This is the same element that allows Lawyers to play some women (Note the word "SOME") by appealing to the greed in them.
I've seen many divorces actually start out civil just to have things turn into a death match once SHE has made a visit to her local lawyer.
It happens all the time. The lawyer starts baiting the woman with comments like "You could get half his retirement" or "You really deserve Alimony". Don't get me wrong, they play these games with men as well, but given the Family Courts bias in favor of women, any aggression or demands made by men are seen as attempts to control his soon to be ex. So it doesn't help him and can do great harm to his case.
The greed game is one of the most unethical practices of the family law attorney and benefits him/her by extending the divorce process and increasing the billing hours they charge, which averages around $250 an hour.
I believe it would serve a greater purpose if both parties were required to pay Attorney fees for the children, at least this way, maybe the best interest of the children might get some priority.
Gold digger are not without value. They have a tremendous sense of business and should be allowed to prosper in our society. This is why I would openly support their right to sell whatever assets they have, for a profit. Provided of course it's done in a ethical fee for services fashion as oppose to outright stealing
Dan Curry