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John Leo: Miffing the Myth Makers
posted by Scott on Thursday June 07, @04:23AM
from the censorship dept.
Censorship John Leo's column in U.S. News and World Report covers the IWF's feminist myth-busting ad, and serves as yet more embarrassing coverage to colleges and universities which no longer tolerate free speech and open inquiry. Leo analyzes the attacks on the ad, noting that the tactics of campus feminists are to portray the ad as creating a hostile environment for women, and trying to shift the perception of the ad as an issue of free speech to one of violent speech. Leo then quotes Stanley Kurtz with, "Once words we don't like have been equated with acts of violence, there's no place left for free speech." I thought this was a great article for making this issue more explicit.

Source: U.S. News and World Report

Title: Miffing the myth makers

Author: John Leo

Date: June 4, 2001

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