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New Dating Abuse Study
posted by Scott on Thursday August 02, @04:54PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Neil Steyskal sent in an item from the Times-Dispatch about a new study which found that "one in five high school girls is physically or sexually abused by a dating partner." The article's highlight is the statement: "The study also suggests that a disturbing number of adolescent boys "have adopted attitudes that men are entitled to control their girlfriends through violence," said lead author Jay G. Silverman of Harvard University's School of Public Health." I'd encourage people to research this study and examine the methodology. It seems to me that the findings might be explained by an over-emphasis of poor men and women, but is certainly not representative of the population at large.

Source: The Times-Dispatch [newspaper]

Title: One in five girls a date abuse victim: Study says it fuels risky behavior

Author: Unknown (AP article)

Date: August 1, 2001

Men's Unhealthy Fears | Woman Gets 1-10 Years For Sexual Assault on 12-Year-Old Boy  >

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harvard hit-piece on evil males (Score:1)
by remarksman on Thursday August 02, @07:33PM EST (#1)
(User #241 Info)
harvard has a long, consistent, and infamous history of "advocacy scholarship" (read: feminism) concerning gender issues ... in american academia there's big money, mucho public strokes, and assured tenure in whipping on males

harvard's "study" was the topic on abc nightline last night ... ted koppel gathered a select group of self-righteous, over-entitled college females and one adult feminist to "discuss" the issue -- predictably, it was a complete whitewash, the standard evil male/innocent female spin that american media employs on all gender issues

to close the piece, koppel somehow marshalled what little masculinity remains to him and asked the fems whether it was ever possible that a college female might have sex with a man one night, regret it the next day, and conclude that she was abused

guess what? ... all of them assured america that such a thing could never happen, nor had they ever heard of such a thing ever happening ... although one of the fems hesitated an instant and waffled a bit on her answer

this spin is reminiscent of the one-in-four american-college-females-has-been-raped agitational propaganda that, although long since discredited, is now firmly entrenched in the collective consciousness of the nation, and refected across our misandrist culture, especially the legal system and prison-industrial-complex

american men had better wake up, and quick ... these are the methods that have been used, and will continue to be used, as excuses for the culture to imprison, degrade, discriminate against, and otherwise make war on us ... this "study' has nothing whatsoever to do with valid issues of abuse and protection, and everything to do with occult power and control over anything even vaguely masculine ... these are the tactics by which we are kept in our places ... these are the links of our chains, and it's going to get worse, much much worse

god help my brothers

ray remark
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