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Scotland's Police Allowed to Take DNA Samples from All Crime Suspects
posted by Scott on Wednesday March 21, @07:13AM
from the news dept.
News Scotland's national DNA database is about to become a lot bigger, now that police have been given permission to take DNA samples from anyone who is arrested. The UK Daily Telegraph story can be read here. Previously, only major crime suspects, such as murderers and sex criminals, were forced to give DNA samples. While suspects who are found innocent will have the DNA sample destroyed from the database, this still opens the door to the wider use of DNA to identify and track citizens, which carries a number of consequences in regard to privacy and civil liberties issues. Thanks to AngryHarry for the link.

Source: The Daily Telegraph [UK newspaper]

Title: Police force lets officers take DNA from all suspects

Author: Tara Womersley

Date: March 20, 2001

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