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Sexist Reporting of Teen Violence Stats
posted by Scott on Friday September 07, @08:05AM
from the news dept.
News rparent writes "This is an opinion piece, but it gives an interesting view of how teen violence stats are reported differently, depending on the victim's gender. Check it out at this link." The article does a great job of unraveling "advocacy research," a concept the general public needs to be aware of.

Source: PressDemocrat.com [web site]

Title: Sexist reporting of violence studies

Author: Joe Manthey

Date: September 4, 2001

Clayton Giles Arrives in Washtinton, D.C. | Swedish Government to Regulate, Possibly Ban, Male Circumcision  >

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Sexist reporting of violence studies
by Maritta Meri on Monday September 10, @09:06AM EST (#1)
(User #183 Info)
A study by Dr. David A. Wolfe, University of Western Ontario, (Ontario, Canada), funded by the U.S. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, (NIAAA), in collaboration with the University of Houston, called: "Preventing Abuse in Adolescent Dating Relationships" has come out with an innovative definition after Dr. Wolfe himself had to admit, to his chagrin, that adolescent females are more violent in dating relationships than their male counterparts: "For females, risk of clinically significant ANGER and DEPRESSION PROBLEM was ... For males, risk of USING PHYSICAL ABUSE against their partner ..."
Women are angry, men are abusive. Cannot be more creative than that. [In: Research Bulletin: News from the Advisory Board of the Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children. Vol. 1, no. 3, May 2001]http://www.uwo.ca/violence/newsletter1_3.pdf

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