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Sex Abuse by Women
posted by Scott on Saturday February 10, @01:57PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence Anonymous User writes "This Ottawa Sun report is an article about how women can be sex offenders and not always the victims as feminists would have us believe." From the article: "The criminal acts of pedophiles are similar, whether it is committed by a female or male perpetrator...Rick Goodwin, director of The Men's Project counseling program for male survivors of sexual abuse, agrees that female offenders tend to go unnoticed. He calls sex abuse by women the 'invisible crime.' There is usually no physical evidence; cases go unreported; allegations aren't believed or can't be proven." While the article doesn't include much in the way of statistics, it is an encouraging break from the silence which is too often heard on this important issue.

Source: Ottawa Sun [newspaper]

Title: Sex abuse by women: The 'invisible crime'

Author: Kathleen Harris

Date: February 10, 2001

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