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Lawyers Profiting from Gender Polarization
posted by Adam on Wednesday March 21, @02:12PM
from the Divorce dept.
Divorce I've some mixed news about divorce - read this story. It turns out that British men might be able get a "cheaper" divorce settlement in certain countries due to a new European Union regulation. However, the main reason I'm posting this is due to this quote from Alain Cornec, a divorce lawyer in France who says "Being a lawyer, I'm delighted, the more paranoid that spouses get about their absent partners, the more legal assistance they will seek." It just goes to show how much profit there is for lawyers (and certain other groups) in gender polarization.

Scotland's Police Allowed to Take DNA Samples from All Crime Suspects | Sexism in American Psychologist  >

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Lawyers (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on Thursday March 22, @05:25PM EST (#1)
Boy, I'm going to get out of men's rights and get into lawyer's rights.

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