if I had to pick two to represent me on the battlefield, it would be Jordan and Simms, hands down. I’m, not saying that women can’t be useful in the military. Clearly they can. But men have better biological tools for hunting and war-fighting. Any nation that deliberately sends a weaker force into battle will quickly get the defeat it so richly deserves.
Manning cites the participation of women in the American military going all the way back to the Revolutionary War, where they dressed as men to participate. Many of these women brought water to the artillery-men during battle, and in the case of Molly Pitcher, they took over their husband’s role loading cannon when he fell. In WWII, women like my mother took over clerical jobs while the men went to the front. There is no question that women have participated in the military, and that many have performed with valor. The question is can they do the same job as men?
As far as the draft is concerned, if we are defending our own nation, and not just our “interests,” then the draft will be superfluous. If we see a need for the draft in any given conflict, then we should really be looking hard at the motivation for our participating. In the end, it comes down to “fitness for duty.” We have reduced our overall fitness for duty by lower training standards to accommodate female careerists, women who just want the standards lower to enhance their prospects for advancement. I have no quarrel with women serving in combat who can meet the rigorous training standards necessary for warfighting. But it is absolutely unacceptable to me that we have lowered our standards, and thereby our defense readiness, just so these women can advance their careers.

Women Are Terrified
by cshaw on Friday October 05, @09:44PM EST (#4)
(User #19 Info)
Women are terrified as a result of the latest terrorist attacks. You speak to them privately and the convey a deep sense of fear and foreboding. If you read many of the posts made by women and feminists, they convey a deep sense of fear and foreboding. Women are concerned, in my opinon, that American men will not defend the USA. It is clear to me that they believe that there is a real threat that the social, cultural, political system that has granted them,as women, such freedoms and privileges may collapse with the result that they will lose the same and possibly much more.
Re:Women Are Terrified
by remarksman on Saturday October 06, @01:57AM EST (#5)
(User #241 Info)
woman is land is nation, and her inviolability is for the first time breached, her sovereignty for the first time threatened ... her dream of perfect protection thwarted

cshaw is correct – the american feminine is unsure whether disenfranchised, emasculated males can, or will, fulfill their warrior roles on command

the great phallic symbols, now rubble, are the shards of american manhood, the result of its foundational erosion over the past three decades … ain’t no telling what the boy’s gonna do now

normalcy is what we want, but we’re not going to get it … assurances of vengeance and protection by government and media can’t fool the collective female unconscious … women know a reckoning is coming

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